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bobknight33 (Member Profile)

newtboy says...

The hits keep coming…Giuliani guilty on all defamation counts for repeatedly lying about two election workers causing them to suffer through hundreds of credible death threats from MAGgots thanks to repeatedly refusing to follow the judges orders and being under numerous contempt and sanction orders including a new $130000 sanction because he can’t follow any instructions or maintain a single legal position without contradicting himself.

Now the judge is sending it to the jury with a guilty verdict with instructions that Giuliani has refused to comply with submitting financial documents so is intentionally hiding his net worth and the jury should take that into account when determining damages.

This is the level of competence all MAGA lawyers exhibit constantly, worse than a first year law student, and it’s destroyed your party and turned it into a criminal terrorist organization all for one failed cult leader. Expect 91 felony convictions at this rate, many state felonies that can’t be pardoned.

Bonus - AZ, New Hampshire, Iowa, and Michigan secretaries of State are all working to define the process to remove Trump from their ballots in accordance with amendment 14 section 3 of the constitution Trump tried to permanently “suspend” (the constitution he has vowed to ignore and destroy if returned to power). I don’t think they’re the only ones.

bobknight33 (Member Profile)

newtboy says...

Oops…in her court filed response to being sued by Az election officials for slander and libel Kari Lake admits she lied about election officials in the 2020 election, but is, like Trump, pretending the first amendment means slander and libel don’t exist and she can say any lie about anyone or anything even in court filings with no consequences….that’s not going to work out for her.

Twice impeached, 4 serious indictments on 91 felonies and many more to come. A rapist, public incestuous pedophile that bragged about forcing very young little girls to get naked so he can leer at them and said the thing he has most in common with his teenaged daughter was sex…fraud, charity thief, election fraud perpetrator, multiple bribe taker, man who actually publicly said we should suspend the constitution for him, and ultra top secret classified document thief and exposer, and terroristic leader, and insurrection leader…that’s why….

This is you guy. This you pick. 😂
Hilariously clueless that he posts his mugshot with the caption “never surrender” hours after getting this mugshot taken while he was literally surrendering! 😂

bobknight33 (Member Profile)

newtboy says...

Oof…Fawni Willis is indicating she intends to file DOZENS of indictments in Georgia next week, including RICO charges.
No judge Cannon in Georgia to save him, his racist spitballed baseless accusations against her won’t help. His attempts to challenge the case, the venue, and the prosecutor were all dismissed.
Next year is going to be busy for him and his cadre of horrificly bad lawyers.

Side note- Evangelical pastors are complaining that when they read the words of Jesus they get complaints from the congregation “Where did you get these liberal talking points?” And when they point out these are the words of Jesus according to the gospel they say “But they’re weak. That crap doesn’t work anymore. Stop preaching that.” 😂

SHOCKER! Joining Trumpism, the very antithesis of their religion, has destroyed them, made them literally turn away from the words of Jesus to embrace the hateful racist self serving words of a rapist, thief, and fraud. Doesn’t the Bible actually warn against exactly that?
I hope their temporary abortion bans were worth it…and can’t wait for 2025 when Dems have a super majority and codify national abortion rights in the constitution forever. Until then, even conservative states are doing it on a state level despite their legislatures fighting the populace tooth and nail to stop them. How do they think that’s going to play out in 2024? 😂 Thanks Trump!

dedstick (Member Profile)

dedstick (Member Profile)

bobknight33 (Member Profile)

newtboy says...

Lol! Pennsylvanian Republicans just lost another case trying to toss out their own mail in voting law after it didn’t help them in 2020 or 22. 😂

Seems MAGA is losing cases left and right in their desperate attempt to block any voters that aren’t retired white people or corporations. (Yes, Republicans are trying to give any corporation a vote in elections as if they were citizens).

Fortunately, they’re just too dumb to understand the law and constitution and are losing bigly, like with multiple MAGA states who implemented hyper biased redistricting intended to favor republicans now being forced to create new democratic districts. Trumpism destroyed your party and it’s prospects.

Bonus- DC Federal Judge Amy Berman Jackson who just ordered Donald Trump to sit for a deposition in the wrongful termination and retaliation cases brought by Peter Strzok and Lisa Page. They got around the “apex doctrine” because Trump repeatedly bragged publicly that he was 100% responsible for having them fired, and his lame excuse that he didn’t have time ignored because he has time for dozens of frivolous lawsuits against others, so he has time to be deposed. Not a huge deal, but likely another few million of your political donations will go to hand Trumps enemies huge judgements and settlements (and pay his horrific lawyers). Lots of that going around.
Also the DC bar report on Giuliani recommends his disbarment for his part in the big lie.

bobknight33 (Member Profile)

newtboy says...


Donald Trump’s former press secretary Stephanie Grisham has admitted under oath and in interviews to witnessing Trump unlawfully showing people without clearance highly classified top secret documents on multiple occasions.

