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Stand-Up Comedian Door to Door Salesman

dannym3141 says...

Actually having had a brief look at the videos on youtube, it seems there's several of them. Also seems to be a few people saying their customer service never answers or fobs you off with nonsense if you want your money back - you can't get it back. Read of a few people that even thought there was some criminal element to it. Nothing solid but cause for concern.

Louis CK - Talking to Strangers

siftbot says...

Tags for this video have been changed from 'Louis, CK, talking, strangers, cab, baby, eat, happy, pain, customer service, toilet' to 'Louis CK, talking, strangers, cab, baby, eat, happy, pain, customer service, toilet' - edited by xxovercastxx

I say 'Trunk!' You say 'RUN?"

Louis CK on Consumers and Capitalism (part 1/3)

Issykitty (Member Profile)

UsesProzac says...

Issykitty, I couldn't dislike you if I wanted to. I understood where you were coming from even without the added context of your bad day. I hope the owner is prompt in contacting you, but I so doubt that. Do you have the names of the movers who were touching your stuff? Do you have documentation or some form of proof or a photo of the object in question? Paper trail, paper trail, paper trail. Keep a log of the attempts to contact, when they've contacted you. Don't do it over the phone if you can help it, use snail mail or email, anything that can be logged.

Do you have a lawyer friend? Sometimes a strongly worded, threatening legalese type letter works.

In reply to this comment by Issykitty:
Thank you, Prozac. I'm glad you aren't taking things personally. I appreciate your words in friendship. Yeah, I have a mind to call BBB and I am already going to post terrible reviews all over the web about the moving company. I dealt with a customer service rep who acted towards me with zero respect, didn't call me back in over a week, and then I called and fucking told her off. Now I am awaiting a call from the owner. Sorry to hear this has happened to you.

UsesProzac (Member Profile)

Issykitty says...

Thank you, Prozac. I'm glad you aren't taking things personally. I appreciate your words in friendship. Yeah, I have a mind to call BBB and I am already going to post terrible reviews all over the web about the moving company. I dealt with a customer service rep who acted towards me with zero respect, didn't call me back in over a week, and then I called and fucking told her off. Now I am awaiting a call from the owner. Sorry to hear this has happened to you.

In reply to this comment by UsesProzac:
Stepping away from everything, I'm so damn sorry that happened to you. I've been in that position and I never had what was stolen returned--vintage coats, purses, instruments. It made me feel helpless and I hate that more than anything. And it's happening to you when your support network is not there for you, and that's even worse. Take them to small claims court and I know it sounds useless, but complain to the Better Business Bureau. If they do it often, it'll add up and have an effect.

In reply to this comment by Issykitty:
Yeah, and excuse me, but I am kind of upset, probably due to my hubby being out of town at length and being an raging hormonal cauldron. Oh, and I just moved and the movers stole something from me. I probably shouldn't be looking at stupid blogs that piss me off.

Speeding Car Slams Head On Into Cop

HadouKen24 says...

The cop is probably more or less okay. He'll be sore with some soft tissue damage. He'll probably need to see a chiropractor, and he might have an injury to his knees.That's assuming he had an airbag in the car--I think I heard the pop as it deployed. It'll be very painful, but probably not anything you can't recover from.

I'm more worried about the driver of the van. Vehicles these days do really well with front-end collisions, with various safety features in the car design, including impact cages and airbags that pop at greater or less speed based on the speed of the collision. Side-impact collisions are a lot more dangerous. Even if there are airbags, the geometry of the car just won't stand up as well. People hit like that tend to be a lot more likely to sustain serious injury. Probably the biggest risk, assuming the driver was wearing their seat belt, would be the driver's head striking the door window. She would have at least a concussion, possibly serious injuries to her left leg, and soft tissue damage up and down the right side of her body.

I'm a customer service associate for a major insurance company. My job is basically to take new claims from people who have been in accidents. The good news is that since I've started the job, I've learned just how safe our cars are these days. It's relatively rare even with highway accidents that people are seriously injured as long as we're talking about something like straight on damage or a collision at an angle. (A head-on collision is obviously going to be a lot more dangerous. Fortunately, the van did come in at an angle, so the cop car didn't take nearly as much force as it could have.)

Side-impact collisions are what send people to the hospital these days. Drive careful, folks!

Gird your loins-Christian Non-Sex Abstinence "Comedy"

schlub says...


Onslaught Media is a full-service film and High-definition video production company with a unique blend of creative talent, experienced project management, technical proficiency and Internet savvy. Highly regarded for creativity and customer service we have been producing unique, effective corporate sales, training and direct response media for 10 years. Our focus is to help you deliver a powerful message and realize a strong Return on Investment (ROI).

The "star" of this epic film is none other than the "CEO" of "Onslaught Media". They have a great portfolio too! He stars in almost everything they've produced.

Tanya T6 Customer Service Gone Wrong!!

Ron Paul & Ralph Nader: A Libertarian-Progressive Alliance?

blankfist says...

@VoodooV, not sure I understand why introducing competing currencies would "border on lunacy"? There are compelling arguments in favor of a value backed currency. And being a veteran I would disagree about the health care being "excellent". Adequate, certainly, but I still choose private doctors for all my health care needs.

