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KRS-One - A Friend

MrFisk says...

The beat was sposed to drop right there
The beat was sposed to drop right there
The beat was sposed to drop right there
Yeah yeah yeah... uhh
I send this one out, to my right hand man
or mens, or womens, the whole crew
The real fam

We can count the dough or kick a flow
or chill out watchin videos
or actin really silly yo but really doe
all that can end...
Whether at the bar with superstars
or cruisin in the trooper car
I really don't care who you are
All I really need is a friend
Verse One: KRS-One
If we can't have trust then you can't hang with us
We respond to those who show respect with respect
We respond we connect on the same deck
same intellect, my man, never shifty, thinks quickly
If you can't understand, we boys we boys
We could stand on the corner with a hat sellin toys
It ain't about your Benz I hope it ain't about mine
my man, I be dissin in my freestyle rhyme
Gettin G's around the world, I can trust you with my girl
my man, we chillin at the jam, what's the plan?
I'm not a yes man and none of my friends are yes men
or women, I'm drivin, I see my peeps yo get in
Where you fit in? True friends are quick to sit
in the beginning of all trouble, and when your bankroll doubles
Fred Flintstone and Barney Rubble
Still I got my own space like Hubble

Cause don't nobody care about us, all they do is doubt us
Until we blow the spot then they all wanna crowd us
and wanna shout us, but you my man from way back
I just gots to say that, actin large I don't play that
But I can't say that, where I play at isn't fast-paced
A friend can acquire the taste to become two-faced
And that's a disgrace there ain't nothing you can say to us
When the kid you grew up with betrays your trust
When we used to ride the bus we had trust
Now we cash checks and drive Lex, and can't show respect to one of us
Yo the heads I hang with ain't tryin to just get
what they can get, sit quickly backstabbin the click
I roll thick, but only some are friends really
down to the end, my right hand men and women
Mutual support, from the beginning
Been in, exactly what I've been in

Back to back we attack corporate America
Gettin fees that amount to G's in every area
You my man I ain't gotta drag you along
You pull your own weight, yeah you definitely got it goin on
I don't see nothin wrong wit a little bumpin car system
thumpin, between the crew we always got sump'un
But if we had nuttin no frontin whatever
We'd still be crew you and me, me for you together
Word, fake people ain't worth a turd
They only want to be your friend because of what they overheard
I send this record to the well respected
Friends that I've collected, I hope I am what you expected
Yeah, so check it, so check it

kronosposeidon (Member Profile)

ponceleon says...

Hehe... thx man. Gotta love teh hubble!

In reply to this comment by kronosposeidon:
Upvote for "Satan's penis." With such a massive tool, no wonder bad boys are popular with the ladies.

In reply to this comment by ponceleon:
The hubble space telescope is Satan's penis, used by atheist scientist to spread their so-called science. If god wanted us to put things in space, he would have created ladder-trees that reached that high so we could climb up there and look with intelligently designed space-seeing-eyes.

Utter rubbish!! Heresy too!

ponceleon (Member Profile)

kronosposeidon says...

Upvote for "Satan's penis." With such a massive tool, no wonder bad boys are popular with the ladies.

In reply to this comment by ponceleon:
The hubble space telescope is Satan's penis, used by atheist scientist to spread their so-called science. If god wanted us to put things in space, he would have created ladder-trees that reached that high so we could climb up there and look with intelligently designed space-seeing-eyes.

Utter rubbish!! Heresy too!

Hubblecast 27: What has Hubble taught us about the planets?

ponceleon says...

The hubble space telescope is Satan's penis, used by atheist scientist to spread their so-called science. If god wanted us to put things in space, he would have created ladder-trees that reached that high so we could climb up there and look with intelligently designed space-seeing-eyes.

Utter rubbish!! Heresy too!

The Hubble floats away from the Space Shuttle Atlantis

The Hubble floats away from the Space Shuttle Atlantis

Payback says...

Technically... Atlantis drifts away from Hubble.

Every time I watch anything like this, I'm struck by the fact there's less than 200 miles of atmosphere on top of us. In this clip, they are all of 350 miles above sea level. Less than the distance across most states.

The Hubble floats away from the Space Shuttle Atlantis

NetRunner says...

>> ^brycewi19:
Crap! I left my keys in there!
Can we go back and get them?

I'm more thinking about the first few things they said, when they were talking about whether they were going to "reboost" it or not, and that they'd argued about it and decided not to.

I'm sure they more than did the math on that, but they won't have another opportunity to boost it ever again, I'd think they'd give it a little kick just to be sure it won't reenter anytime soon.

If we're smart, we'll pull that thing back out of orbit intact someday and put it in the Air and Space Museum.

The Hubble floats away from the Space Shuttle Atlantis

Almanildo (Member Profile)

moodonia (Member Profile)

The Hubble floats away from the Space Shuttle Atlantis

Numinar says...

That thing belongs in a museum!

I mean, really, it is so sad that one day we will let this puppy burn up and die. (This is the last service mission planned... though so was the last one from memory so who knows.)

It's a pity we could not have boosted it, and Mir, and a few other notable historic craft into some safe, high orbit museum like Nelsons Ship. In terms of understanding of the galaxy, Hubble has blown the frakin' lid right off for almost 20 years now. Such a cool machine!

