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Mother Jones on Trump and Violence. Words may hurt him.

newtboy says...

So much for "I'll defend you in court", huh. Just about as honest as everything else he says though.
*promote his real message of intolerance and xenophobia (look it up, Trump supporters).
It's just astonishing to me that SOOOO many pretend they don't really understand he only wants to make America hate itself again....but Southpark was right, at least 1/4 of all people are completely mentally retarded. (and no, that's not a slur against the actually mentally challenged, it's an apt description of people who, for various personal/political reasons, intentionally do not mentally evolve)

Why Obama is one of the most consequential presidents ever

ChaosEngine says...

I doubt he'll be remembered as anything other than a massive disappointment

Edit: Re-reading that, it came across harsher than I had intended. I think Obama was a good guy with mostly good intentions (still not keen on his policy of murdering brown people in other countries without due process).

But his healthcare was half-assed, he did nothing about gun control, and he STILL hasn't closed Guantanamo. Meanwhile, privacy rights have further eroded under his watch, and whatever legislation he apparently put in place around Wall Street is clearly not working. I'm not sure he's even looked at campaign finance reform.

Granted, a lot of that is down to an increasingly intractable (read: borderline retarded) republican congress, but the fact remains, he didn't achieve nearly as much as was hoped for.

Canadian police arrest girl 2 weeks before her death

Shepppard says...


This is Ontario, not Manitoba.

And I'm about ready to take a road trip out to Kenora and find whoever was screaming "LET THE FEMALE COP ARREST HER" and punch him in his damn mouth.

Seriously. She's being arrested, she was legitimately not being beaten, and she was very obviously resisting. At that point, a different gendered cop wouldn't have done anything.

And why does the fact that she died have anything to do with this? She wasn't choke-slammed, shot, hell, I didn't even see any punches thrown in her general direction, so the title of this is completely and utterly misleading.

There's enough stupid videos of cops being retards on the sift, this, however, isn't one that needs to be here.

Susan Sarandon Broke Up With Hillary

newtboy says...

These Hillary people now just ignore all her hypocritical flip flopping, never ending pandering, and bribes from billionaires and corporations and claim she's the 'better candidate'....Delusional morons ignoring fraud, bribes, a complete lack of consistency ("I supported $15 an hour...My plan is to raise minimum wages to $12 an hour...I support $15 an hour"), illegal fundraising collusion with the DNC, and a likely indictment on multiple counts right before the election (improper or not), and add to that the second worst 'likeability' rating ever to the list of things that must be ignored to make her palatable and a total lack of support among independents, and yet they're still assuming that people that support an honest candidate will just support her...that's just plain retarded...we won't.
Clinton as the nominee means Trump as president.

EDIT: If Bernie can really get Warren to run as his VP, he might still take the win outright. I really wish they had gotten together and hashed that out long ago, we could be working on the general election by now.
I also really wish they would both run as independents, not beholding to either party, since neither major party represents the people anymore.

robdot said:

These bernie people now just repeat fox news ,tea party nonsense. She forgot to say benghazi...Delusional morons ranting about fraud and conspiracy theories.
Hillary has a time machine ! Which she used to change the numbers ! Bernie can still win ! If he gets 100 percent of california !

Three Humvees Fall From the Sky In Failed Airdrop

Stunning Time-Lapse of a Dragonfly Growing Wings

Payback says...

Yea, we're looking at a horrible mosquito year unless we can stop the retard next door from nuking his pond again. We got him to stop last year and you wouldn't believe the size of the dragon flies. Mosquitoes were decimated. Ironically, he was doing it to kill the mosquitoes... We proved to him that DFs need the pond to develop, whereas any puddle or bucket of water is enough for mosquitoes.

Gosh, I love DFs. They're like the A10 Warthogs of the fight against getting bit to death...

PlayhousePals said:

By far my favorite insect! Am waiting for them to emerge for the summer here. *quality design

Donald Trump's Huge Campaign Announcement

enoch says...

there is a reason central america is a destabilized region,and it aint because the people in central america are too fucking retarded to create a civilized community.

ironic that your friend came to the states.

i have a few friends from central america all the way to argentina that now work in the states,and they have horror stories that will make the hair on your neck stand to attention.

