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Car Hauler Vs Amtrak train

BSR says...

I believe the train engine is built to withstand a crash like this one, meaning it will not explode or come apart in large heavy pieces. Also it is a passenger train. To apply full braking could cause more injuries for the passengers onboard.

I also think any passengers in a stuck vehicle on the tracks will more times than not have plenty of time to abandon the vehicle before impact. An 8-car passenger train moving at 80 miles an hour needs about a mile to stop.

If an engineer sees that a bridge up ahead is out, he would probably apply full braking and deal with the injuries to passengers rather than risk deaths.

That's my uneducated reasoning and I'm sticking to it.

newtboy said:

Ok, I understand the train likely couldn't stop in time, but it sure looked like it didn't even try to slow down. Was there even a driver up front watching the tracks? It appears to be a long straight track section with excellent visibility. I would expect the train to be under full emergency braking before the impact, but it doesn't look like it is. Hmmmm.

bobknight33 (Member Profile)

JiggaJonson says...

Good. We already punish people for not avoiding spreading other deadly diseases [see AIDS] these people need to be charged similarly with murder


And if someone gives a person a ride to a gas station and then the passenger kills the clerk mid robbery. The driver, regardless of what happens next, is charged with the exact same crime by association. So too should the "tresspassers" be charged for the dead on Jan 6th. But what Am I saying? I saw that crowd boo when trump said get vaccinated this Saturday. They've already resigned themselves to death because of rhetoric the likes of which you help propagate. Shame on you. Go get vaccinated, dumbass.

bobknight33 said:

Sad you dont know what truth is. It is not on cable news.
Jan 6 was much to do about nothing except a large group of people wished to voice their displeasure of the government.

Few actually wanted to breach the walls but even so didn't have a plan past that. So yo have a few who breached and many many just followed for a look ... Those who got caught should face their crime of trespassing.

FBI investigators did find that cells of protesters, including followers of the far-right Oath Keepers and Proud Boys groups, had aimed to break into the Capitol. But they found no evidence that the groups had serious plans about what to do if they made it inside, the sources said.

Prosecutors have filed conspiracy charges against 40 of those defendants, alleging that they engaged in some degree of planning before the attack.

Synchronized Reversing Ends in Rear End Collision

luxintenebris jokingly says...

surprised this doesn't happen more often. especially in parking lots. have seen cars pull out across from each other, and parallel to each other.

'tho seen something even more intriguing than this. after h.s. let out, two cars were diagonal across and backed out, mirroring each other completely. both drivers saw one another, reacted precisely at the same time but still touched bumpers.

no real damage, other than both car's passengers spilled out, while play-acting, holding their backs and necks, yelling "OH! MY BACK!" or "MY NECK!" and threatening to sue each other.

no one (nor the cars) suffered anything but embarrassment, shock, or amusement.

Mordhaus (Member Profile)

Bicycle powered car

spawnflagger says...

hilarious. They should remove the passenger & rear seat to cut weight. maybe keep a 12V battery just to power the rear hazard lights. Perhaps add one of those orange triangles to the back like Amish horse-n-buggies have...

Traveling Downwind Faster Than Windspeed

SFOGuy says...

I love how this bends my brain and makes me think.
Thank you!


BTW, isn't "Joby" the company that just went public in a SPAC in Silicon Valley that was valued at around $6 billion? and is proposing a multi passenger electric taxi helicopter/plane that has actually gotten some flights in?

How Uber Is SCAMMING You

mxxcon says...
> Uber employees who investigated possible incidents of discrimination were "trained ... to coach drivers to find non-discriminatory reasons for ride denials" and even to "'advocate' to keep drivers on the platform despite discrimination complaints."

Fuck UBER! deplorable and despicable company! Not just what was mentioned in this video, but also everything their CEO and management have done, encourage drug use, creating environment which tolerates and encourages sexual harassment, doxing reporters, doxing victims of rape by uber drivers, creating software to spy on customers, drivers, celebreties, gov't officials, drivers of competing services, etc etc etc

Covid Vaccines: Last Week Tonight with John Oliver (HBO)

luxintenebris says...

any medicine, procedure, or vaccine carries risk. no guarantees, just probabilities. and the blood clotting risk is - what? greater than 1 in a million?

love to have those odds...say a million to one that Scarlett Johansson would reject an improper advance versus one in a million to ever suffer an immediate reprisal.

it'd be worth a shot.

more concerned that not enough citizens will help get the population up to the point of herd immunity. the consequences of that maybe become a catastrophe.

BTW: 1 in 5 chance, of any american car passenger, over their span of life, will be killed or maimed for life. is this worth the risk? doubt many ever give it a concern.

spawnflagger said:

Also, he didn't address the AstraZeneca pause in EU and elsewhere after the blood clot deaths. (link was found, just the EMA announced that due to the extreme rarity, the benefits outweigh the risks). But that also makes John's "zero deaths" from vaccines statement false (maybe he was only counting Pfizer/Moderna/J&J ?)


luxintenebris jokingly says...

"The radicalization of the Republican Party is a danger to us all. We must reject it."

welcome to the wagon. kinda hard to hear over the band sometimes, but nice to have ya'.

not a fan of the right-wing media. for a long, long - too long of a time. don't jive, daddy-o, w/putting out messages that fellow Americans are evil and an existential threat to anyone w/o a GOP membership. it's all f'n'ing stupid lies. also detrimental to the church socials. flinging potato salad at some 'antifa'¹ punk because he joked the orange jello resembled the former president is kinda over-the-stop. can you dig it?

like the bus driver, who smiles and greets their passengers, is looking forward to driving them all to HELL? on the face, doesn't that seem farfetched?

sure, the 'blue' ka-ka carries odor too. all those snide, snarky, condescending comments are hurtful - although it all is a bit less terrifying than storming the capitol - it could be better on that side of the pasture.²

how the name of baby jesus³ can a fellow citizen be so {{E V I L }} if they want healthcare, better wages, a stronger voice, equality, and a smarter populace for all Americans? makes no sense. seems they want more for the red than the red wants to work for?

the whole Ayn Rand puke didn't work for Louis XVI: it's past its fresh-by-date, and the right is already losing their heads over Mr. Potato Head.

anyway...Fox News is load w/criminals and is regularly sued for being f'n'liars. they are the people you're parents said they didn't want you around.

keep them out the house so they don't keep you out of your mind.

1: Adolph, 'AntiFa' means anti-fascist. my uncle, WWII vet, is one. respect.
2: Although, voting for a creamsicle does deserve SOME derision.
3: 'jeez-us and not 'hey-sooz' AKA your kid's next boss

BTW: found your mom delightful. not bored at all. or at least for the time i paid for. (not nice. sorry. didn't want to be left out of guy time)

United B777 has ENGINE FAILURE+FIRE on departure | Cowling S

Rheinmetall Air Defence

StukaFox says...

The best part is that it won't blow a straying passenger plane out of the air. On the other hand, you will need a firehose to clean out the cabin upon landing.

Uber Passengers Livestream Nightmare Ride

BSR (Member Profile)

Virgin Hyperloop - First Passenger Test

spawnflagger says... has some more technical details, including that there are airlocks, and it's only a medium vacuum (100 Pa, but still very dangerous).
Their newer maglev tech looks promising though.

Bullet trains are quite convenient, but I wouldn't trust any built/run/maintained by USA passenger train companies - safety record is abysmal.

newtboy (Member Profile)

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