The Hubble floats away from the Space Shuttle Atlantis

cybrbeast says...
This morning, at precisely 8:57 a.m. ET, a carefully orchestrated maneuver was carried out 350 miles above the Atlantic coastline of Africa, marking the successful end of the fifth and final shuttle servicing mission.

Ever so gently, the Atlantis crew released the grapple fixture on the shuttle’s robotic arm, allowing Hubble to resume orbiting Earth on its own, as it has done since its deployment in April 1990. After Hubble’s thousands of orbits, thousands of images, five tune-ups and countless discoveries, a space shuttle crew is leaving this great observatory for the last time.

The Hubble floats away from the Space Shuttle Atlantis

100 Greatest Discoveries - Astronomy

eric3579 says...

1. The Planets Move (2000 B.C. – 500 B.C.)
A thousand years of observations reveal that there are stars that move in the sky and follow patterns, showing that the Earth is part of a solar system of planets separate from the fixed stars.

2. The Earth Moves (1543)
Nicolaus Copernicus places the sun, not the Earth, at the center of the solar system.

3. Planetary Orbits Are Elliptical (1605 – 1609)
Johannes Kepler devises mathematical laws that successfully and accurately predict the motions of the planets in elliptical orbits.

4. Jupiter Has Moons (1609 – 1612)
Galileo Galilei discovers that Jupiter has moons like the Earth, proving that Copernicus, not Ptolemy, is right. Copernicus believes that Earth is not unique, but instead resembles the other planets, all of which orbit the sun.

5. Halley's Comet Has a Predictable Orbit (1705 – 1758)
Edmund Halley proves that comets orbit the sun like the planets and successfully predicts the return of Halley's Comet. He determines that comets seen in 1531 and 1607 are the same object following a 76-year orbit. Halley's prediction is proven in 1758 when the comet returns. Unfortunately, Halley had died in 1742, missing the momentous event.

6. The Milky Way Is a Gigantic Disk of Stars (1780 – 1834)
Telescope-maker William Herschel and his sister Carolyn map the entire sky and prove that our solar system resides in a gigantic disk of stars that bulges in the center called the Milky Way. Herschel's technique involves taking a sample count of stars in the field of view of his telescope. His final count shows more than 90,000 stars in 2,400 sample areas. Later studies confirm that our galaxy is disk-shaped, but find that the sun is not near the center and that the system is considerably larger than Herschel's estimation.

7. General Relativity (1915 – 1919)
Albert Einstein unveils his theory of general relativity in which he proposes that mass warps both time and space, therefore large masses can bend light. The theory is proven in 1919 by astronomers using a solar eclipse as a test.

8. The Universe Is Expanding (1924 – 1929)
Edwin Hubble determines the distance to many nearby galaxies and discovers that the farther they are from us, the faster they are flying away from us. His calculations prove that the universe is expanding.

9. The Center of the Milky Way Emits Radio Waves (1932)
Karl Jansky invents radio astronomy and discovers a strange radio-emitting object at the center of the Milky Way. Jansky was conducting experiments on radio wavelength interference for his employer, Bell Telephone Laboratories, when he detected three groups of static; local thunderstorms, distant thunderstorms and a steady hiss-type static. Jansky determines that the static is coming from an unknown source at the center of the Milky Way by its position in the sky.

10. Cosmic Microwave Background Radiation (1964)
Arno Penzias and Robert Wilson discover cosmic microwave background radiation, which they suspect is the afterglow of the big bang. Their measurements, combined with Edwin Hubble's earlier finding that the galaxies are rushing away, make a strong case for the big bang theory of the birth of the universe.

11. Gamma-Ray Bursts (1969 – 1997)
The two-decade-long mystery of gamma-ray bursts is solved by a host of sophisticated ground-based and orbiting telescopes. Gamma-ray bursts are short-lived bursts of gamma-ray photons, which are the most energetic form of light and are associated with nuclear blasts. At least some of the bursts have now been linked with distant supernovae — explosions marking the deaths of especially massive stars.

12. Planets Around Other Stars (1995 – 2004)
Astronomers find a host of extrasolar planets as a result of improved telescope technology and prove that other solar systems exist, although none as yet resembles our own. Astronomers are able to detect extrasolar planets by measuring gravitational influences on stars.

13. The Universe Is Accelerating (1998 – 2000)
Unexpectedly, astronomers find that instead of slowing down due to the pull of gravity, the expansion of the universe at great distances is accelerating. If these observations are correct and the trend continues, it will result in the inability to see other galaxies. A new theory of the end of the universe based on this finding has been called the "big rip."

Phil Plait Talks About the HiRISE Image of Phoenix

HenningKO says...

The speech is more breathtaking than the photo. Still, big upvote for Phil.
Sure, it's cool that our robots can take pictures of each other, but c'mon, favorite picture of all time?... what about the Hubble stuff we have of two galaxies ramming into each other? Or the good old M16? If it's the favorite based on conceptual grounds, how about the dark matter map or the COBE map? Or, recently, the first photograph of an extra-solar planet?

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