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Rufus Wainwright - Across the Universe (Beatles Cover)

James Randi Tests Crystal Power and Applied

Stars: Ageless Beauty

choggie says...

Upvote for benjee, please, answer this question for a perplexed musician....What is it about Canadian popular music, it always has something missing, some key element it seems, that keeps it in a Canadian box, that has cultured the musical reputation of this enormous land of many peoples in a dish that only yields one or two, noteworthy artists of renown, every decade??? Rush, Triumph, K.D. Lang....(very hard to kick more out of an American brain....)

An Observation: What does almost every black bluesman answer, when asked the question about what is the blues?

A: "If you have to ask that, then you have never had the blues"....(or something along those lines)

Perhaps, there is something wonderful to be said, for a country that has produced more musical styles and influential artists and genres, than any other on the frikkin' planet....speaking of course, of the U.S.of A.-

Perhaps Canadian's need the blues,some SOUL- the struggle that comes from more than just chopping wood, and living where yer nipples are like diamonds most of the year!!

This is some of the most cliched, uni-chord, plain-jane, cracker-fied bleating ever to be heard......perhaps the little Fiona Apple-lookin chickadee needs some soul, or blues, or singing lessons, anything!! Oh wait, here's the volume knob....yessss, that's the ticket!!!

The reason we produce music in the U.S. that sets the standard??? Soul. A fucking freight train full of it, enough to spread around, enough to trade English knickers for spandex, to make a Swede give up ice-fishing for guitar lessons....etc. etc. etc.

We are losing an edge in a sense, much regurgitation of late, but hell, musicians must cry foul from the mountaintops whenever social and cultural commentary must be sung.......Art baby, comes with Boooodah would say, does life.........(God I wanted to downvote this horrific song!!!)

......but if I had, there is a chance that this nugget of truth would never have been read again...Isn't Neil Young Canadian???? Ok, he's got some soul now....must have left Canada early on, to get some from somewhere else....

Do love y'alls Parliments' decision to crack the fuck down on letting in all-comers.....we need some similar sanity with our freekin' borders.....

Fiona Apple - Paper Bag

Zach Galifianakis: Brings Me Joy (comedian/lip synch savant)

The Meaning of life part VII: Death

silvercord says...

Damn your eyes, man! I love this clip!

DEBBIE: Can I ask you a question?


DEBBIE: How can we all have died at the same time?

GRIM REAPER: The salmon mousse.

GEOFFREY: Darling, you didn't use canned salmon, did you?

ANGELA: I'm most dreadfully embarrassed.

GRIM REAPER: Now the time has come. Follow. Follow me.

GEOFFREY: Just... testing. Sorry.

GRIM REAPER: Follow me. Now. [deathly music] Come. [eerie music]

ANGELA: Well, the fishmonger promised me he'd have some fresh salmon, and he's normally so reliable.

RANDOM: Stumm. Stumm.

JEREMY: Can we keep our glasses?

RANDOM: Mmm hmm.

FIONA: Oh. Good idea. [hiccup]

RANDOM: Come on.


DEBBIE: Hey, I didn't even eat the mousse.

Fiona Apple - "Not About Love" (with Zach Galifianakis)

bdschuman says...

Kudos to Fiona Apple. I had been worried that she had gotten too full of herself, but I'm pleased to see that she still has a sense of humor. Gotta love the insanely funny Zach Galifianakis (who's quite a good piano player himself).

Also, thank god that it appears Fiona has had a sandwich or two and no longer looks like Kate Moss after a bad weekend.

Fiona Apple - "Not About Love" (with Zach Galifianakis)

Fiona Apple: Paper Bag (Paul Thomas Anderson)

Fiona Apple - Fast As You Can, director Paul Thomas Anderson

theo47 says...

When Fiona's partnered with a producer with a rhythmic sensibility, she can really rock. And it doesn't hurt that her face is as compelling as her music. Great lips, too.

Fiona Apple - Fast As You Can, director Paul Thomas Anderson

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