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Wooden Expanding Table

newtboy says...

I totally disagree. In small mode, it would seat 4-5 comfortably, in large mode, easily 8-10. Doubling the seating is significant to me.
Also, coolest table in the neighborhood is worth a few bonus points....but for that you should motorize it. Those are the best.

Fairbs said:

that's pretty cool, but it doesn't seem to get significantly larger so it doesn't have much practical value in my mind

If you had a fear of elevators before...

WaterDweller says...

May not be common knowledge, but elevators actually have a counterweight, that weighs as much as the elevator would when it's filled by a certain number of people, to ease the load on the motor. When there's only one person in the elevator, the motor actually has to work harder when the elevator is on the way down than on the way up, as it has to lift the counterweight.

Ehang184-chinese unveil new passenger drone prototype

Drachen_Jager says...

You forgot "Made in China" not a label to inspire confidence. If it were made in Germany, I'm sure a lot more people would believe in the safety features, but honestly, I think the reason it's NOT made in Germany is that it's inherently impossible to design such a vehicle to actually be safe.

1 blade breaks (bird strike?) 1 motor fails, ANYTHING goes wrong with the software or hardware, structural failures, hell, even the passenger shifting rapidly in their seat could cause this thing to fall out of the air like a brick.

They seem to think if they repeat "absolute safety by design" often enough somebody will believe it, but the video does absolutely nothing to show what they've done to actually make the thing safe.

I have a new tag line for them:

"Absolutely safe, just like Chinese-made hoverboards!"

South West Australian Bush fires - Incredible footage

newtboy says...

...Or, if your car isn't well maintained, you likely have oil and other flammable liquids covering the underside of the motor and maybe the whole car. Of course, if you have no other choice, you have no other choice.

charliem said:

There are hidden dangers in driving through conditions like, if your fuel line gets too hot, it can boil off the fuel in your lines, starving your engine.

Then your engine stops...and you are the centre of an inferno.

Dont do this unless its life or death situation...even then....reconsider.

Action Movie Kid (James) visits Nintendo Headquarters/HQ

artician says...

I'm starting to think he's creating a monster.

Anyway, Nintendo Headquarters! I got a tour of it in the early 90s. Fun story:

As a kid I used to take motor-home summer trips with my grandparents every year. At the beginning of the summer in 1992 (just prior to the SNES release of Street Fighter 2) my grandfather said that, through some contest via the Nintendo Power subscription they had been getting me for several years, I'd won a tour of the Nintendo Headquarters. So our trip that year became the drive up the coast of California, Oregon and Washington to visit them.
I hardly saw much, it was a pedestrian tour, but for me it was about as amazing as you'd expect for the time. I did however notice something odd about the experience, and through cousins and other family members I learned later that, most likely, my grandfather pulled a fast-one on everyone.
The likely reality that I was able to assemble myself over years later was that we just showed the fuck up! My grandfather went in and said "I just drove my grandson on a 4-day trip just to see you guys. You wouldn't deny us a tour after all that trouble, would you?"

I Made A Mistake I Bought A (Lemon) Jeep

newtboy says...

Odd. Do you know who made the motors in 1970 through 87 there? Still "Jeep"?
That wasn't the case in America, where Jeep was never it's own company.
Here in America, that (70-87) was the AMC years, coming after Kaiser (in 1953, first called Kaiser-Fraiser, then Willies, then Kaiser-Jeep), which all came after the Willies Overland company, who essentially copied the Bantom design for the military in early WW2, then made civilian Jeeps for years under the Willies name.
In my opinion, any Jeep made after they switched to rectangular headlights and plastic (early 80's) isn't worth having.
I have a 73 CJ-5 that came stock with a 304 AMC V-8 (and now has a 360 AMC V-8 from a donor Wagoneer). It's an unstoppable trail monster, but too hard on my back for me to drive any more.

I hope you guys get a decent lemon law out of this. He wrote a good campaign song for the bill right here.

oritteropo said:

I don't think Jeeps ever had AMC branding here, before Chrysler bought AMC they were just Jeep, but like he says there are plenty of other reliable choices he could've made (Toyota Hilux for instance, Top Gear proved that the old ones were virtually indestructable).

Self-driving, drifting DeLorean

Baristan says...