Ruh-roe. Another “never Trumper” I suppose…another RINO? Odd how many never Trumper worthless crazy people Trump appointed, isn’t it? 😂

Oof…. Stephen Miller, one of Donald Trump’s top immigration advisers, allegedly advocated using U.S. predator drones in 2018 to blow up migrant boats full of unarmed civilians suggesting they were not protected under the U.S. Constitution because they were in international waters, so could be killed by the military legally, according to an upcoming book by former Trump Department of Homeland Security appointee Miles Taylor, and had to be repeatedly informed that the plan violated international law and was a war crime. Not proof it happened, but 100% believable.

Opposing Forcing The Ten Commandments In Public Schools

moonsammy says...

I want to expand on this bit. This right here is from the Treaty of Tripoli, which as newtboy noted was ratified unanimously a mere 10 years after the signing of the Constitution. Treaties are part of the "Supreme Law of the Land" and are not just happy words between diplomats - they've the full weight and support of the US legal system behind them.

So VERY CLEARLY, the early politicians of the US had absolutely ZERO objection to the notion that this is NOT a Christian nation. It is secular, beyond a shadow of a doubt. Any claims to the contrary are absurd revisionist history.

newtboy said:

“As the Government of the United States of America is not, in any sense, founded on the Christian religion..” -John Adams, unanimously ratified by congress in 1797

Opposing Forcing The Ten Commandments In Public Schools

newtboy says...

Doesn’t it bother you that your messiah/idol has proudly broken every single commandment, most of them daily? Clearly not, because even you don’t believe this nonsense.

He went so far as to create a golden Trump for you to bow down and worship. He is the epitome of coveting, adultery, “bearing false witness” (lying), and theft on an industrial scale, worships the dollar, doesn’t even know what the Sabbath is, and has never once given testimony that wasn’t false and self serving, and he definitely puts himself above god….
This is you guy, this you pick, the farthest from following these religious laws as you could find.….clearly proving you don’t believe in your religion or you wouldn’t support someone diametrically opposed to its tenets just because he hates who you hate and promises the moon.

You wouldn’t be in a party diametrically opposed to them either. Coveting and bearing false witness are the main features of your party, every MAGA rep has committed adultery and stolen, and taken an oath to put the constitution above their religion at their job (an oath most then immediately break, that’s 3 commandments broken with one “I do”).

Most Christians wear idols. Very few remember the correct sabbath, the Jewish sabbath, and almost none “keep it holy”. (Remember, “keeping it holy” specifically means killing anyone who works or has others work on the sabbath, stoning them.). You pick and choose which to observe and when, and which to force others to observe at your whim.

Good people don’t support evil for personal gain. Fascists do. You do.
It says volumes that you don’t understand this country was founded in large part as direct opposition to government enforcement of ANY religion. It’s the very first right the constitution guarantees…no government establishment of religion. Any college graduate knows that, but you don’t.

At most, only 3 of these commandments are crimes, the rest is immoral indoctrination.

“As the Government of the United States of America is not, in any sense, founded on the Christian religion..” -John Adams, unanimously ratified by congress in 1797

I don’t know if there’s a god or a heaven, but one thing I know for certain is you’re going to hell.

bobknight33 said:

You shall have no other Gods before me
You shall not make for yourselves an idol
You shall not misuse the name of the LORD your God
Remember the Sabbath day by keeping it holy
Honor your father and your mother
You shall not murder
You shall not commit adultery
You shall not steal
You shall not give false testimony
You shall not covet

newtboy (Member Profile)

newtboy says...

Awwww…poor little snowflake, @bobknight33. You don’t like your daily reminder that you are part of a hypocritical dishonest terrorist organization? Poor little boy, here, since you misplaced it, I’ll provide it again.

You don’t like it pointed out that your fellow seditious terrorists now actually admit their hypocritical plans, like suspending the constitution or just line item vetoing it by the president? I suppose Biden should remove the second amendment before Trump goes after the 14th by presidential decree.

You don’t seem to like being reminded of the unChristian anti family actions of your Christian family values sweethearts Boebert and Manly Traitor Greene, both getting divorced, both cheaters, both child abusers, both consistently putting their temporary happiness above their families to the point of dissolution of their families, and both still act like they know what’s good for YOUR family.

You don’t like being reminded of how MAGA politics has destroyed Texas politics, with infighting destroying all trust in government there, raising crime rates, taxes, and prices but gaining nothing but fewer services, less reliable utilities, and a total lack of an education system.

You don’t like when I point out they admit their “investigations” are all frauds with no evidence whatsoever and only disgraced paid political actors as “witnesses” and even they don’t show up to testify?

You don’t like knowing the MAGA paid actor that Trump used to accuse Biden of raping her in the open public halls of congress in 93, Tara Reade, has defected to Russia under the wing of a Russian spy convicted of spying on MAGA and trying (nearly succeeding) in sleeping her way into the whitehouse by sleeping with multiple MAGA politicians. (Pretty funny for it to be the top rated new comment AND erased)

You don’t like being reminded that Trump admitted on camera that he stole and retained (unsecured) highly classified documents that he admitted were still highly classified in Summer ‘21, long after he had any power to declassify anything…and I don’t mean the ridiculous claim that he can declassify state nuclear secrets by secretly thinking about it.

