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Vox: Sexist coverage steals the show at 2016 Olympics

Women Sandals

An Army of Vehicles Resurface a Street in Russia

plus size lingerie


eric3579 (Member Profile)

Bear in the garbage in Colorado

WeedandWeirdness says...

Being a filmmaker, I am fully aware how far from reality they can be. I was attempting to make a lame joke, so I apologize as well. I just assumed bears are aggressive, and walking up to one may not be the best idea. I think I would have a heart attack having to stand ground against a bear, or at least have wetter pants afterwards. Have you ever seen or heard about anyone trying to approach or pet/hug one? I have seen a few folks attempt to get close to elk and bison, and the look of complete shock on their faces after the animal has launched them a few feet in the air gets me every time. I love the title of your blog by the way, a bit bummed I cannot read it.

artician said:

I wasn't meaning to be a dick, but I was. I apologize.
It's not the number, it's the experience that comes from living with them. I have chased (stood ground) against enough just to know, but really I was reacting to your suggestion that watching a film about wildlife versus living with it was somehow superior experience.
And that's where I'm an assuming-asshole. I forget humans are universally stupid, and where they're not assuming things they see in movie are accurate portrayals of the real world, they're just making assumptions about other peoples life perspectives from their forum posts. /

"Release the Measurements"

Runway Numbers | Everything Decoded | Atlas Obscura

Election Fraud Lawsuit? Is This Real?

LiquidDrift says...

Lol, nothing in this video is convincing, certainly not the 'anchor', or the lawyer making the fraud claims.

I'll trust Nate Silver over some idiot shouting on the internet, here's his take:

"If Clinton significantly outperforms exit polls showing a close race tonight and wins by a fairly comfortable margin instead, will it be part of a broader pattern? Not really. We’ve been keeping track of how Clinton’s and Sanders’s actual results have compared to initial exit polls, and the differences have been pretty random over the course of the campaign.

With that said, sometimes a candidate whose supporters are more enthusiastic can be overrated by exit polls because of response bias — this was sometimes an issue for Obama during the 2008 campaign, and it’s plausible we could see something parallel happening with Sanders. Furthermore, pre-election polls showed a wider lead for Clinton than the exit polls did, and it’s usually worth taking a blend of exit polls and pre-election polls even when you have exit polls in hand."

Massive Alligator Crosses Golf course

CGP Grey - You Are Two (Brains)

entr0py says...

In anyone who doesn't have a split brain, left brain and right brain can share information through the corpus callosum. Right brain doesn't come up with the words, but it's happy to help you mash the correct keys, given a request from left brain.

I'm amazed I found exactly this question on a neuroscience blog :

Jinx said:

but can right brain actually type? Is it it not language, not just speech, that is in the realm of the left brain?

Bill Maher: Dilbert Creator Scott Adams

Imagoamin says...

Scott Adams has always been a raging trashfire. Not surprised he's a Trump supporter, especially after his rant about how women are like "children and the mentally handicapped".

MRA Dilbert blog taking his actual quotes and putting them into Dilbert strips should really just replace his cartoon.

10 Things Canadians Don't Know About Americans

Imagoamin says...

Oh yay, it's Gavin McInnes, the white nationalist dude that got booted from the company he founded for being even worse than the rest of Vice...

" McInnes has referred to Asian-Americans as "slopes" and "riceballs," suggested Muslims are "stupider" and "more violent" due to inbreeding, defended blackface because some minstrel shows were "just mimicking black people" and "fun," backed the racist comments of Duck Dynasty's Phil Robertson, and argued that to yell the n-word at someone is "not racist" but "just very rude."


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