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Guilty DOG Face Reactions

Lady Testifies B4 Congress Sobs 2 Hard 2 Tell Em Y Shes Ther

MI Senator tells the truth in the face of a hateful lie

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Mark Lewis Magician

Star Trek: The Next Generation: The Animated Series

Making of a hand crafted wooden mechanical whale

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bobknight33 (Member Profile)

newtboy says...

Mr engineer, when there are two parties, sentence structure demands you use plurals….both sides have THEIR share of undesirables. An engineer should see grammar as a clearly defined structure that follows simple rules and just get it. Spelling is different, but grammar should be a no brainer….why is it so hard for you? Have you never seen it that way, or was engineering incredibly difficult for you too?

The difference being one side is all undesirables, and the level of undesirability. One side openly calls for an end to American democracy, death for their political rivals, death for anyone who disagrees with today’s talking point. One side has no party platform, no stated goals, and exists solely to stop any legislation the other side puts forth, even when it was something they want or that would benefit them. They are the same side.

We found another point of agreement.

Term limits are a must, and will never happen because our system does put the regulatory onus on those who need regulating….absolute insanity. It also lets them set their own salaries, ethics, and benefits.

Divestment is another must. Perhaps a bigger must. Total divestment across the board. Not just blind trusts that aren’t really blind, and absolutely not what we have now…the “honor” system run by the honorless. Allowing legislatures to write horrific laws because they can personally financially benefit is a recipe for disaster. That should (but never will) change.

Campaign finance is a third must. Corporations should have the same donation limits individuals have, which should be more like $100 each so every person can afford to have a voice, and we should return to an equal time on broadcast tv for free situation and deny the media as a political platform to give candidates a boost….no more Fox News interviews indistinguishable from campaign commercials, no more media smear campaigns, with severe penalties for violations, like $10 mil the first time, $25 mil the second, loss of fcc license the third. Another non starter….but needed badly.

PACs should be outlawed, or regulated into obscurity.

Some reasons often brought up in opposition to term limits can be traced back to Maddison who wrote "[A] few of the members of Congress will possess superior talents; will by frequent re-elections, become members of long standing; will be thoroughly masters of the public business, and perhaps not unwilling to avail themselves of those advantages. The greater the proportion of new members of Congress, and the less the information of the bulk of the members, the more apt they be to fall into the snares that may be laid before them,"

I think we have proven at this point the cons of self serving representatives legislating for personal gains outweigh the benefits of professional legislators, especially seeing as we have the internet and huge staffs to ostensibly level the playing field of knowledge.

One fix would be the creation of an ethics branch, completely non partisan, not self regulatory, with rules against former candidates (winners and losers) and lobbyists too from serving and strict rules about how they operate, and bans from running for office or being a lobbyist afterwards so it doesn’t become a campaign platform or tool for industry. Maybe even ban close family members from the same. Won’t happen, only the best people intentionally limit their powers, and they are few and far between in Congress….all but absent on your side.

bobknight33 said:

Cheney is 1 of the "others"

Both sides have its share of undesirables.

Term limits should be a must, but we have "the fox watching the hen house" so this will never happen.

Herd of sheep drone footage is a beautiful thing to watch

Will Smith smacks Chris Rock on stage at Oscars Uncensored

newtboy says...

Smith lost a lot of fans right there….me included.
If you don’t have a sense of humor about yourself, don’t go to awards shows where the audience is fair game for jokes at their expense. Same for your wife/husband.
If being bald is a touchy subject, wear a wig. (Coming from a bald guy who’s been bald by choice for 25 years and never once got mad at a Mr Clean or penis head joke).

Will can fuck right off with his violent tantrum (or pretend tantrum if this is some scripted ploy). Chris should have decked him back in the face, kicked him in the balls, and kicked him off stage head first. What a child. I hope charges are pressed and lawsuits filed….he deserves them. If there aren’t repercussions, that’s a good indicator this was scripted to boost dismal ratings, which IMO might be worse.

Playing Darts

Funny Australian McDonalds drive-thru worker

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Old guy's laugh totally upstages comedian (@1:15)

Male Hanky Panky explored on Graham Norton

M*A*S*H War is war, Hell is Hell

Redline (2009) has amazing animation

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