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Haircut 100 - Favourite Shirts (Boy Meets Girl)

Terence McKenna "Timewave Zero (Acceleration of Time)"

Tron: Evolution Exclusive Debut Trailer

ScrewAttack: Angry Video Game Nerd: X-Men Platforms

SNL's Julian Assange Character Blasts Facebook and Democracy

Killing Us Softly -- Volume 4

Changing an Engine on a Boeing 777

Christine O'Donnell can't name a Supreme Court Decision

vaire2ube says...

Here, here! Don't get me started on the Islamocommuniggers in the White "Hizzy". Gary Colemans dead and still on welfare. OJ got no work. I make the soup... oh boy do i make the soup.

Do I win the "say insane shit" contest..

.. hey little miss bill0, i really liked that song of yours.. something about sunny d and rum. you're looking fit and 'ol chomper is still bitin!

no one could consistently be this stupid, so its pretty obvious if it wasn't by now... you're AN INSTIGATOR. Sorry for the harsh language.

TDS: Wedding of the Decade of Century of the Millenium

Lithic says...

Ah yes, the continues joke that is modern media coverage. Sometimes I don't know whether to laugh or stab someone. Maybe I'll just laugh while stabbing someone. Could call it "the OJ".

Futurama - Bender's First Born Son

BP Goes Judge Shopping

Man exonerated after 29 years in jail

handmethekeysyou says...

Sometimes cameras are allowed. Sometimes they're not. It's at the judge's discretion, I believe. If you'll recall, the entire OJ Simpson case was televised.>> ^BoneRemake:

So hey, I thought cameras where not allowed in courtrooms ? or is that while the case is going on ? that is what was explained to me as for all the drawings you see people doing in court.

How do you know God isn't real?

VoodooV says...

The problem I have with this stuff is that very little gets accomplished. The caller will continue being ignorant and the hosts, despite being correct, do nothing to make atheism more acceptable in the public's eyes. It's lose/lose.

There is no debate or discourse in this show, its just two sides yammering at each other. Sure one side has facts and evidence on their side, but this is real life and sometimes facts and evidence don't matter, just ask the OJ Simpson. We do not live in a society where facts and evidence reign supreme, and just shouting over the caller and cutting him off doesn't change that.

In my opinion, the existence of god or the lack thereof is irrelevant. The problem is the role of religion in today's society. The problem is not the deity. The problem are the PEOPLE who claim to know what that deity is all about. Even if Atheists could provide evidence that god does not exist, it just would not matter because it's corrupt religions that cause the problems in society, not god.

I don't care if someone believes in god or not, what matters is whether or not a person is a productive member of society and is helpful to his fellow man, not hurtful. It is PEOPLE, using religion, who have a long history of being hurtful to humanity, they are the threat, not god. For all we know, the caller is a good person who works hard to support his family. I don't care that he believes differently than me or if he isn't good with issues of logic or reason. He's not the problem, god is not the problem, it's the PEOPLE of the preisthood that constantly pressures and manipulates people like that to be intolerant and ignorant.

Atheists are fighting the wrong fight. Why do these people continue to tilt against windmills with people who already have their minds made up and aren't going to swayed no matter how convincing the argument is. All this does is pump up the people who already feel the same way you do. It doesn't improve things one bit. Well except make for good comedy I suppose.

NicoleBee (Member Profile)

"Shake Hands with the Devil" trailer -- the Rwanda Genocide

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