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The Dalai Lama walks into a pizza shop...

critical_d says...

naaa..he would only get violent if it were a woman reporter.

>> ^Payback:

He's lucky that he wasn't interviewing Mike Tyson.
"So, Mike Tyson walks in to a pizza shop..."

Cop is killed by assualt rifle, time to stop this madness.

luxury_pie says...

[edit, you cannot see the nsfw tag when the video ended, my fault]
But @DerHasisttot what about all the country's where the possession of weapons is banned or put under very strict rules? Have you been to Europe lately, it's like a deathhole, everybody's going insane and shooting children with illegal guns they can get anywhere!!
Was buying milk at the corner store the other day and BAM got shot in the head - just like that.

The Dalai Lama walks into a pizza shop...

Bully knocked out cold with one punch

Bully knocked out cold with one punch

Tornado Steals Mans Hamburger

Lady Gets INSTANT Hip Healing in Church! Proof!

Lady Gets INSTANT Hip Healing in Church! Proof!

Paul Rudd's Computer

ponceleon (Member Profile)

Stars - Changes

When bullied kids snap...

BoneRemake says...

I mean really, that kid with hobbled leg is going to go home, his parents are going to " wtf "

then this little gem of a video is going to come out and wam bam thank you mam, that kid will get a pat on the back for defending himself.

Anything else, is unconstitutional etc etc.

Think twice before you rumble with a man of god

dystopianfuturetoday says...

Theology aside, Carman really doesn't seem to have a good understanding of Freddie Kruger's behavior and overall style. He (Kruger) generally tries to hide the fact that you are having a dream in the first place, to give himself the tactical advantage of surprise. Never, NEVER, would Freddie Kruger own a house or answer a door for that matter, and if for some reason he DID need a residence for some kind of nightmare-related business, it certainly wouldn't be an ooky-spookie halloweenie haunted house; it would be something subtle, like a shack or a boiler room break area. Freddie was all about surprise.

I'm sorry to say it, but if Carman had gone up against Freddie Kruger, he would not have stood the slightest chance of surviving. Freddie was very good at using the pomposity and vainglory of his victims to great advantage. Half way through this video, it would have been BAM... squashed under an avalanche of Bibles.. or.. glug, glug, glug, Carmen drowns in a vat of holy water.... It would have been something ironic, because that's how Freddie rolls.

Carman basically just beat up some old goth poser, with no real magical abilities.

Peter Griffin high on Red Bull

Stu says...

The reason many people aren't effected by caffeine is the amount they have. An average person can have 200-400mg of caffeine, 2-4 cups of coffee and feel no effects. This is because it is a naturally occurring stimulant, meaning our bodies process it very easily. It may have an effect of a slight raising of your blood pressure or heart rate, but it will return to normal very quickly and most times will go unnoticed. It "wakes you up" in the morning because of that slight increase in your body's metabolism. This speeds up the internal process our bodies go through from a prolonged sleep stage to an awake stage.

It's quite common for someone to feel no effect from caffeine and even the sleepiness is the body recovering from the slight "boost" much like being tired after running or most any activity. The times people feel jumpy is from an overload of caffeine. Caffeine replaces our body's self made hormones which get us going. Prolonged exposure to caffeine is why people get that big downer. You stop caffeine and your body doesn't know any better so it doesn't make anything and bam, no energy. Just try to avoid levels over 600mg of caffeine and you should be fine!

The American Dream

charliem says...

1. I saw an interview with Bernanke a month or so ago....he was asked this EXACT question. His response - they just log onto a computer, and create new money...digitally create new fungible cash, without actually having ANYTHING physically backing it. It exists in the digital world only. That is then given out to banks, and kept track of. The paper to cover the banks comes later...when they need it (ie....when people are withdrawing).

Transactions are all done digitally in big business, so there is less and less need to print paper, or hold gold to back the funds created....because noone checks it.

The money is literally created out of thin air...and only exists in their networks.

The idea is that the debt created is a promise from the loanee for future productivity...that will in turn create assets that are worth the interest to pay the bank back, and then some on top for a tidy profit.

This all comes unstuck when people A) Realise what the banks are doing, and demand their money (a run on the bank...) or B) The debts dont get repaid because the productivity is not creating enough of a return to service the interest.

Both these scenarios create toxic assets, and you end up with an economy with more visible debt that their is money....and bam, the whole system dies in a heap.

2. Absolutely nothing. Its way too entrenched. You can run for president on a campaign of destroying this institution, but have fun trying to educate enough people about it to back you on your crusade.

...Slavery never died, it was just abstracted by money. Its new name is debt.

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