And government does offer competitive pay. A lot of times better than the private sector. I'd prefer competitive services versus a 'one-size-fits-all' service offered by the government, to be honest. Choice is better than one option any day, and because the government is subsidized by tax dollars they can be unfairly competitive in any industry without having to worry about customer service or market cues.

The DMV and Post Office come to mind. I've never had a pleasant experience at the DMV, but it doesn't matter because I can't refuse to do business with them. And that goes for the US Post Office, because they've got a monopoly on first class mail. If I don't like that the postman bends and crams my mail into my mailbox like he has a personal vendetta against it, I have to suck it up because they're the only first class mail service.

Rocket Explodes Over India

Sweet, Sweet Ebay Trick Takes Greedy Lady To School

blankfist says...

I have no sympathy for this woman. Being on the receiving end of shady dealings on eBay, I can tell you it's not a place I'll ever sell or buy anything, and eBay's 'protection program' is lackluster and their customer service nearly non-existent.

TSA Breast Milk Screening, Why TSA? WHY?

Porksandwich says...

My guess would be cloudy liquid could be used to hide something in the center of a container....if it was full enough.

Although when they had her dump it into smaller containers, the "threat" should have been over then and there. Especially if they had done any kind of screen of it at all, but they didn't. They just wanted to fuck with her so she'll learn her lesson and not make them work.

I found the whole "glass room" with one door in the middle of everything to be pretty telling of the whole TSA business. It has one door and an open it's not there to keep them in...the door is there as a "suggestion". There is no chair, and when it looked like someone was trying to bring her a chair, they took it back. It looked like later in the video (after she'd been standing in that place for 30 some minutes) that someone was pushing a chair toward her in the background.

I know the video is trying to play on our sympathies for a "young mother", but hell I'd have been sympathetic with almost anyone after they put them in a glass cage as a spectacle for other people for 40 minutes and did shit all to deal with them during that period. It pisses me off to no end to see one person at a business clearly wasting time while people are waiting to get dealt with, whether it's to pay the cashier, see a customer service rep, or get someone to follow their own policies and get me processed or kick me off the premises.

Sure a young mother is a more sympathetic victim, but 40 minutes standing in a glass cage with no one coming to update you regularly, giving you a chair, and then at the end of it not even having you processed one way or the other is complete and utter bullshit no matter who is there unless they are guilty as hell of something. I wonder if they would have let someone use the restroom once they've been put in the "special holding area" (the "look at the bad guy booth").

Alan Grayson - What Republicans Can Do With Their Taxcuts

Porksandwich says...

The point he should have been trying to make and the point he made are close, but not quite the same.

He would have you believe that the extra money the rich get will be spent (if it's spent at all) on one type of product, and it may very well be. It's like getting free money, so why not spend it on something you would not have otherwise bought this year?

But what he should have been trying to point out is that a lot of people spending a little bit of money motivates the economy more than one person spending a lot of money on one big item.

If a lot of people are spending 100 dollars here and there, it creates a need for additional people working to handle those extra customers. Especially in customer service type jobs such as restaurants. Basically the non-rich people will use the money more reliably and usually more locally than the rich. It was shown in some studies of unemployment funds.. that tax cuts for the rich don't generate near as much money as unemployment funds. It was something like 1 dollar toward unemployment causes 1.6 dollars to be generated in the economy, and has the added benefit of allowing an unemployed person to keep their home and the lights on instead of defaulting. Basically ever dime an unemployed person gets off unemployment went into bills and necessities, and all that spending caused others to spend another 60 cents for every dollar that guy spent...keeping other people employed.

And the rich tax cuts did nothing even close to that kind of money generation....

Or simpler. Poorer people will spend tax cuts on more necessities and therefore more reliably spend it. While richer people will spend it on luxury and therefore less reliably spend it.

Private Sector Efficiency (Blog Entry by NetRunner)

Truckchase says...

>> ^blankfist:

Corporations exist because government gives them legitimacy. They also receive corporate welfare, subsidies, regulatory favors, enjoy franchise monopolies, etc. In rare occasions the government has even used eminent domain in their favor, i.e. Walmart.
So you tell me why corporations rule the marketplace and why small business entrepreneurs find it tough to compete.

Ah, absolutely true, but this bias enables those large businesses to stomp small competition out of the market with marketing and buyouts. The problem is the money in the entire system. The politicians and corporations have developed a "you scratch my back, I'll scratch yours" partnership. The politicians funded by these large corporations then turn around and pass legislation favorable to the corporation in question. In this environment the worker class has no control, which is what the majority are rapidly becoming. Since government rules and regulations are still somewhat under our control via the democratic process, we need to join together to take the money out of politics and then elect competent leaders. If we solely vilify government and seek to destroy its power, we'll have no way to limit the government.

We can do this now through the democratic process if we join together before it's too late. While we may hold somewhat different political beliefs, we need to put those aside for now to focus on electing leaders whose sole platform is to take the money out of politics. When our voice is restored to the nation's government we can discuss other topics further in a civil manner.

Mind you, when I say money out of politics I mean we need to vote for controls to ensure money stays out of politics indefinitely. I would propose a smartly worded constitutional amendment.

I do want to encourage innovative business management, but when large corporations can wipe up their worker's conditions and poor customer service with advertising and political bribes, we need to lower the volume to make our voices heard. Internet discussion groups like this are one of our last remaining avenues for civil discussion of this nature. Let's work together to figure out what our priorities are.

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