Japanese Girl Is A Better Drummer Than You

criticalthud says...

in my own practice, for a long, long time i found myself practicing my strengths, and i never really got far. Spun my wheels a lot. It appealed to my ego, but that was it. I think we tend to do this a lot as a society.
After a Berklee Music workshop in which I learned that most 7th graders had better fundamentals than myself, I almost quit music. I was pretty down. but...I kept working on getting over myself, and began focusing on my weaknesses instead of my strengths..., which really made me feel considerably retarded, but I kept at it.
With drumming, the weakness is generally the left side. And it was with me. No left side = no independence. So i worked at that, a lot. and in my late 30's, my muscianship took a huge positive step forward.
I'd say, practice your weaknesses, play your strengths. you can do it.
the approach dictates what you get. imho.

ChaosEngine said:

Talent will get you so far.
So will hard work and practice.

Want to be great? you need both.

Talent is meaningless without the dedication to build on it. Likewise (sadly) you can practice til you bleed, but you'll never overcome your innate lack of ability (I know, I've tried).

This girl clearly has both. Now, she just needs to dial it back a notch on the fills and let her groove show. Remember, the musicians serve the song, not the other way round.

iPhone SE - The Best 4 Inches You Will Ever Receive

Woman Self-Destructs for Money

A Night at the Roculus - What is Love simulator for the Rift

Verstappen's Kitzbühel F1 Race On Snow Covered Ski Slope

Ashenkase says...

"The pinnacle of motor sport met the pinnacle of winter sports" and jumped the shark on Red Bull's retarded string of perceived amazing stunts.

Next up... A trans turtle space fairing balloonist vs. the world championship BLT sandwich making Badminton player in a duel of wits as they race to the top of Olympus Mans on the red planet. The first competitor to the top must chug a jar of pickled mushroom bell bottoms to claim the prize of most inane competition.

Join us on Sunday with Marv Albert in his lingerie to take in this one of a kind Redbull bullshit competition.

Seriously, this is starting to feel like the strange crap Wide World of Sports put out in the 70's.

H/Ts Smack Down On The CDC Regarding Alcohol and Pregnancy

gorillaman says...

The real problem here is everyone's hysterical attitude to abortion and infanticide.

So you shit out a retard baby? Toss it in a skip and, if you want, make a better one later.

Louis C.K.'s Horace and Pete - Politics

ChaosEngine says...

3:00 "do you think this conversation is happening in any other country?"

FFS, does anyone really think that the US has a monopoly on political conversation?

The same conversation (well, a less retarded version of it anyway) is happening in the UK, Ireland, Australia, New Zealand and Canada. And that's just in English. There are political debates in Germany, France, Switzerland, Spain, Italy, Portugal. Hell, I bet no talks about anything ELSE in Greece!

Socialism explained

enoch says...

this is pretty high on the retarded scale.
and tagging this in the *education *philosophy and *learn channels is insulting to those who use their brains.

look man,i get that you disagree with socialism as an economic system,and you are perfectly within your rights to hold that opinion,but it is apparent that you have no clue what socialism is and continue to regurgitate the tired old tropes from the mcarthy era.

you,my friend,suffer from an incredibly bad case of doublethink.

you cannot on the one hand view taxes as theft and then turn around and support the military.which is a socialist institution and uses taxes to fund itself.

what you fail to realize is that this discussion goes back to the beginning of this country:what is the governments role.since the constitution was a brilliant document,and what made it brilliant was NOT simply the words written but the fact that our forefathers KNEW that they didnt know everything and they allowed for the constitution to be changed,as our society changed.

which is why we got rid of slavery,and allowed women to vote.we expanded the bill of rights to include blacks.

we did these things as a society.

we got rid of child labor and we decided that basic education was a fundamental right.

socialism is not a utopian is an economic philosophy and it can be just as abused as capitalism.the bank bailouts in 2007 was a socialist reaction,and one the majority of the american people disagreed with,but so was the interstate highways...which we DID agree upon.

so to title this "socialism explained" is pretty fucking stupid.

i already linked you an actual breakdown of american socialism,which appears you failed to allow me to try again and i implore you.give it a read:

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