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Dragging Some Fun Back To The Sift, Kickin' and Bitchin'! (History Talk Post)

rasch187 says...

It's not worthwhile, but I guess I can share a story...

Some years ago I was spending a week at a friend's summer cabin by the sea, the weather was perfect and we had a great time. After a couple of days we met a mutual aquiantance whom we both can't stand. Let's just call him X. He's the kind of guy who has very rich parents and is proud to show it off, designer clothes, gold watches and always bragging about it. We knew him from school but had never spent any time with him privately. So we meet him at a party and just ignore eachother at first. Some hours later he takes me aside and starts accusing me of "stealing" the girl he was interested in. My response that "life isn't fair" doesn't amuse him one bit.

The following day we eventually get back to my friend's cabin and discover about 10 bags of thrash have been emptied on the lawn. We're both a bit perplexed but just start picking it up. Later that day I mention this to a girl we partied with the night before and she tells me X has been bragging to everyone about getting back at me by dumping trash all over my friend's lawn. I guess it made sense in his mind.

I'm not really a guy who likes getting into arguments, but there was no turning back at that moment. So the next day I get an excellent idea. X's family had just built this ENORMOUS new cabin in the poshest part of town, right by the sea. The place looked like a castle and even had a small island just in front of the main enterance. So my friend and I pick up this really cheesy advertising mascot, which is about 5 ft. tall (pictured here), borrow a small cement mixer from a friend of ours and go by boat to X's cabin. After making sure no one was home we use about 50 kilos of cement to make sure this awful mascot was firmly attached to the small island just next to his house. Then we jumped back in the boat and opened some beers to celebrate.

The only thing I regret is not seeing the look on his face when he first saw it. Hahahaha.

Gore refuses to debate about global warming

quantumushroom says...

Gore is a self-anointed figurehead in what I deem one of the biggest hoaxes perpetrated on the human race. He deserves to be targeted as he targets others. He was a "C" student who originally took environmental classes because they were easier. His crockumentary has been seen by many more people than have read Lomborg's tome, and "An Inconvenient Truth" has been soundly thrashed for numbers 1-6 listed (except perhaps for plagiarism).

It's simply telling that Gore won't debate, when infinite resources are at his disposal for such an undertaking.

The greenvangelicals are beyond reason on the GW issue and the politicians love AGW because it gives them the omnipresence of God without placing any moral authority higher than their own. At last they have a way to link all their schemes in a unifying "circle of life".

The sun is responsible for heating up the earth as well as other planets which have no SUVs as of yet. Man tried to create his own paradise via 'Biosphere II' and nearly suffocated the inhabitants. If they can't mix the proper ratio of gases in a bubble, do you really think these international goofballs can "fine tune" a planet's weather?

Exodus - "A Lesson In Violence"

Slayer - "South Of Heaven"

Christian "Bashing" Vs. Gay Bashing

Seric says...

>> ^solvent:
who cares??? about either sides...

Quite a few people I'd imagine. Those wishing to debate equal rights, symantics, definition, homosexuality and religion.

Anyway, I'm not sure if this debate has evolved or if people are just missing the mark. As previously mentioned, he's not trying to reclaim the word or win a competition of 1-upsmanship. He's trying to convey his opinion that the definitions of 'bashing' used within the CADL are inappropriate.

However, you can't really invalidate the use of 'bashing' in cases of verbal attacks (I use 'attack' for reference rather than a descriptor) by giving evidence of physical attacks as a counterpoint. Even if you're trying to prove definition, which I'll get back to later.

>> ^burdturgler:
This is a quite unfair.
It's popular to make fun of Catholics but, believe it or not, not every priest is a child molester and most Christian's are not the psychos people make them out to be. The truth is, good, caring Christians have been tortured, murdered and have literally had their brains bashed in long before any gay person thought they coined the term "bashing". They paid for concepts like "intolerance" while they were being eaten alive by lions at a time when homosexuality was completely accepted.
Don't let one list from one group about events in one nation confuse you into thinking that Christians are not "bashed" all the time, around the globe, every day .. and have been for many hundreds of years.
I'm an advocate for gay rights and that's evidenced by my video submissions and comments on the sift. But that's because I'm an advocate for human rights. Being gay doesn't make your suffering more important than others when you are discriminated against or worse .. bashed. Why would any gay person want to own "bashing"? Shouldn't any of this kind of treatment be abhorrent to everyone?
I feel like this video does a disservice to the gay community. Gay people should not be trying to win a "I've been hurt more than you" contest. All this accomplishes is alienating more people to their cause. Which should be everyone's cause .. the fair treatment of all.

Whilst this comment isn't really relative to mine, I'd like to point out that historical terms of discrimination cannot be used effectivly to reference modern socialogical arguments or positions. Using that logic you could argue to the same degree/direction for black/jewish/muslim/intelligent/aristocracy/chinese whatever. Unless theres a definate example of a similar case in modern society, the point of homosexuality/christians only serves as a point of irony.

Saying that, stating that 'Gay people should not be trying to win a "I've been hurt more than you" contest.' after giving examples of christian hardship also has a scent of irony about it.

