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Twelfth Night - full play (until 30 April 2020)

noims says...

This is now Logan's Run *dead

Come away, come away, Death,
And in sad cypress let me be laid;
Fly away, fly away, breath,
I am slain by a fair cruel maid.
My shroud of white stuck all with yew, O prepare it!
My part of death no one so true did share it.

Not a flower, not a flower sweet,
On my black coffin let there be strewn:
Not a friend, not a friend greet
My poor corpse, where my bones shall be thrown.
A thousand thousand sighs to save, lay me O where
Sad true lover never find my grave, to weep there!
- Act II Scene 4

I Hear You're A Racist Now, Father! - Father Ted

Massive old fully stocked Russian bunker complex

Payback says...

Yeah, the entrance and egress points are so much nope for me.

I don't think I have Claustophobia, but "Cleithrophobia".
I have no problem with small, enclosed places. Elevators, short or thin passages (like waterslides) hold no discomfort for me. Just the idea of being stuck somewhere though *shudders*. If I have room to move, I'm fine. That Ryan Reynolds movie Buried? I'm sorry, but I will never provide a critical review for you to read. Nope. Nope... Nope.

This Guy Wasn't A Bird Fan Until...

Payback says...

So yeah, I'm one of those people who get stuck on the shit stains that gave her the neuroses.

The people in the video give me the feels, but her previous owners put me in a dark place.

Mordhaus (Member Profile)

siftbot says...

Congratulations! Your video, Eleven Raccoons Stuck Inside Porch, has reached the #1 spot in the current Top 15 New Videos listing. This is a very difficult thing to accomplish but you managed to pull it off. For your contribution you have been awarded 2 Power Points.

This achievement has earned you your "Golden One" Level 400 Badge!

Mordhaus (Member Profile)

Giuliani/Trump Donors/Associates Arrested Fleeing The U.S.

Multi-Agent Hide and Seek

bremnet says...

Thanks for the link and the education, truly appreciated. I'm still stuck on "there has to be more to it" ... but I guess after 85 million games, the outcome is bound to be a winner. Same philosophy I have for the Leafs winning the Cup.

L0cky said:

This isn't really true though and greatly understates how amazing this demo, and current AI actually is.

Saying the agents are obeying a set of human defined rules / freedoms / constraints and objective functions would lead one to imagine something more like video game AI.

Typically video game AI works on a set of weighted decisions and actions, where the weights, decisions and actions are defined by the developer; a more complex variation of:

if my health is low, move towards the health pack,
otherwise, move towards the opponent

In this demo, no such rules exist. It's not given any weights (health), rules (if health is low), nor any instructions (move towards health pack). I guess you could apply neural networks to traditional game AI to determine the weights for decision making (which are typically hard coded by the developer); but that would be far less interesting than what's actually happening here.

Instead, the agent is given a set of inputs, a set of available outputs, and a goal.

4 Inputs:
- Position of the agent itself
- Position and type (other agent, box, ramp) of objects within a limited forward facing conical view
- Position (but not type) of objects within a small radius around the agent
- Reward: Whether they are doing a good job or not

Note the agent is given no information about each type of object, or what they mean, or how they behave. You may as well call them A, B, C rather than agent, box, ramp.

3 Outputs:
- Move
- Grab
- Lock

Again, the agent knows nothing about what these mean, only that they can enable and disable each at any time. A good analogy is someone giving you a game controller for a game you've never played. The controller has a stick and two buttons and you figure out what they do by using them. It'd be accurate to call the outputs: stick, A, B rather than move, grab, lock.

- Do a good job.

The goal is simply for the reward input to be maximised. A good analogy is saying 'good girl' or giving a treat to a dog that you are training when they do the right thing. It's up to the dog to figure out what it is that they're doing that's good.

The reward is entirely separate from the agent, and agent behaviour can be completely changed just by changing when the reward is given. The demo is about hide and seek, where the agents are rewarded for not being seen / seeing their opponent (and not leaving the play area). The agents also succeeded at other games, where the only difference to the agent was when the reward was given.

It isn't really different from physically building the same play space, dropping some rats in it, and rewarding them with cheese when they are hidden from their opponents - except rats are unlikely to figure out how to maximise their reward in such a 'complex' game.

Given this description of how the AI actually works, the fact they came up with complex strategies like blocking doors, ramp surfing, taking the ramp to stop their opponents from ramp surfing, and just the general cooperation with other agents, without any code describing any of those things - is pretty amazing.

