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Collectivism in Recent History

NordlichReiter says...

Qualm, TL DR.

I didn't read it, and I voted your comment down because it was so long. I did not vote your comments down because you voted mine down.

Both of your comments.

Let me say it again, I am a fan of Francis.

Ergo. I hate Ayn Rand. As well as Doctors, Lawyers, and Cops.

How did it get burned???????

Dock Ellis and the LSD No-No

Frontline: "The Warning" - Sneak Peek (PBS)

Rep. Todd Akin fails the pledge of allegiance

HaricotVert says...

The pledge of allegiance was a socialist invention; I hardly think liberals would be infuriated by its recitation.

To quote Wikipedia: "The Pledge of Allegiance was written in 1892 by Francis Bellamy (1855-1931), a Baptist minister, a Christian socialist, and the cousin of socialist utopian novelist Edward Bellamy (1850-1898)."

Hitler Receives News That L4D2 Demo Is Delayed Again!

siftbot says...

Tags for this video have been changed from 'l4d2 left dead zoey coach nick francis hitler downfall delay valve game' to 'l4d2, left 4 dead, hitler, downfall, delay, valve' - edited by gwiz665

Yes! Yes! Yes! (Comedy Talk Post)

The Simpsons take on Ayn Rand & Right-Wingers

What are you reading now? (Books Talk Post)

Sam Harris on Real Time with Bill Maher 8/22/09

chilaxe says...

"I think I'll let Sam Harris speak for himself, and link you this massive humiliation of Francis Collins, which he wrote a few weeks ago:"

That's astounding that Francis Collins can make those magical fairy-land statements listed in that article and be as successful as he is. From those quotes, it's clear he doesn't even understand the basic concepts underlying science, such as evidence and the 'burden of proof.'

We live in a big world, but it's not big enough. There apparently weren't any scientists who were charismatic enough and talented enough at administration to outcompete a fairy-believer like him for his new job as the head of the National Institutes of Health.

If politicians want someone who's religion-friendly for that position, then potential candidates must, as a matter of good PR and marketing, make themselves religion-friendly.

Sam Harris on Real Time with Bill Maher 8/22/09

BicycleRepairMan says...

would the fact i am a man a faith color or cloud my theories and conclusions in your eyes?
could you still be objective about my work knowing i had a belief system entirely different from your own?
or would you villify my work as false and unreasonable due to the fact i was a man of faith?
make it your mission to help me see reason,see the light of logic and abandon my silly,childish ways?

I think I'll let Sam Harris speak for himself, and link you this massive humiliation of Francis Collins, which he wrote a few weeks ago:

I don't have a problem with Collins (or Miller, or any other religious scientists) being religious, or Christians, the problem only comes when the religion so clearly clouds peoples judgments on scientific or political issues. You could be the best scientist in the world AND wear magic Mormon underpants and a tinfoil hat while using all your money on dianetics counseling for all I care, as long as you somehow manage to maintain full scientific rigor and attitude in lectures, books and papers you do in your science. Its just that when you get down to it, neither this clownish behaviour or just regular christianity is REALLY compatible with a scientific approach. As much as I admire Miller and his butchering of creationism, he gets really dizzy when he actually tries to defend his god. In short: Yes, you can be both a great scientist and religious, but its sort of like being a great husband and occasionally cheat on your wife.

EndAll (Member Profile)

Stewart Francis - Brilliant Quickfire Stand-Up

Left 4 dead comedy using G-Mod: Left 4 smokes

Sage Francis - 'Got Up This Morning' - Harmonica Hip Hop!

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