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The Box

This Drone Tracks You So Good it's Kinda Scary

Do we Need Nuclear Energy to Stop Climate Change?

newtboy says...

Depends on your definition of "need", and your definition of "stopping" climate change.

Because I'm convinced enough natural feedback loops are in effect that there's no chance at all of stopping further climate change, and only a slight chance of slowing the rate of change and only if humanity fundamentally changes first, I find the question flawed.

I find it odd that tidal energy (different from hydro) is never considered in these debates. It's simple, relatively cheap, easy to maintain, and best of all predictable and consistent. All you need is a shoreline with a relatively large tide swing, a small inlet, and a tidal flat.

At best, nuclear is a stop gap measure that trades one planetary poison for another.....largely because we aren't responsible with it....building on shores in earthquake zones for convenience, banning fuel recycling, having no long term waste plan and handling waste insanely (Japan, I'm looking at you and your plans to dump Fukushima irradiated water into the ocean)....It's far from "green" the way we do it.

Beautiful Quadricolored Sea Slug

19-Year-Old TikToker Realizes She Lost Her Sense of Taste

eric3579 jokingly says...

Maybe if one loses their ability to taste they would be less inclined/motivated to poison themselves with such foods/drinks. Just trying to look at the bright side of getting a potentially deadly virus. Have a nice day

The World's Worst Oil Related Disaster You've Never Heard Of

newtboy says...

Screw the money, it won't save or rehabilitate the poisoned zones. Instead arm the Amazonians with military grade weaponry, and legalize the execution on anyone involved from rig workers to lawyers for Texaco/Chevron to the CEO and their descendants, wipe their DNA from the planet. It will never happen again if we give them what they deserve, slow painful death by massive petroleum poisoning.

bobknight33 (Member Profile)

newtboy says...

Aren't you going to crow about how presidential Trump is, working so hard even at the hospital? Come on, you have the pictures. I'm begging you, tell us all about it.

Aren't you going to point to his humanity of riding around the hospital to personally thank the crowd there for him?


I know his staged "look, I'm working" pictures, they were too stupid to check the meta data, those staged fake photos were under ten minutes apart, just enough time to redress Trump and switch rooms. He wasn't working. Need more proof? They're also so moronic they just gave him a blank piece of paper to be "working" on. You can see it in the picture with nothing but his signature.
I also know why you aren't talking about him going all out to thank those at the hospital....they were mostly PROUD BOYS. The vigil was actually organised by the proud boys founder, who was there. Pretty certain that was planned with Whitehouse approval, they sure as Fuck know who they are by now, and Trump put secret servicemen at high risk and a minimum of 14 days away from work and family to thank the proud boys again.

Then, to top it off, first thing he does back at the Whitehouse is remove his mask knowing full well he's highly infectious despite the medical cocktail of experimental drugs and steroids he received that no one else on the planet could possibly get, but not his precious hydroxy, even he's not stupid enough to take that poison, intentionally exposing every person in the room behind him, and there were many.

But wait...there's more! Because baby Loanspurs doesn't want to admit he wore a mask ever, he then reportedly took a camera crew outside to reshoot his reentry at the Whitehouse with no masks. That will be the official video now, not the real video with masks.

Pillar of honor and responsibility he is not.

Professor Brian Harvey On Why Not To Cheat

Mordhaus says...

Humans have been using drugs since the first person ate the wrong plant and got high instead of dying.

If you look at most drugs in nature, it is almost impossible to OD on them IN THEIR NATURAL FORM.

It's only when we alter that using chemicals, heat, or modifying the plant's genetic code via cross-pollination that we get drugs that destroy people.

Conversely, drugs that have been distilled from natural sources have also saved millions from death or from chemical imbalances in their bodies.

Man made drugs keep me on a (mostly) even keel. Without them my life is hell. Not from addiction, but because my body's chemicals are out of whack.

Yet some man made drugs are poison and should not be used (or extremely rarely). Most opioids fall directly into that category. Still, it is the corporate greed and misuse of these drugs that make them an ignored epidemic.

I could go on, but TL;DR

Natural drugs are a gift to humankind. Man Made drugs are a mixed bag.


newtboy says...

