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I Wanna Cut His Nuts Off

JiggaJonson says...

This is a prime example of what REAL racial divides in America mean today. Jesse Jackson can get away with saying "i wanna cut his nuts off" and walk away with little repercussion. Now if sayyy Don Imus said anything close to this there would be black and white folks protesting in the streets demanding his blood!!

So why is it not ok for a shock-jockey like Imus who's profession actually SHOULD involve saying things like this(not promoting Barak nut cutting, just shock-jockeys in general) and somehow it's ok for the reverend *cough* JJ to say it????

Obama faces racism in West Virginia

MarineGunrock says...

>> ^Doc_M:
P.S. If you nominate Hillary, there's no way in Hell that any republican is going to cross the lines to vote for her. With Barak... not so.

Yeah, if there's NO way I can vote for Paul, then I'm definitely crossing over for Obama. Whatever it takes for Hilldog or McPain to lose.
Yup, that's right. MG just said he would register as a democrat.

Obama faces racism in West Virginia

Doc_M says...

Don't mind my poking, lesserfool, it was slightly tongue in cheek. However I find it more and more so that urban folks are NOT in fact more educated than smaller town folk (with the exception of true hillbillies). They are simply educated in different areas, and people in both places are poorly educated in certain areas. Yuppy elitism is a huge annoyance to me. I've met too many yuppies who only believe what the nuts at Union Square tell them on T-Shirts and Posters. My town is small and rural, but LOADED with huge minds.

Anyway, even if Obama did have some Muslim history, he left it behind so who cares. His church might be a disgrace, but he essentially disowned it recently so who cares. He has at no time implied the things that Wright preached were true. He never said the US made HIV and he obviously isn't a racist. If people want to encourage people not to vote for him, there is enough fodder in the issues themselves to work with. They don't need to dig around in the mud.

P.S. If you nominate Hillary, there's no way in Hell that any republican is going to cross the lines to vote for her. With Barak... not so.

Why Ron Paul never had a chance.

BoneyD says...

Very interesting when you compare Clinton, Obama and Paul together, it seems that they're doing the very same thing to Obama. However, Hillary seems to be getting many more google searches, yet she is behind Obama in the polls. So, does an increased amount of web traffic necessarily equate to an increase in votes?

Maybe people are looking to see what's wrong with a candidate, or the people who are voting aren't always the people web-searching...

It can't be argued that the news media isn't still a massive influence on public opinion though.

Jeremiah Wright, Obama's Controversial Pastor

schmawy says...

You got it qm. It should be debated in the siftosphere. I'm guilty of seeing Barak's race, I'll admit that I see him as half black, half white, half christian, half muslim, quarter muslim whatever. Truth be known, I'm open to any alternative to rich old white guys, 'cause look where they got us.

There has been constant criticism of BHO about being an 'empty vessel', but he's always had a big fat .pdf on his website that lays it all out. One thing is clear, and that is that his intent is to bring the big fat pig of corporate interest to the altar and cut it's demon heart out. Or so he says. But Choggie might be right, just another marionette.

As far as judging the man by his pastor, Ted Haggard was Bush's close advisor. So you're right, if that was all over the news, this should be too.

Bush's Infamous Subliminal 2000 Campaign Ad

10040 says...


And you think your the superpower.... Well Mccain is rich, but atleast he is not a neo-con, McCains, is just kind of gotten to the point where he is like, fuck it...

Barak will be your next president, its exactly what they want. You all think 'they' want a right world..... Nooooo, 'they' want a bi-polar world, a world that doesn't know whats good for itself, and will sell its soul to heal wounds that don't exist.

I give it about 2 presidents, till weed is legal and everybody is smoking it, simply because its NOT unhealthy for you, never mind all the paranoid dog turned sheep. Trust me they know the power behind the stuff (not just weed, but anything you put in your body). And they know the BEST way to harness it.

You all are so stupid. Prove me wrong, stop pressing the feeder bar for another food pellet, and climb out of rat cage. Hurry up there Isn't much time left until they start using you for extensive testing, and once the 'scientists', have your little rat bodies between their fingers, their aint no escape. Ill see you when you get to the other side, good luck.

Is the American Media Retarded or Evil? (Blog Entry by Fedquip)

schmawy says...

Actually I think it's maybe neither, since it's mere puppetry. It's the agenda behind that's evil. The fat mad brokers of all our fates.

E: And they know Barak's on to them, and I believe that he really has an axe to grind for them, so it'll get much worse. This is so much better than the two Bonesmen in '00. Voting could really make a difference this time.

Here's to an ObamaNation!

Lawrence Lessig: why I am 4Barack

maximillian says...

I really enjoy listening to Lawrence Lessig's speeches. I'm a Republican and Ron Paul supporter, but I know that he doesn't have a chance to win. I voted for him in the primaries, BTW. So if I can't have RP, then Barak is my second choice. I used to love McCain, but something changed in him around 2005-2006. He is creepy now. Hilary is ultra-liberal and has too many ties to special interests. She's my senator, and she has done some good for NYS. But I would hate to have her be my president.

McCain cannot rally Republicans and he can just forget about the independents. Hilary is also way too out there to really capture all Democratic vote. I really think Barak will win the presidency. He does have some checkered things in his past, but overall I think he is the best person out of this bunch (save RP) for the job.

Klingon Rhapsody

Sketch says...

According to this video apparently there are no Klingons who aren't completely tone deaf or who have rhythm, yet they are highly skilled with the Casio keyboard and apparently the electric dulcimer. Please! Barak-Kadan's empty husk would be spinning in it's futuristic grave.

