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Playinwithfire (Member Profile)

Deano (Member Profile)

Norwegian Recycling - Miracles (Ridiculous Mashup)

"Miracles" Mega Mash up

"Miracles" Mega Mash up

"Miracles" Mega Mash up

"Miracles" Mega Mash up

Cloud Atlas - First Trailer - Wachowski's

Fan-made Video for Breaking Bad - Fantastic!

Car wreck launches car through the air

deathcow says...

Supposedly the cams reduce red light runners by almost 50%... whats wrong with that? I've almost had my family mashed into creamed corn by a red light runner. I look twice REAL damn carefully now.

Tim and Eric Interview Maynard About His Wine

dag (Member Profile)

What was the first vid you ever posted to VS? (Happy Talk Post)

100m sprint: broken knee in Helsinki. Careful: graphic!!!

Nova: Carbon Nanotubes

KnivesOut says...

When he mashed his finger into that slab of microscopic needles, I was just imagining all the penetration going down... microscopically.

Yowsa.>> ^jubuttib:

"Scientists don't yet know if they're toxic."
... It's carbon. Scientists are quite well aware how toxic carbon is. It's abrasive qualities if inhaled and other such considerations are another thing though.

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Beggar's Canyon