Their position is a bit like saying Trump didn't die from being shot in the chest, he died later from lead poisoning and respiratory distress.....completely unrelated, the shooter bears no responsibility.
If only....

luxintenebris said:

TangledThorns theory
and this

Sometimes the appropriate response to reality is to go insane. - Philip K. Dick

Free Speech Considered Support for Nazism

bcglorf says...

Well, we’ve finally found an area where I lean more left/liberal than you do.

I hate how little evidence seems required to class someone ‘alt-right’ and equally how little effort is needed to re-class anyone ‘alt-right’ as a fascist, racist and nazi. It’s beyond intellectual laziness, and stinks of modern day witch huntery sometimes.

For the video here though, I can even hypothetically cede that all too you, and lets just pretend the guy in the video is 100% a committed, public Hitler enthusiast.

Even then, if all he wants to do is stand in the street with a sign, as he is in the video, then I lean left/liberal enough that I still believe you then meet him with words and counter protest, reveal his ideas as the vile poison they are. You do NOT get to use force and violence to chase him off by shoving him out, physically making him leave, and trying to steal his sign or assault him.

If he crosses the line of messages that promote violence, then the police get to use force to bring him in front of a judge and charge him. Angry mobs crushing dissenting opinion though is NOT the way forwards.

newtboy said:

It took me two seconds to figure out this was fake or at best a total misrepresentation, and under two minutes to find plenty of evidence to that effect.

They only look bad when viewed totally out of context. This was edited to create a false narrative that some random innocent meek individual supporting rational discourse was attacked by a violent gang of anti free speech liberals, which is asinine and a blatant lie. He's a professional racist instigators defending racist ideologies at a racist propaganda center being protested, not free speech but his freedom to espouse racial hatred unopposed and uncontradicted.
I'm sad this bullshit is still getting passed around without explanation three plus years later.

I bet if we saw the five minutes before this conveniently edited video started, no one could question them calling him a Nazi and shouting him away, since he is in fact one, one who actively and publicly works to legitimize Nazism and other racist ideologies...he is a long time professional public aggressor and race baiter.

He has every right to discuss his ideas, the rest of us have every right to vocally disagree. When his ideas are actually supporting racial violence, it's pretty disingenuous to complain when they spark some "verbal violence".

LA Erupts After Fireworks Shows Are Cancelled

newtboy says...

Interesting, but not surprising.

Fireworks (and bbqs) took LA air from poisonous to deadly on the fourth. It was already pretty ruined on the third. Last I read living there was like being a heavy smoker on the lungs. As I recall, the LA basin air quality was the main reason California enacted our own emission standards decades ago. That was my point, not that fireworks don't pollute, but that LA air quality is legendarily awful.

O.C.- The Florida Of California

wtfcaniuse says...

Anyone able to find a source for someone suffering asphyxiation or C02 poisoning from wearing a mask?

Yes, the third lady equated having to wear a mask for a while with being killed by police.

Police Who Murder Man In Public On Camera Fired

StukaFox says...

Sorry Newt, but this'll just be added to the pile of "who cares?"

This is the country that watches its children get machine-gunned in their schools and just shrugs. This is the country that poisoned its own population with opioids and just shrugged. This is the country that allowed corporations to take over the entire power structure of the nation and just shrugged. No one cares. No. One. Cares.

You cannot overcome the wall of indifference and entitlement no matter how many impassioned pleas or elegant speeches you make.

Your heart's in the right place, but this is Bob Knight's country now and you will never get it back. And the people who're like Bob Knight? Yeah, they really don't give a shit about dead niggers.

As soon as I get my work visa for France finalized, I am out of here.

newtboy said:

Snuff or news? I feel like this incident is going to be with us for a while.

Coronavirus:The Lost 6 Weeks America Wasted

JiggaJonson says...

What a fucking dumb analogy. WASTED BREATH

Can i get suicide if I bump into someone suicidal at the grocery store?

If I'm accidentally poisoned, should I worry about giving it to everyone at the office?

If my grandma breaks her hip and falls down the stairs, can I care for her and not put my child and wife at risk?

If I have the flu, and everyone around me has a current flu vaccination, should I treat it the same way I would COVID 19?

bobknight33 said:


Trump's Covid 19 Plan, Get Cancer Then Poison Yourself

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