Yes they did.

Found a press release.

"MARTY was built in collaboration with Renovo Motors, an automotive start-up based in Silicon Valley that specializes in building advanced electric vehicle technology. Working closely together gave the Stanford team early access to a brand new platform derived from Renovo’s electric supercar that delivers 4,000 pound-feet from on-motor gearboxes to the rear wheels in a fraction of a second – allowing precise control of the forces required to drift."

newtboy said:

Did they turn it into an electric car too?

Self-driving, drifting DeLorean

rancor says...

Hard to tell. Obviously a new motor, but why swap in a different gas engine? I think at 1:25 it sounds like an electric motor, and at the very end it sounds like it clicks off.

A Google Image search returns a couple similar-looking results but nothing conclusive. Also they don't show a battery, but it might be a small one for small experiments. Maybe even self-contained in that housing, since most GIS results show simple cylindrical motors.

newtboy said:

I got you @Baristan...

Did they turn it into an electric car too? It looked like it in the build, but there is some motor noise at the end of the drift (too much loud music during the drift to hear), so I'm confused.

Self-driving, drifting DeLorean

newtboy says...

I got you @Baristan...

Did they turn it into an electric car too? It looked like it in the build, but there is some motor noise at the end of the drift (too much loud music during the drift to hear), so I'm confused.

The Real Reason Jaywalking Is A Crime

00Scud00 says...

Interesting stuff, I never knew the origins of the term Jaywalker.
Being the operator of an evil motor vehicle however I do see a flip side to this, uppity pedestrians who seem to think that because motorists are required to stop for pedestrians that they can just stroll out into traffic any time it strikes their fancy.

how climate change deniers sound to normal people

newtboy says...

OK, the video's point, and your first 2 answers to it in the comments. @ChaosEngine explained how I see it quite well.

This 'anecdote' proved that you were wrong in your blanket assertion that condoms are only >98% effective in the lab, because condoms are >98% effective outside the least in one case I know of, and certainly others.

I do understand that deniers want to be called 'skeptics', but I also understand that that's not at all what they are.

I/we don't need to convince those that are clearly closed to convincing if I/we don't allow their obstinacy to be a road block to progress. Giving them more hearings, more time, and more chance to kick the can down the road gives them that opportunity.
I don't WANT to leave them behind, but I also won't die on the beach because Bubba wants to sit in the bus parked in the soft sand at the low tide line, and debate whether there is such a thing as a tide...especially when the tide is already 1/2 in, the motor's sputtering, and the wheels are under water. At some point one must decide to not let them and their never ending, constantly changing, factually challenged 'argument' doom all of us, even if it means ignoring their continuing argument and acting without their consent. I'm not sure we should kick them off the bus...but they are starting to mess with the driver and sometimes steal the it might come to that some day.

harlequinn said:

You only answered half my question. The answer that proves this?

Nice anecdote. I assume by your smiley face that you know anecdotes are not proof of anything except an individuals experience.

In normal usage of the terms, denier and sceptic are synonymous. Although I do agree that there should be a distinction along the ways you've said.

It is lazy stone age thinking. You're not going to get anywhere if they're a roadblock and you don't spend the time convincing them otherwise. Do you really want to leave your fellow man behind? I think you should strive to put him on a better path. (I mean sceptics/deniers as a group - not on an individual level).

Geo Metro meets a brutal fate

Are Coffee & Poop BFFs?

worthwords says...

it is interesting. There is a (non caffeine) biological active substance in coffee which is rapidly absorbed by the stomach and in some individuals increases rectosigmoid motor activity... it seems that the effects is similar to that of 1000 kcalories worth of food. While most laxatives work on the gut surface - either osmotically drawing water into the colon or increasing secretion, a coffee derivative could finally yield dumb and dumber grade laxative!

The Howmet TX: Rethink Everything

oritteropo says...

According to the entry in Jimbo's big bag'o'trivia, there's a second turbine that drives the wheels (and an electric motor for reverse).

newtboy said:

I want to know more about how it works. It seems like they're saying it's direct drive off the turbine (with no clutch? Really!?), but then they are able to stop the wheels with the brakes while the turbine is spun how does that work?
Looks like fun, and an interesting idea.


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