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Kissing Captain Kirk ......pucker up ladies ;-)

ashes2flames says...

Nice compilation .. classic tune .. good stuff.

"The very first lady shown in this clip was the gorgeous Kathie Browne who guest starred in an episode called "In The Wink Of An Eye". Since she is shown combing her long tresses with a smile on her face, & Kirk is seen putting his boots on whilst sitting on a bed, it implies they just had sex. This is the only time it is ever made clear that any sex took place between Kirk & his leading ladies."

Kathy Griffin talks about Scientology and Donna Karan

MarineGunrock (Member Profile)

8217 says...

Lesbians do not have sex with men, else they wouldn't be lesbians. But whatever, I can accept that it was just a silly joke. Anyways, thx for the response to my question.

In reply to this comment by MarineGunrock:
She asked how lesbians get children -so I was saying I gave it to them. You know, sex with lesbians!

In reply to this comment by Kuga:
Hello there, MarineGunrock. You made this comment a while back on one of my videos but I didn't notice it at the time. Could you explain it? I don't understand what you meant.

In reply to this comment by MarineGunrock:
I give lesbians their children.

MarineGunrock (Member Profile)

C'mon don't bullshit me Kathy!

Suck It, Jesus!

Suck It, Jesus!

bamdrew says...

Excellent points, QM!

My turn to say something insane, barely related to the topic, and borderline bigoted; 'If she took a shit on stage, rubbed it on herself and threw it in the audience, Germany would have elected her President.'

And now to follow it up with a statement that is demonstrably wrong based on this clip actually being censored from the broadcast; 'nobody cares what Kathy has to say, so she can say what she wants without being censored.'

... we're like brothers from a different mother

Andy Kaufman is a "Born Again" Christian?

choggie says...

Now.......youdiejoe needs one more published viddy to get the big fiddy......This would make a great gold-bumper-

And no, Andy Kaufman was never hot with Kathy Sullivan, no more than he was an enemy of Lawler, a redneck-hater,...but Bob Zmauda, WAS Tony Clifton!!!

Christian activists disrupt Hindu Senate invocation

qruel says...

Ante Pavkovic, Kathy Pavkovic, and Kristen Sugar were all arrested in the chambers of the United States Senate as that chamber was violated by a false Hindu god. The Senate was opened with a Hindu prayer placing the false god of Hinduism on a level playing field with the One True God, Jesus Christ. This would never have been allowed by our Founding Fathers.

"Not one Senator had the backbone to stand as our Founding Fathers stood. They stood on the Gospel of Jesus Christ! There were three in the audience with the courage to stand and proclaim, 'Thou shalt have no other gods before me.' They were immediately removed from the chambers, arrested, and are in jail now. God bless those who stand for Jesus as we know that He stands for them." Rev. Flip Benham, Director, Operation Save America/Operation Rescue


Ha, the "one true god, jesus christ"... How many times have you heard that "god sent his only son, blah, blah, blah..." as i said before. christianity is polytheistic. god, son, holy ghost, trinity crap.

Conan and Jim Carrey Talk Quantum Physics

jonny says...

A great example of why I think Carrey is one of the most overrated actors of my generation. Painful card reading, pathetic facial expressions trying to make up for it, and no apologies for insulting his audience when it's over.

(Non)Props to Conan (though I typically think of him as a better writer than performer) for cranking out the quantum stuff without looking away or even the slightest pause. -edit: ugh. Camera guys gave him the cut away to find the card when he needs it.

Bigger props to the editors for the Kathy Lee Federline mashup. nice.

Kathy Griffin Skewers Ann Coulter

Kathy Griffin Skewers Ann Coulter

Ricky Nelson - Honeycomb

Bogus Dow Spokesman - '$12bn to Bhopal Disaster Victims'

deputydog says...

'On December 3, 2004, the twentieth anniversary of the Bhopal disaster, Andy Bichlbaum appeared on BBC World as "Jude Finisterra", a Dow Chemical spokesman. Dow is the owner of Union Carbide, the company responsible for the chemical disaster which killed thousands and left over 120,000 requiring lifelong care. Union Carbide was originally forced to pay US$470 million in compensation to survivors, which amounts to about US$500 per victim. (Note: Dow PR Head Kathy Hunt was quoted as stating that $500 is "plenty good for an Indian.")

On their fake Dow Chemical Website, the Yes Men first said as clearly and emphatically as possible that Dow Chemical Company had no intention whatsoever of repairing the damage. The real company received considerable backlash and both the real Dow and the phony Dow denied the statements, but Dow took no real action.

The Yes Men decided to pressure Dow further, so as "Finisterra" went on the news to claim that Dow planned to liquidate Union Carbide and use the resulting $12 billion to pay for medical care, clean up the site, and fund research into the hazards of other Dow products. After two hours of wide coverage, Dow issued a press release denying the statement, ensuring even greater coverage of the phony news of a cleanup.'

More on the actual Bhopal disaster...

Watch a full length film about The Yes Men on the sift (this hoax wasn't included in the film)....

Parking Spot Fight

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