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Nanda - The Jacket Live

Leaked iPhone 5 Promo Vid

spoco2 says...

>> ^Deano:

>> ^spoco2:
Hey look, it's a short, amusing and witty way of saying what took this life sapping video over 13 minutes to only half get across.

I accept that guy's point but he does go on a bit. I've stopped watching that one and i hope I'm not missing any relevatory stuff towards the end.

I skipped around the whole thing. No, no you're not. It's the usual waffle.

brycewi19 (Member Profile)

Leaked iPhone 5 Promo Vid

Only in Mother Russia

Dark Knight Rises Trailer, Animated Promo

Sebastien Tellier ~ Look

BoneRemake says...

Just so no one wastes a promote or quality :


I have been looking for this video for a good couple months, I liked it when i watched it for the first time here and could not remember anything about the tags or reference words.

Sebastien Tellier ~ Look

Double The Fist - Season 2?

silky says...

"Double the fist" was a TV show that broke the mould. It didn't run big promos. It just did what it said.

The season 2 promo basically starts off where episode 7 of the first season leaves off. That's all I'm going to comment on it. Find it yourself and watch it!!

Issykitty (Member Profile)

Norsuelefantti (Member Profile)

African Men. Hollywood Stereotypes.

Deano says...

>> ^longde:

It just seems like you have an ax to grind with africans, and your last comments show it.
African people aren't violent warlords; but they are homophobic, dogmatic, and patently dishonest. I get it. Thanks for your contributions to this anti-stereotyping video.
Who doesn't try to put themselves in the best light? British people, atheists, and gay people -three of the most moral peoples on the planet -never do that. >> ^Deano:
>> ^longde:
I'd rather like to see you in Nairobi in their faces patronizingly asking them about their personal beliefs.

I'd be quite happy to. Though I don't see why it would have to be patronising. If you want to have an honest dialogue then those matters are going to come up and everyone should be willing to discuss them.
It would make a change from my experience in London where it's quite the opposite way around. I often encounter Nigerians who are often more than comfortable sharing their views about religion and not so subtle opinions about homosexuality. They tend to be women due to the sector I'm in and one was so pushy as to wonder what I did on a Sunday if I didn't go to church. And then followed it with "Are you gay?" She was blissfully unaware that she was putting herself in disciplinary trouble. She just didn't care.
My mate used to work at the passport office here in London which was the centre of quite a few heated political disputes in the last few years. The workforce included a bunch of really nice African guys but dodgy as hell and always pulling some scam.
This is, in my view, definitely a cultural difference. My friend is a straight arrow, very reliable and honest so the contrast between him and others (hell even myself as I like to cut corners sometimes) is more pronounced. In another country some of those behaviours (including racial bullying and generally taking the piss) might be fine but here not so much. The problem with the passport office is that they lacked leadership and strong management so everyone ran amok.
So getting back to the video, yes it's nice to challenge stereotypes but let's remove the rose-tinted spectacles at the same time. I'm sure these chaps are as super nice as they are depicted, but it IS a depiction designed to promote a charitable cause. Everyone has prejudices and blind spots, everyone can and will be an arsehole. Even after you strip away the stereotype you can't get rid of that.

Apologies for not replying promptly @longde but work has consumed most of my time over the weekend.

I have no axe to grind. I thought I had expressed myself clearly but I apologise for failing to do that. My original comment was intended to counter the somewhat rosy, unrealistic and some might say shallow depiction of African men in the video.

It's not much different from those lovely promo videos showing off everyone in their best light (anyting from the Olympics springs to mind). We intuitively KNOW the reality behind such things and my comment was merely a reminder of that. And I put the smiley face on because, no, I do not have a problem with anyone from Africa and I resent that accusation. I have plenty of experience and appreciation for people from all walks of life but I'm not afraid to call it as it is. If this video was going the other way I'd be providing counter-examples as well. I've got plenty of experience of the good and bad in people - and if you heard me rant about my Norwegian family I can only assume you'd think me anti-Scandinavian

Finally I'm a bit puzzled by your last sentence. It really doesn't make any sense to me. Perhaps you could explain. Honest question.

dag (Member Profile)

geo321 (Member Profile)

SIFTER SURVEY (Sift Talk Post)

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