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20 reasons Jesus was a communist, pacifist, tax-and-spend liberal hippie (Blog Entry by jwray)

SortingHat says...

One last thing. That is why Youtube sucks more and more and people don't do anything about it because Google will just simply buy your company out and just screw it around.

Google has no incentive to change because they have the most profits and awareness in the media and all the other search engines are now *enhanced by Google* though Start Page does not share your private search data it still has the same garbage google has.

Bing now uses Google as I have notice the same results comparing search engines and unless you make your site smart phone ONLY Google's rules say they won't rank you.

We Had No Idea How This Recipe Would Turn Out

Molten salt + Water = Stand back! (teaser)

Drachen_Jager says...

I wouldn't say the explosion is inexplicable. Pretty easy to explain actually.

A large blob of salt hits the water. Water cools the outside of the salt, and it hardens into a shell. Some water gets in cracks in the shell to hit the molten center of the blob and is instantly converted to steam, the steam is forceful enough it doesn't simply come out through the crack and instead shatters the outside shell of the salt bada-bing, >bang<.
Ahh, I see some people beat me to it.

This is what I get for not reading comments before posting.

Meat-free meat - BBC News

Fausticle says...

Why are vegans obsessed with making things taste like meat? It's like a priest binge watching porn.

"We are against the raising, slaughter and consumption of animals, but we will concede that they are in fact delicious."

I like animals too, but I would crawl over ten dead pigs to get to a B.L.T.

“Drive nature out of the door and it will fly in at the window”
― Fyodor Dostoyevsky

Modern Trailer for Empire Strikes Back

Oculus Rift has got nothing, compared to Roy!

Bill Maher: Richard Dawkins – Regressive Leftists

Barbar says...

Edit: I removed a largely unhelpful post I made. I apologise if someone was meaning to reply to it. It would have brought the discussion somewhere I don't really want it to go, and was almost devoid of content despite it's word count.

Instead, having thought a bit more, I think I'm going to try and restate your position to see if I understand it. Watching a few Greenwald interviews helped me to understand it. Please correct me if I'm off base here.

You feel that the current state of the Islamic religion is largely a result of past and current colonialism and interventionism from (mostly) the west. You're saying that we hold a lot of the blame, and that their religion has morphed into it didn't use to be, and has become violent in response to worldly grievances and zeitgeist.

If that is your stance, then we only disagree on the degree that the religion has changed. I think it has stayed more true to its roots than you do. Sounds like a good excuse for me to go on a history reading binge

Understanding Alcoholism - The West Wing

poolcleaner says...

Yeah, it's a bitch. I didn't know I was an alcoholic until I was running away from hard times. Then even after I had gained a marginal amount of success, the alcohol remained. Fucking alcohol. It really does make you a different person. Sometimes a very very excellent, if not womanizing person. But sometimes a monster. Best I avoid the stuff beyond what I think I need or can handle, one drink at parties. Parties can be bad if I violate this. Or good -- it's a gamble lol.

You know what though, it's addiction period. I stopped drinking, my life improved; but, I replace it with something else. I am addicted to video games. I do 80+ hour, no sleep binges playing a game I'm seeking to master. Addiction.

Pretty soon I will have to go cold turkey even on things like marijuana, which make me mellow, happy, heightened senses, and artistic/creative focus/drive, and which my peers claim is not addicting. Nah, everything in my life is an addiction. Even creative endeavors or day to day work -- it commands my utter and impenetrable existence, allowing my world to fall to shambles, meanwhile I create art or engineer new false existence. A system of dice I throw forever for no real reason other than I am addicted forever to throwing dice. Boom. Boom. Cards. Mmm, yeah, gambling is fun and bad too, and consume entire weekends. Sex. Typing things. It's ALL addiction to me.

The only thing I get from typing my mind is the rush and addiction to the finality of saying the truth, regardless of the consequences. It just comes out and the fists raise my adrenaline and I'm fighting now. Haahhahahahahaha!!! Addiction! Adrenaline. Energy. I'll run for 4 hours straight to achieve a moment of elation and existence outside of the day to day shuffle. Addicted to life? I sit at my desk addicted to death? No, life. I am addicted to EVERYTHING.

Fears about Gay Marriage

The Knockout Beer BONG

Phooz says...

I would get so screwed up if I did this, I would feel like dying! I personally hate the binge style of intoxicating oneself but the younger me would have been intrigued especially with the beer bong side of things. This is going to sell quite well on college campuses.

Is the Moon a Planet or a Star...the debate rages on

Little girl dances to "Me & My Uncle" in NYC Subway station

billpayer says...

Nah. I remember when Williamsburg was actually real instead of full of trust fund kids and euro trash.

This is some rich hipster mom exhibiting her carefully vintage styled daughter for her facebook friends. Probably still high on last nights coke binge

Life of a Williamsburg child is being dragged from one asshole hipster event to another

Celebrities warn against the dangers of binge-watching TV

eric3579 says...

Binge watching is now the only way i will watch most programs with a running story. Now that i can just watch a whole season in a couple days (as much as i want in any one sitting) I think it absolutely pointless to watch week to week. I hate always wanting to know whats going to happen next. This of course is how i enjoy watching. You all may find weekly watching somehow more enjoyable. To each his own.

Celebrities warn against the dangers of binge-watching TV

Fat Shaming Vs. Fat Acceptance

Lann says...

Dude is awesome. You should check out his channel as he has many more fantastic videos. I binge-watched a TON of them when I first found his channel.

bareboards2 said:

Who is this guy? Where did he come from? How did he get to be so awesome?

*quality *promote

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