>> ^notarobot:
The video's author has instead focused on returning the use of words to their definitions so that their meanings are not diluted into obscurity. What would someone say in a call to 911 when their friend is being a assaulted or having their brains bashed in when the meaning of both words was reduced to mean "insult" or even less? Would police rush to the scene of a reported name calling? Should new words that actually have mean something be invented to replace the words we have once their meaning is reduced to nothing?

That depends on how you define the 'definition'. And if its the definition thats not being observed here or the context.

1. the act of beating, whipping, or thrashing: a series of unsolved bashings and robberies.
2. a decisive defeat: We gave the visiting team a good bashing.
3. (used in combination)
a. unprovoked physical assaults against members of a specified group: gay-bashing.
b. verbal abuse, as of a group or a nation: feminist-bashing; China-bashing.

According to, both versions are covered. Context is a fundamental concept of using language, which this video has neglected to observe.

Essentially, the video proposes an argument, in an unfair manner, disreguarding context of language, and substituting severity of case as a valid counterpoint. To quote Stephen Fry; 'Wrong, wrong, wrongity wrong'.

As for our debate. Either way, I think we're all in agreement that discrimination is wrong, English needs to be used correctly, and that both groups have their points, but neither are really compatable with each other.

Now, time for a cup of tea.

Craig Ferguson - 18th century poetry, rap, haggis and more!

bluecliff says...

Nine Inch Will Please a Lady

Come rede me, dame, come tell me, dame,
My dame, come tell me truly,
What length o' graith, when weel ca'd hame,
Will ser'e a woman duly?
The carlin clew her wanton tail,
Her wanton tail sae ready;
I learn't a sang in Annandale,
Nine inch will please a lady.

But for a countrie c--t like mine,
In sooth we're nae sae gentle;
We'll tak' twa thumb-bread to the nine,
And that's a sonsie pintle.
O leeze me on my Charlie lad!
I'll ne'er forget my Charlie!
Twa roarin' handfu' and a daud,
He nidg't it in fu' rarely.

But weary fa' the laithern doup,
And may it ne'er ken thrivin';
It's no the length that gars me loup,
But it's the double drivin'.
Come nidge me Tarn, come nodge me Tam,
Come nidge me o'er the nyvle;
Come louse and lug your batterin' ram,
And thrash him at my gyvel.

My Kitty Can Fly

GodTube - how to deal with pr0n on the intertubes

joedirt says...

Damn, godtube changed their formatting.. Can't find the video.


Please help find the replacement. It was a guy in his office and thrashes desk and computer because of pron, then goes postal attacking everything with golf club.

A geophysical survey of the World of Warcraft

blankfist says...

Oh. Fucking. No. World of NERDcraft! I've never played it, so I simply don't understand the cultural importance. You see what I just did? I thrashed something I know nothing about. I'm a fucking bigot.

Nirvana--Smells Like Teen Spirit

Patton Oswalt on 80's Heavy Metal

Duckman33 says...

>> ^mauz15:
>> ^Duckman33:
Yeah, I hate to say it, but Damn Yankees does not fit the Heavy Metal genre of the 80's. More like Iron Maiden, Dio, Slayer, Metallica, Anthrax, Priest, Sepultura, etc. Damn Yankes was more pop-rock than metal.

But you could say they were seen as "mainstream heavy metal" at the time, I dont think they are metal at all, but at the time, all sorts of crap were labeled metal.
Sepultura, slayer, early metallica, those are trash metal. Weren't trash metal bands part of the underground scene?

Yeah, you have a point there. I listened to a lot of different genres back then. Everything from Gary Newman to Steely Dan to King Diamond. But now that I think about it, those bands were labeled as "trash, or thrash metal" back in the day.

Rodrigo y Gabriela on Letterman

Devour - Shinedown

Duckman33 says...

Take it, and take it, and take it, and take it all,
Take it, and take it, and take it, until you take us all,
Smash it, and crash it, and thrash it, and trash it,
They're only toys.

Try it, you'll like it don't hide it, don't fight it, just let it out,
Steal it, and shoot it, and kill it, or take another route
Take it, and take it, and take it,
You know they're only toys.

Devour, Devour,
Suffocate your own empire,
Devour, Devour,
It's your final hour.

Devour, Devour,
Stolen like a foreign soul,
Devour, Devour,
What a way to go!

You want it, you want it, you want it,
Well here it is,
Everything, everything, everything,
Isn't so primitive.

Take it, and take it, and take it, and take it, and take it all,
Nobody, nobody wants to feel like this,
Nobody, nobody wants to live like this,
Nobody, nobody wants a war like this.

Find More lyrics at
*Devour, Devour
Suffocate your own empire,
Devour, Devour
It's your final hour.

Devour, Devour,
Stolen like a foreign soul,
Devour, Devour,
What a way to go!

What a way to go!

Diving down... Round and round
Diving down... Round and round

Devour, Devour,
Suffocate your own empire,
Devour, Devour,
It's your final hour.

Devour, Devour,
Stolen like a foreign soul,
Devour, Devour,
What a way to go!

Devour, Devour,
Suffocate your own empire,
Devour Devour,
It's your final hour.

Devour, Devour,
Stolen like a foreign soul,
Devour, Devour,
What a way to go!

What a way to go!

German Idol Death Metal Audition

B A N N E D R E D A C T E D-Dedicated to Westy (Art Talk Post)

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