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Guns with History

StukaFox says...

I don't want to ban guns, but I would like to see the following:

1. License gun owners like Germany licenses drivers. Six months of classes, followed by multiple exams.

2. Mandatory psychological examination for any person wanting to purchase a gun.

3. Require that a minimum of $1,000,000 death or dismemberment insurance be carried at all times.

4. Automatic 25-year sentence for ANY crime involving a gun.

Limit guns to:

- Shotguns: Single-barrel breach-load.

- Pistols: 6-shot rotating cylinder; hammer-cocked firing mechanism. No semi-automatic pistols.

- Rifles: Single-shot, bolt-action.

Cameraman on a Segway takes out Usain Bolt

artician says...

Do you say that because, from Bolt's perspective, he's not aware of what's going on and thought the dude might have done it on purpose? Or do you come from/live in the kind of environment where that's the normal reaction to an accident between two people?
This isn't meant to provoke or disrespect you; just meant to be a question.

Fairbs said:

I know it was an accident and all, but I'm surprised he didn't deck the guy.

Cameraman on a Segway takes out Usain Bolt

Cameraman on a Segway takes out Usain Bolt

Cameraman on a Segway takes out Usain Bolt

Porsche 918 Spyder Assembly Line

AeroMechanical says...

A lot of times I watch these videos of people building handmade exotic cars, and it seems like a very pleasant job, but for some reason this just looks awful. Rather than one person, say, bolting the engine together piece by piece, this is just an assembly line with people doing the work instead of robots. Very little of what they show would even remotely qualify as skilled labor.

Flower crashes cat

The Steampunk World's Fair 2015 - Steampunk Cosplay

JustSaying says...

So, the Steampunk World's Fair is basically nothing but oldtimey ComicCon? Trow some gears and bolts on you costume and that's it?
There were some truly great costumes but also just some dude wearing a Fez, Thor and a fucking mime.

Michelle Obama on race in America

Slow Motion Look Inside An AK-74

newtboy says...

That was cool!
Was anyone else surprised at the amount of wobble in the bolt/piston? I couldn't believe that, with that amount of wobble and deflection, (seen clearly when they remove the upper portion of the tube it rides in) that it could still work at all, much less at speed....but it does. Impressive.
(and yes, I do see clearly that it wobbles more with that tube removed...but it still had some wobble with it there, and more astonishing, it still worked with it gone...again, impressive!)

The Nepalese 7.9 earthquake also wiped out the Everest camps

SFOGuy says...

Meaning; it didn't occur to me that Nepal/Everest WAS earthquake country--but in places like California, one generally takes care not to sleep with things secured over the headboard of the bed and you bolt things to the wall (bookcases)---to camp in the slide zone of an ice cliff in such a region might give one pause...

eric3579 said:

It was the ice cliff in this picture which came down it seems

also for a better appreciation of size

Helpful raccoon washes your things

sanderbos says...

For one time, I would wish this was a viral (for waterproof mobile phones, or water-resistant shoes, or something).
I can't imagine that the natural behavior of these animals is 'whatever I find around that is not bolted down or too heavy, I am going to soak it in water and see what happens'.

The Empire Invades L.A.

Asmo says...

Seems to be a common theme lately, decent models etc, but the animation is in slow motion. Tie fighters and planes should be screaming around at high speed but seem to be inching (and don't get me started on the slow ass laser bolts).

But hey, I couldn't even begin to do something like this so the artist is miles ahead of me. Still fun to watch.

Happy 9th Siftiversary (Sift Talk Post)

A New Level Of Archery Skills

Drachen_Jager says...

Okay... but with that 2 pound draw bow, where are any of these skills useful outside of LARPing?

I mean, all he needs is a friend with a tinfoil covered wooden sword, and another with a funny hat, shouting, "Lightning bolt! Lightning bolt! Lightning bolt!" for this to be complete.

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Beggar's Canyon