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Ozzy Osbourne WoW Commercial

Ozzy Osbourne WoW Commercial

dannym3141 says...

>> ^Offsajdh:
>> ^BillOreilly:
...noone wants to buy a 4 year old game with horrible graphics and a monthly fee...

Apparently over 11 million people pay that monthly fee, and the latest expansion sold (a record breaking) 2.8 million copies during the first 24 hours of launch. Love it or hate it, doesnt really matter, World of Warcraft will still go down as the defining game of this generation.

And yet it's such a shame to better games that it was just a fluke of circumstance, imo. It was made to be very accessible with scatter gun tactics.. attract as many mmo fans as you can by putting as many elements of mmo games as possible into it, whether it worked correctly or not.

Though i hate to do it, i have to admit lich king was excellently done, at least from a solo-questing/storyline standpoint. I got some of the best storylines and emotional feeling from it since baldur's gate and that's saying a lot. However if we forget lich king for a minute and pretend it isn't out yet, 50% of the wow community would probably tell you that the game isn't particularly good, enjoyable, well done, and 75% would almost certainly tell you that blizzard treat the community like groupies to be shat on at will and they feel that they're cheated with the price they pay against the service they recieve. Still pay it though.

I think most of the popularity of the game came about because it was released at the right time. A time which will never happen again. The internet became huge. People will tell you the internet became huge before that, but it didn't become REALLY huge. 5-10 years before that a lot of people had the internet but if you played games on it as a schoolkid, at school you were still a nerd. Nowadays even the cool people at school do it. (god that sounds crap, but it's the best way to get my point across)

I'll tell you i thought everquest was the be-all and end-all of mmo's - but perhaps it's because i was really young when i played it and i was more susceptible to mystery and fantasy.

To summarize, i'm amazed the game became as big as it did, because it really isn't good enough, isn't maintained well enough, etc. etc. I'm sure someone will argue this point with me, but they won't be able to argue that half the people playing it think all this, and that's really the point - half the people playing it (11 million? at £9.99/$xx.xx per month) don't think it's good enough. (again, all pre-expansion, it's too early to speak averages otherwise)

And furthermore obviously i haven't spoken to 5.5 million wow players, i've spoken to/heard from thousands and thousands whilst playing and at least half were of this opinion.

Nerdspeech over.

Ozzy Osbourne WoW Commercial

Krupo says...

>> ^Offsajdh:
>> ^BillOreilly:
...noone wants to buy a 4 year old game with horrible graphics and a monthly fee...

Apparently over 11 million people pay that monthly fee, and the latest expansion sold (a record breaking) 2.8 million copies during the first 24 hours of launch. Love it or hate it, doesnt really matter, World of Warcraft will still go down as the defining game of this generation.
... for me to poop on!

so true

Ozzy Osbourne WoW Commercial

Offsajdh says...

>> ^BillOreilly:
...noone wants to buy a 4 year old game with horrible graphics and a monthly fee...

Apparently over 11 million people pay that monthly fee, and the latest expansion sold (a record breaking) 2.8 million copies during the first 24 hours of launch. Love it or hate it, doesnt really matter, World of Warcraft will still go down as the defining game of this generation.

Dita von Teese on the Sharon Osbourne Show

spoco2 says...

This was a very shallow, contentless 'interview'. It was basically Sharon (who seems to be a terrible talk show host), showing off that she knows Dita and got her to perform for Ozzy.


No substantial questions at all, nothing asking about whether Dita has seen a shift in public acceptance of Burlesque, the difference between burlesque and stripping, whether she's encountered negative reactions to her profession... etc. etc. etc.

Plus, it's kinda old, being that here she had just got married to MM.

Also, man, Dita has a fair overbite (which is a valid observation seeing as she makes her living on her body and appearance).

Tragedy - Heavy Metal Bee Gees Cover Band

Girlfriend playing Team Fortress (TF2) Heavy Update

Ozzy Osbourne Sing Along - Less Go Ow To Duh Baaaaa Game

Black Sabbath - Fairies Wear Boots

Black Sabbath - Fairies Wear Boots

Ozzy Osbourne Ozzfest Spoofs

Chuck Norris vs. Rat

Ozzy Osbourne-Dreamer (2001)

Another connection between Death and Drinking...

MINK says...

it's a british generic friendly lads accent with no detectable regionality, perfect for advertising.

the reason it sounds a bit ozzy is probably because the last line is a question, and as we all know, every oz sentence ends with a question mark. and the actor is trying to be all casual and laddish.

btw, IPA (india pale ale) was specially developed so it could be transported to india without going bad. Empire, what what. Now you know.

and yes, british ads are better than american ads, but this one only needed 20 seconds. i hate 40 second ads that repeat the joke a million times.

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