And can't someone get that old school Klingon a blood wine for Kahless's sake?

Ron Paul Raises over a million dollars in 7 days. (Election Talk Post)

Farhad2000 says...

Ron Paul is the only candidate I see that is actually creating genunie voter enthusiam, the only other candidate that somehow comes close is Barak Obama.

Check out these straw poll results, this is the candidate the media consistently calls the long shot.

Some MCs made a hip hop song for him... Ron Paul for Freedom

PS: And Yes for the Videosift Strawpoll, even though we would get a more internationally flavoured result it would still be interesting.

A really hot girl has a crush on Barack Obama

Vote Different

gwaan (Member Profile)

reln says...

I am looking into the Article on jordanian citizenship and the possibility that I received incorrect information. However, my point still stands. Israel is not guilty of apartheid as the country has a policy of not discriminating against muslims and christians as I mentioned in the quote from Barak.

In reply to your comment:
Article III(2) of Jordanian Law No. 6 of 1954 on Nationality (last amended 1987) states that: "Any person who, not being Jewish, possessed Palestinian nationality before 15 May 1948 and was a regular resident in the Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan between 20 December 1949 and 16 February 1954."

There is no provision in the Jordanian citizenship laws that discriminates against Jews - simply for being Jewish. Jordan was flooded by Palestinian refugees after they were forced off their own land by the Jewish army, Irgun and Haganah. This huge influx of refugees left Jordan with a difficult situation. It gave citizenship to non-Jews because otherwise they would have been stateless. However, Jewish people who possessed Palestinian citizenship before 1948 were not stateless and had citizenship of a new country - Israel.

In reply to your comment:
Ok I'm back from my mini vacation with my kids. Damn there are so many comments here and I dont have time to deal with all of them. I hate when these things come up when I'm on vacation.

Farhad, Joedirt and others, Palestinians are not Israeli citizens. If you want to argue that Israel is praticing apartheid then be prepared to criticise every arab country in the region. While Israel is not perfect it is a secular pluralistic society that accepts all religions. In contrast to many Arab countries that have declared Islam to be the state religion. Anyone in the world can become Israeli. Jordon has a law barring only Jews from becoming citizens and Jews and christians are descriminated against and are not provided with the same rights as muslims in every Arab country.

In 2002 the Israeli Supreme Court ruled that the government of Israel is not allowed to allocate land based on religion or race. Here is a quote from Israels Chief jusstice Aharon Barak "The principle of equality prohibts the state from distinquishing between its citizens on the basis of religion or nationality...The Jewish character of the state does not permit Israel to discriminate between its citizens"

Critisizing Israel is one thing, singling out Israel is anti-semitic

reln (Member Profile)

gwaan says...

Article III(2) of Jordanian Law No. 6 of 1954 on Nationality (last amended 1987) states that: "Any person who, not being Jewish, possessed Palestinian nationality before 15 May 1948 and was a regular resident in the Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan between 20 December 1949 and 16 February 1954."

There is no provision in the Jordanian citizenship laws that discriminates against Jews - simply for being Jewish. Jordan was flooded by Palestinian refugees after they were forced off their own land by the Jewish army, Irgun and Haganah. This huge influx of refugees left Jordan with a difficult situation. It gave citizenship to non-Jews because otherwise they would have been stateless. However, Jewish people who possessed Palestinian citizenship before 1948 were not stateless and had citizenship of a new country - Israel.

In reply to your comment:
Ok I'm back from my mini vacation with my kids. Damn there are so many comments here and I dont have time to deal with all of them. I hate when these things come up when I'm on vacation.

Farhad, Joedirt and others, Palestinians are not Israeli citizens. If you want to argue that Israel is praticing apartheid then be prepared to criticise every arab country in the region. While Israel is not perfect it is a secular pluralistic society that accepts all religions. In contrast to many Arab countries that have declared Islam to be the state religion. Anyone in the world can become Israeli. Jordon has a law barring only Jews from becoming citizens and Jews and christians are descriminated against and are not provided with the same rights as muslims in every Arab country.

In 2002 the Israeli Supreme Court ruled that the government of Israel is not allowed to allocate land based on religion or race. Here is a quote from Israels Chief jusstice Aharon Barak "The principle of equality prohibts the state from distinquishing between its citizens on the basis of religion or nationality...The Jewish character of the state does not permit Israel to discriminate between its citizens"

Critisizing Israel is one thing, singling out Israel is anti-semitic

Jimmy Carter on Israel's apartheid policy & the Israel Lobby

reln says...

Ok I'm back from my mini vacation with my kids. Damn there are so many comments here and I dont have time to deal with all of them. I hate when these things come up when I'm on vacation.

Farhad, Joedirt and others, Palestinians are not Israeli citizens. If you want to argue that Israel is praticing apartheid then be prepared to criticise every arab country in the region. While Israel is not perfect it is a secular pluralistic society that accepts all religions. In contrast to many Arab countries that have declared Islam to be the state religion. Anyone in the world can become Israeli. Jordon has a law barring only Jews from becoming citizens and Jews and christians are descriminated against and are not provided with the same rights as muslims in every Arab country.

In 2002 the Israeli Supreme Court ruled that the government of Israel is not allowed to allocate land based on religion or race. Here is a quote from Israels Chief jusstice Aharon Barak "The principle of equality prohibts the state from distinquishing between its citizens on the basis of religion or nationality...The Jewish character of the state does not permit Israel to discriminate between its citizens"

Critisizing Israel is one thing, singling out Israel is anti-semitic

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