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Some men just want to watch the world burn.

rancor says...

I always thought Germany had fantastic driver licensing requirements. Guess it's not universal, or maybe it's a tourist. Another really strange thing is the way everyone starts driving past it at the end. Shrug.

The Last Ever Top Gear

ChaosEngine says...

Let's see: during the incident in question, he called the produced a "lazy irish cunt" (and as much as everyone thinks it's fucking hilarious, racism against the Irish is still racism)

Then there was the "slope on a bridge" incident.

Not to mention the "catch a nigger" quote, or the mexican incident or the Indian special, during which Clarkson built a toilet into the back of a Jaguar, claiming it would be "perfect" for tourists because "everyone" who visits the country suffers diarrhoea, sparked a complaint from the Indian High Commission.

Nah.. no evidence at all.

A10anis said:

What on earth, and on what evidence, do you base your absurd comment?????

Payback (Member Profile)

bareboards2 says...

That actually isn't a half bad idea! Unfortunately (or fortunately, actually) this is a very rural area. Not sure the wild life park does all that much business to start with.

But in a stronger tourist destination spot? You'd make a mint!

Payback said:

I'd imagine you'd make a pretty good living by starting up a Rent-A-Wreck car rental business across the street.

Buffalo Kisses Are The Best

It's Illegal To Feed The Homeless In Florida

enoch says...

how can some of you NOT see the obvious?
you think this is about law and permits?
fucking seriously???

this is a politically targeted strategy to remove the eye-sore that is a homeless person from the tender eyeballs of over-privileged fuckheads.
the ever changing laws are CREATED to do just that,and chaos is so right,most cops HATE having to be the ones enforcing these demeaning,dehumanizing laws.

at least hard-core right wing nutbags have the balls to openly despise the poor,but treehugging liberals just cant stomach seeing the wretched openly walking their streets.
they know they exist...
they fret,weep and wring their hands for those poor souls but to actually SEE them?
well,that kind of reality is just too much for their tender sensibilities.
so they criminalize being poor.

hypocritical assholes..the lot of them.

i have lived all over,from boston to san diego and broward county is,by far,the richest i have ever lived in.

but it is mainly a tourist city,so they cant have bums sleeping on the sidewalk or begging for change at the intersections.what would the vacationing swedish family think?
i mean...the horror..the absolute horror!

so they create laws to criminalize the poor in order to sweep them under the rug.just like your momma used to make you clean your room before aunt florence came over.

it is morally bankrupt and ethically repugnant.

god DAMN this pisses me off to no end!
/rant OFF

safety issues?
fuck me,the dumb is strong here...........

Meet The People Hanging Out In Times Square Late At Night

mxxcon says...

It is really a stupid place. All the tourists go there, yet there's nothing to see there but other tourists and advertisements.
Other than shady scammers, us locals try to avoid times sq as much as possible.
Might as well just use Google Street View and save yourself time and money.

EMPIRE said:

I know it's tacky and cliché, but I wanna go there some day.

Speaking Out On Street Harassment

bareboards2 says...

That assault on the subway -- that happened to me at 11 am on a Sunday in NYC. Beautiful sunny day. Outside. I stopped to watch a street vendor with a crowd, and someone was jostling me from behind, I thought to see better.

I realized he was jostling me rhythmically and panting.

I had just finished a self defense class, so I thought I was prepared to deal with it. I turned.... and looked down. This tiny guy was standing behind me, with a tent in his pants. I was 6 inches taller than him, and outweighed him by probably 50 pounds. He just looked up at me and... shrugged. Shrugged and smiled.

I had the physical skills to decimate him, but we were taught in class to use the skills to protect ourselves, not to attack.

I wasn't in danger. So I turned on my heel and walked away. Joined my friend, laughing. I'm a tourist in NYC for six hours, and I get sexually "assaulted." How funny!

It wasn't funny 15 minutes later. I started crying, just like this woman. I spent the day with my back against the wall where ever I went. I couldn't stand to have someone behind me. I kept feeling him on my ass. All day long.

I finally asked my friend to replace the "muscle memory." So she put her hand on my butt where he had assaulted me, and said soothing words.

That worked.

For six months. Until I was standing in line for a movie back home, and the man behind me had a cold. I could hear him breathing and I internally flipped out. I kept moving so he wouldn;t be behind me, but he wanted to stay in line, and kept getting behind me.

I went into the theater, took a seat, and sobbed.

Over something that didn't physically threaten me.

I had guilt over how I handled it. I had just taken that self defense course, and I had heard a story that amused the hell out of me.

A woman was on a bus, rush hour, pressed into the crowd, when a guy started groping her.

Know what she did?

