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Volkswagen 'banned' tv commercial - no wait, VIRAL! not bann

spoco2 says...

It was never banned, it was intended as viral:

"London] Volkswagen has redefined its family image in the U.K. with a new ad by Omnicom Group's BMP DDB in which a little girl repeatedly uses the word "bollocks.'' Because of budget cuts and the controversial nature of the spot, it has only been distributed virally..."

So it's not like it was aired and then pulled... it is just a viral ad. Of course it helps it enormously to be called 'banned', but it's not. It even won a viral award in 2004:

Volkswagen 'banned' tv commercial - no wait, VIRAL! not bann

Krupo says...

Heh, *kids.

From YT comments:

#1 - "you wont believe it, but that got banned not because the little kid says bollocks, but because she reaches for the cookie jar above head hight"

#2 - "thats bollocks(excuse the pun)My dad works at volkswagen and it was refused because it was against the tv rights authorities ruled even after 10 O'Clock.Don't try and sound smart playproductions2007.You just made that "Cookie jar" shite up"

Chinese Truck Crash Test

Channeling in (Sift Talk Post)

Obama on Gas Prices

jimnms says...

I laugh at the Ford and GM commercials when they brag about how their car gets up to 28MPG. Hell, my 2005 Volkswagen gets 33... at least. I typically get 40-42 most of the time. The new 2009 coming this summer will get 45 city, 55-60 highway.

The Shocking Truth About Printer Ink (and Beowulf chat)

uhohzombies says...

Unbelievable. I don't understand how they get away with it. 14ml black ink cartridge just cost me about $30, roughly the same amount I pay to fill up my Volkswagen's fuel tank (not from 100% empty of course). And people say gas is expensive? It makes no sense!

Flying Steamroller

schmawy says...

I think it's about the visual experience, making a massive object float silently through the air. I remember a piece that was a giant steel wheel, about 3 meters high. He backed a motorcycle up to it and took it up through fouth gear and shut it off. That massive wheel spun silently for days.

Then there was the "crucified on a volkswagen thing".

>> ^southblvd:
This makes sense?
Don't get me wrong, I enjoy various forms of art. But what's going on here? I'd like to hear his explanation of it.

Toyota Prius - Have a Nice Future Commercial

conan says...

What people tend to forget: All the emissions avoided by driving a prius... it is only built in japan and has to be shipped to Europe, the US etc. The shipping itself creates more pollution than you could ever save / avoid by driving a prius.

I really like the idea of the prius, but as long as it is only built in japan i don't even think about getting one. I prefer Bluetec Diesel by Volkswagen and Mercedes Benz or the new BMW Diesels, if i'd get a new car now it would be one of those i guess.

Playing soccer with cars on Top Gear

Da da da - Trio

Singing In The Rain Remix

VW's Multiply Commercial

Controversial VW Commercial

How to Double Your Gas Mileage

Clayton says...

To find out, we went to the Mechanical Engineering Department at Kettering University, in Flint. Dr. Greg Davis thought it would be good experience for his students to verify the claims about acetone in the department's test engine, a Buick 3.8 liter V-6 that is equipped with all kinds of probes and sensors.

For several weeks the students experimented with various strengths of acetone in gasoline. The findings were disappointing.

"Our current preliminary data suggests essentially no improvement running acetone in the fuel," Davis said.

Professor Davis wasn't surprised. "If you notice, it's a very small amount and when you add a very small amount of anything to your fuel, you wouldn't expect a large impact. So it's not really a surprise today."

We wanted to see if it made a difference in a real world situation, so a student who knows what kind of mileage to expect from his Ford pickup and Volkswagen tried acetone in the gas. "The results, when you add three ounces per ten gallons, there were no effects," said Josh Goudzwaard.

Aside from having no effect on mileage, acetone could actually do harm by damaging hoses and fittings. Carmakers don't like acetone either.

"If they know you did it, they could void the warranty," Davis warned.

Singing In The Rain - original version

Goofball_Jones says...

The thing is, this is STILL better than that updated, idiotic, break-dancing Volkswagen commercial. Gene did this without computer graphics or digital tricks.

Oh, and also this is the greatest musical ever made...

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