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Dance of the Sugar Plum Fairy covered by Jack Conte

dag says...

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I've got the Video Songs album- and it's in heavy rotation on my music libary- I find it very listenable on its own.>> ^choggie:
This pomplamooses, sounds like the death of every ballerina's knees and hips after thirty....You have to ask yourselves..."Who would want to listen to this without the viddy attached, and that more than 2 times before they are bored with it?"-Bet you are already bored with it....
(the preceding critique proffered by a frustrated one-man-band, WITHOUT a girlfriend)

Dance of the Sugar Plum Fairy covered by Jack Conte

choggie says...

This pomplamooses, sounds like the death of every ballerina's knees and hips after thirty....You have to ask yourselves..."Who would want to listen to this without the viddy attached, and that more than 2 times before they are bored with it?"-Bet you are already bored with it....

(the preceding critique proffered by a frustrated one-man-band, WITHOUT a girlfriend)

Pomplamoose - If You Think You Need Some Lovin

Paul McCartney - Michelle

Molly Lewis-Poker Face Cover

dplint says...

Hard work to work at retiring with raw talent and an internet connection, this gal needs coverage!!-I'd pay cover to see her live, you would too, Orange County, represent!

Thanks dgandhi!!

Works well with Pomplamoose, News-flash dag, wave of the future-your site scouts raw talent and makes the connections! Give this girl the venues she's seeking-Great cover, one-woman-band.

Sorry? I didn't understand a word of this intro.

Pomplamoose - Always in the Season

ReverendTed says...

I'm really digging their "here's the video of the instruments being played" thing, especially the ones showing "yes, this is a chorus of many Natalies." The superimposed parts in this video worked well for the violin and cello, too.
>> ^mxxcon:
i didn't like this song. their other ones were better.
I wasn't really into this one either until after the first minute or so, but I felt like it really found its form as it picked up. When it started I was thinking, "this doesn't sound very good," and not because of the "retro" filters - something about the singer's normally-charming rasp, I guess.>> ^brain:
There's something about watching the singer's face as she stares off and sings beautifully.
There's also something about watching her stare through you.
If they want people to send goats, they should just loop a video of her staring at the camera with that piercing gaze and overlay a flashing "SEND A GOAT".

MaxWilder (Member Profile)

September - Earth Wind & Fire cover

dag (Member Profile)

The VideoSift Pomplamoose Interview (Music Talk Post)

budzos says...

I have hardly been able to get Beat The Horse out of my head since Pomplamoose were featured on Metafilter. Now that you're selling MP3s you should go on tour. I'm sure you could pack shows in most cities these days.

The VideoSift Pomplamoose Interview (Music Talk Post)

TheFreak says...

Great interview!

I really enjoyed the placement of the video for Pas Encore. It gave the interview a multimedia feel.

I think in the future more video referances positioned appropriately throughout the interview would be a great way to add depth for the reader. Maybe in a case like Pomplamoose it's possible to get some original video clips to add to the interview. 15 seconds of Jack pointing out his Theremin in the corner or Nataly saying 'Hello' to Videosifters in French would really make this interview stand out and underscore the nature of this website.

The VideoSift Pomplamoose Interview (Music Talk Post)

dag says...

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>> ^lucky760:
Fantastic job, dag.
Did you record the actual audio of the interview?

I recorded the audio, and then transcribed it all out. I was surprised at how long that took. Lots of stopping and going back. Everything from the audio is pretty much here - I've taken out a few "ums" here and there, and maybe clipped a few lines that didn't really pertain to the interview. (Mainly me mumbling nonsensically)

The VideoSift Pomplamoose Interview (Music Talk Post)

paul4dirt (Member Profile)

The VideoSift Pomplamoose Interview (Music Talk Post)

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