She said LOUDLY so EVERYONE COULD HEAR -- I want you all to know that THIS MAN, THIS MAN RIGHT HERE, is touching me. I did not GIVE HIM PERMISSION TO TOUCH ME.

He slunk away. He left her alone.

I wish that this video offered solutions.

It was frustrating to know that the blonde woman was in a car full of people, and she didn't have a voice. She wasn't taught to speak up and make a scene.

And it is months later, and because she didn't speak, she still carries that.

And it is months later, and she didn't offer a solution based on her experience. She is still caught.

I'll tell you one thing -- that happens to me again?

I'M SPEAKING UP. Calmly. Loudly. Assertively. With conviction.


If all women did that, this crap would stop.

They count on us staying silent.

Tell this to the women you love. Tell them to speak up if they feel safe -- and a crowded bus, a crowded subway car? You are surrounded by people. Nothing is going to happen to you.

They operate in the dark. They operate in silence. They count on your embarrassment.

Turn it on them, embarrass the bloody hell out of them and this crap will end.

Space Needle Aerial Footage

PlayhousePals says...

*dead removed by user ... guess he got discovered. From King 5 News in Seattle July 24, 2014:

Seattle's iconic Space Needle is still standing after police received reports of a drone crash at the popular tourist attraction Tuesday night.

The Seattle Police Department Blotter says witnesses reported seeing a small drone buzz around the top of the Space Needle and possibly crash into an observation deck window. Witnesses said the drone - described as a white quad-propeller unmanned aerial vehicle equipped with a camera - then glided to a nearby hotel, where it landed inside a fifth floor room.

Police said no damage was found at the Space Needle.

Investigators tracked the drone to a guest staying at the hotel. The man told police he flew his drone past the Needle, but claims it didn't hit anything. He showed video from the drone's flight, which showed people waving from the observation deck but no collision into the Needle.

The man told police he was an Amazon employee visiting from out of state and had bought the drone at a hobby shop. After police educated the man about Seattle's recent drone-related controversies, the guest agreed to not fly his drone again during his visit to Seattle.

Insane Himalayas Bus Ride - not for the faint hearted

SFOGuy says...

I love how tourists (myself included) think there is some sort of cone of invulnerability that descends around them in activities like this...
And of course---
There isn't....

If Walmart Paid Its Employees a Living Wage

Payback says...

I know if Walmart raises it's prices on KD by $0.01...

I'll still be shopping at this local mom+pop mini market I go to because their customer service is excellent.

Once I forgot my wallet before stopping by for some milk an a Mars bar, and Tony said to just pay the next time I was in. I'm a customer for life. Walmart can infinitely afford to be that cool, but doesn't... and the guy that probably can't afford it... is? No contest.

That being said... I'm pretty sure HE gets some of his stuff from Walmart... but it's mostly tourist crap.

How To Wreck Your Precious Lambo Aventador

SFOGuy (Member Profile)

How fast will the Russian Hackers takedown the tourists?

spawnflagger says...

really need more details about this... When they had brand new devices, does that mean they were un-patched for known security holes? Or are all these exploits the Russians use unknown, and there are currently no patches, such that a completely patched/updated device is still vulnerable?

Any WiFi captive-portal "login" page could inject known browser exploits into the html - If you use your own MyFi (personal hotspot), and are willing to pay huge for roaming international data, then this form of attack isn't possible.

And the coffee shop owner probably doesn't know that their wireless access point is serving up malicious code. It was either hacked by who they bought it from, or whoever installed it, or by some hacker who went to the shop. But shame on the airport's IT security - if they have official WiFi that was also hacked. (but the criminals might have set up their own wireless and called it "Free Airport WiFi")

Every OS on every device (not just Windows) has security holes, Mac OS X included. The hole gets exploited to allow running some piece of software that the user didn't intend, and that software (malware/virus) collects user data and uploads it back to the criminals servers on the network (these 'data collection' servers are also usually attacked/compromised computers, so they can't be traced directly back to the criminals).

My advice to tourists would be to bring a "dumb" phone for voice calls. (keep bluetooth turned off though) Then you'll remember how great it was to only charge it once a week

I Left My Heart in San Francisco - Sweet Timelapse

Best Gift Ever (Priceless Reaction)

MichaelL says...

Nicely done. I spent a year putting together a video for my wife's 40th birthday -- also our 20th anniversary. During our tourist season of the previous year, I approached visitors from all over the world and got them to wish her a Happy Birthday in their native language. I also had a lot of local mascots pitch in too.
That was combined with family video which included our sons as toddlers and pics that I got from her mother's old photo albums, all of it combined with a hand picked soundtrack.
I played it at a surprise party I arranged. She cried, her mom cried, I cried...
Those moments are priceless...

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