You can find out more about how the agents were trained, and other exercises they performed here:

Mordhaus (Member Profile)

siftbot says...

Congratulations! Your video, Squirrel Stuck In Her Hair, has reached the #1 spot in the current Top 15 New Videos listing. This is a very difficult thing to accomplish but you managed to pull it off. For your contribution you have been awarded 2 Power Points.

This achievement has earned you your "Golden One" Level 354 Badge!

Mordhaus (Member Profile)

Inside out "I was in a band once" meme.

Kid hides from police in Bend

BSR says...

Seems they stuck it to themselves.


A viral video making the rounds Monday shows a boy going to extremes to avoid detection by Bend Police.

The video, captured by a home security system, shows a boy running near the driveway of a single-family home on a south Bend cul-de-sac before climbing inside one of the home’s garbage cans and closing the lid. Seconds later, a Bend officer walks by and asks several nearby girls if they saw a boy run by. They say no.

Thirty minutes later, the boy exits the garbage can and runs off, seemingly consequence-free.

But according to Bend Police spokesperson Lt. Juli McConkey, that boy and three others were ultimately contacted at their homes and cited with second-­degree theft for allegedly stealing Pokemon cards from Walmart.

On July 5, Walmart loss prevention staff called the Bend Police Department to report several boys had stolen Pokemon cards from the store in south Bend. The store turned over security footage and still images of the boys that a Bend school resource officer used to identify them.

The boys, between the ages of 13 and 15, were not contacted until Sunday, when Walmart personnel called Bend Police to report the same boys were back in the store and had stolen more Pokemon cards.

Police arrived, but the boys were by then hiding somewhere in the store and playing the card game, McConkey said.

They eventually came out and were spotted by officers. The boys ran, spilling into the surrounding neighborhoods, which is when the home security camera captured one of the boys evading capture.

On Monday, the video had been viewed more than 1 million times.

The Bulletin does not typically identify juvenile criminal suspects or defendants.

— The Bulletin

Payback said:

Props to the little girls for not ratting him out.

Stick it to the Man!

60 teens vandalizing and looting Walgreens

BSR says...

Yes. I get it.

I don't need to see no stinkin' quotes. I'm 64. I've heard it all for years. Nothing new here except the players.

Are you trying to win any of them over or are you just entangled in the fighting back and forth and name calling? Who do you think you are going to change by telling them they are racist? That makes you stuck in the echo chamber with no way to win the game.


And did we tell you the name of the game, boy?
We call it "Riding The Gravy Train".

Nothing you can say, but you can learn how to play the game
It's easy

JiggaJonson said:

The point of me quoting the youtube commenters was to illustrate that THOSE are the lines that the racist people on youtube are using with sincerity and being repeated here.

Here's some others - see them on the youtube link yourself

"These kids need fathers"
"Surprisingly, school supplies, birth control, and Father’s Day gifts remained untouched and in full supply!"
"Bunch of hoodlums without fathers in the home."
"Took everything but the Fathers Day cards"
"Took everything except job applications"
"If Obama had sons, nieces and nephews"

It's not a joke, it's an echo of the racism. Yes, what these kids did is criminal. Yes all of them should face real legal consequences. No, not because black people don't like working (taking job applications). No, not because single parent homes are a real problem in this country (father comment).

Mordhaus (Member Profile)

Cart Narcs Catch A Dumb Hag

BSR says...

No need tell anyone about their mistakes. Mistakes correct themselves. For instance I thought loving someone was the right thing to do.

Then one day I lost someone I loved. It was the worst and most fearful point in my life. I felt that somehow I had the wrong idea about love and I was the only one who didn't get the message. The grief was terrible. Almost inescapable. I was stuck inside my own little world. If I had a gun I would have put it to my head and pulled the trigger. Luckily I had no gun but I did have a little more time to suffer over a decision.

Do I continue to love knowing the pain and nightmare of grief?

What do you think my choice was?

EDIT: Actually, you don't help by not forgiving inappropriate behavior. Forgiving is not condoning. It's really more of an exercise to keep from pulling the trigger or setting yourself on fire.

Your death has nothing to do with you and everything to do with those that love you.

newtboy said:

I think you help people by showing them their mistakes, calmly explaining them if needed, and you help the public by exposing those who angrily deny any obligation to be responsible, civil, or accept established social obligations so others don't rely on them or trust them to do the obviously right thing so the public has the information needed to know to distrust and shun them.

You don't help by excusing inappropriate behavior.

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