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What Would You Do? Racism In An Upscale Store

Clip from "Lessons of Darkness" by Werner Herzog

Colbert 12/8/09 - Craziest F#?king Thing I've Ever Heard

Continued talk with Russ and Friends (Blog Entry by dag)

Lethal Rubber

longde says...

Here's the back story:

I've been loved and hated for making this film. I guess it just depends on how the viewer feels about animals. But almost all ask me, "why did you make Lethal Rubber?" I thought it was time to tell the story.

I work as a supervisor for a construction company on my day job. I drive all over northern New Jersey checking work done by the company work crews. On one of the major highways I saw a Ground Hog standing on the side of the road looking across the 6 lanes of traffic. I knew this little critter was going to 'go for it' and try to get to the other side. I also knew he was most likely going to be killed before he reached the second lane.

When I got back to the shop that evening I mentioned this story about this brave little soul to a few of the other workers and I was saddened by the different comments. "Serves him right if he gets it", "Dumb ass animals", "If I see him I'll help him on his way" and "What am I suppose to do, stop driving my car just because animals are getting killed on the highway". It amazes me how people will justify their behavior.

There are so many dead animals on our streets and highways and most of us just fly by in our cars like they're not even there on the road. So, I took my pocket DV cam with me to work the next day and set out to give the animals a voice. I wondered what they were doing the moment before they were killed. They don't know what a highway is, or an eighteen wheeler for that matter. They just want to get somewhere.

On my first day I got all the animals except the bear, which I got on my second day. I was 52 years old at the time and had never seen a bear dead on the road before nor have I seen one since.

My hope is that this short film, "Lethal Rubber" will make you stop and think. I'm NOT going to tell you what to think. I just hope you get a chance to take pause and think about the animals.

Observe The Wild Guido Mating Dance In It's Natural Habitat

Zyrxil says...

My understanding of the term is generally referring to the throngs of identicle-looking spiky-haired muscle-building fake-tanning douchebags that flock to beaches in New Jersey.

Or Long Island, apparently New Jersey's equally retarded cousin:

Also, according to , it's what Carmine Gotti's style is, which is why it's "Guido".

Observe The Wild Guido Mating Dance In It's Natural Habitat

Xaielao says...

My understanding of the term is generally referring to the throngs of identicle-looking spiky-haired muscle-building fake-tanning douchebags that flock to beaches in New Jersey.

That exactly what they are. When I'm anywhere near those beaches on a summer afternoon the smell makes me want to vomit.

Observe The Wild Guido Mating Dance In It's Natural Habitat

demon_ix says...

My understanding of the term is generally referring to the throngs of identicle-looking spiky-haired muscle-building fake-tanning douchebags that flock to beaches in New Jersey.

While not intended as a racial slur against Italians specifically, it is intended as a derogatory term against whatever these morons choose to call themselves, as I doubt they restrict their population to any specific minority.

Sifts: (is dead atm, but is a fix)

Pics (or it didn't happen:

Rachel Maddow - The Fifth Column of Insanity

Samaelsmith says...

I'm not referring to America as a whole. If it were that bad I think I would be headed for a bunker as far away from the US as possible. I'm merely talking about the Republican party based on the New Jersey poll that claimed 61% of them think Obama may not be American. I was under the impression that the Republican party was the village he was referring to.

Glenn Becks tearful 9-11 rant

JiggaJonson says...

"Groundbreaking for the World Trade Center took place on August 5, 1966. The North Tower (1) was completed in December 1970 and the South Tower (2) was finished in July 1971" -Wiki
----> 6 years to build em

"Initial plans, made public in 1961, identified a site along the East River for the World Trade Center.[6] As a bi-state agency, the Port Authority required approval from both the governors of New York and New Jersey in order to undertake new projects. New Jersey Governor Robert B. Meyner objected to New York getting a $335 million project.[7] Toward the end of 1961, negotiations with outgoing New Jersey Governor Meyner reached a stalemate." -Wiki
----> 6 years to plan for em


Under optimum conditions and not counting any cleanup time/politics regarding the memorial site it should take at LEAST 12 years based on the initial build. How disingenuous can you be?? Do 30 seconds worth of research Glenn Beck. Until then, stop feeding America your lies.

American Commercial Misrepresents Canadian Healthcare

brycewi19 says...

OK. I did "learn more". Patients United Now was launched by a conservative group called American for Prosperity.

From wiki:
In 2003, an internal rift between Citizens for a Sound Economy (CSE) and its affiliated Citizens for a Sound Economy Foundation led to a split in which the latter organization was renamed as a separate organization, called Americans for Prosperity.

Its foundation's chair and founder is David Koch of Koch Industries, which runs oil refining and pipeline companies. Another Americans for Prosperity Foundation board member is Richard Fink, a Koch executive who serves as a director of the refining subsidiary. Fink helps control AFP's purse strings. He is president of the Koch-affiliated Claude R. Lambe Charitable Foundation, which gave AFP's foundation $2.2 million from 2005-06, according to the Foundation Center.

On February 27, 2009, in collaboration with others, the organization sponsored a Dallas-Fort Worth, Texas and Washington, D.C. Tea party protest.

AFP aims to promote a sound economic policy that supports business and regulatory restraint by government, according to its literature. This organization leans conservative. AFP opposed the $787 billion stimulus package for economic recovery.

The organization has chapters in 22 of the 50 states: Arizona, California, Colorado, Florida, Georgia, Illinois, Kansas, Louisiana, Michigan, Missouri, New Hampshire, New Jersey, North Carolina, North Dakota, Ohio, Oklahoma, Oregon, South Carolina, South Dakota, Texas, Virginia, and Wisconsin.

Americans for Prosperity is led by Tim Phillips, who was a former partner with Ralph Reed's Century Strategies. That organization became well-known when it was revealed in a Senate investigation that convicted lobbyist Jack Abramoff was laundering money through Century Strategies and Americans for Tax Reform to oppose legislation that his Indian tribe clients wanted to defeat.

HEAVY emphasis on the LIES channel!

Futurama - Apartment Hunting

New Jersey fucking sucks (Wtf Talk Post)

Do you look like this?

conan says...

Some of them are not New Jersey Douches but Austrian Douches who call themselves Krocha. Some of the pics also can be seen in famous Krocha videos. Unfortunately I didn't find any english material about Krocha, a shame because it's quite funny IMHO.

New Jersey fucking sucks (Wtf Talk Post)

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