Every time you erase your daily reminder of your party’s daily crimes you let me know it’s getting to you…that you know it’s correct (or you would just claim it wasn’t like you have for years). Eventually it might even register in your brain that everything you learned from MAGA is pure fantasy, every accusation from MAGA an admission, every denial an admission, and the only loyalty is to their wallets.
I guess I’ll just have to post them here for you…so they don’t get “lost”. 😂

PS- Trump’s idiot lawyers shit the bed again. Last year they got together at a restaurant to discuss their problems with one of their own, Boris Epstein, who they discussed publicly as someone who was a filter between them and Trump, and that he was a liar who lied to them and Trump and obstructed them from complying with court orders….and at the next table was a reporter from the Guardian who has now published an article about this meeting. This doesn’t help Trump’s legal team work together….something they’ve been incapable of so far, and something Trump needs desperately! 😂

PPS- Roger Stone recordings came out today explaining how easy it is to manipulate Trump, just tell him he did something he never actually did/said, tell him people loved it when he did/said that, and he’ll just go out and do/say it “again”, even if he never did/said it before. He said he’s been doing that for 30 years, and it never fails. Putin/Xi/Un knows that too. 🤦‍♂️

newtboy said:

For posterity when bob erases it again…

Trump- “I was allowed to steal all those classified documents and I can show them to whoever I want.”
Parlitore- “I quit. Jack Smith should look at Trump’s lawyer Epstein because he obstructed our search at Bedminster for more classified documents.”

bobknight33 (Member Profile)

newtboy says...

Awwww…poor little snowflake. You don’t like your daily reminder that you are part of a hypocritical dishonest terrorist organization? Poor little boy, here, since you misplaced it, I’ll provide it again.

You don’t like it pointed out that your fellow seditious terrorists now actually admit their hypocritical plans, like suspending the constitution or just line item vetoing it by the president? I suppose Biden should remove the second amendment before Trump goes after the 14th by presidential decree.

You don’t seem to like being reminded of the unChristian anti family actions of your Christian family values sweethearts Boebert and Manly Traitor Greene, both getting divorced, both cheaters, both child abusers, both putting their temporary happiness above their families to the point of dissolution of their families, and both still act like they know what’s good for YOUR family.

You don’t like being reminded of how MAGA politics has destroyed Texas politics, with infighting destroying all trust in government there, raising crime rates, taxes, and prices but gaining nothing but fewer services, less reliable utilities, and a total lack of an education system.

You don’t like when I point out they admit their “investigations” are all frauds with no evidence whatsoever and only paid disgraced paid political actors as “witnesses” and even they don’t show up to testify?

You don’t like knowing the MAGA actor that Trump used to accuse Biden of raping her in the open public halls of congress in 93, Tara Reade, has defected to Russia under the wing of a Russian spy convicted of spying on MAGA and trying (nearly succeeding) in sleeping her way into the whitehouse by sleeping with multiple MAGA politicians.

You don’t like being reminded that Trump admitted on camera that he stole and retained (unsecured) highly classified documents that he admitted were still highly classified in Summer ‘21, long after he had any power to declassify anything…and I don’t mean the ridiculous claim that he can declassify state nuclear secrets by secretly thinking about it.

Every time you erase your daily reminder of your party’s daily crimes you let me know it’s getting to you…that you know it’s correct (or you would just claim it wasn’t like you have for years). Eventually it might even register in your brain that everything you learned from MAGA is pure fantasy, every accusation from MAGA an admission, every denial an admission, and the only loyalty is to their wallets.

LA Deputy Gangs Investigated

newtboy says...

Isn’t it ALWAYS?
Guaranteed they are, at this moment, defending the police that shot an 11 year old child who called them for help …shot while he was following their orders.
The police/prison guard union is the most anti American anti constitutional entity in the USA, the only group that consistently defends the murder of innocent citizens, and is one of the most powerful lobbying groups in Washington.

cloudballoon said:

The Union's response is ridiculous.

Durham Report, Finds bias and no collusion with Russia.

newtboy says...

Bwaaahahahaha. The hilarious failure that is the Durham report, another repugnantican sham investigation that started with a conclusion and tried to work backwards to prove it but that failed to find any crime or wrongdoing but that the right is still trying to put forth as proof of something…they aren’t sure what or by who but you should be outraged and distracted from the last 7 times this happened. ROTFLMFAHS!!! 😂

No Bobby, Republicans commissioned and paid for the Steele dossier and sold it to Clinton when Trump locked the nomination. Nice try at rewriting history, but it requires the listener to be as ignorant of history as you to be effective. Very few people are that ignorant.

Russian collusion with the Trump campaign has been proven time and time again with dozens of officials convicted of operating as unregistered foreign agents who hid their ties with Russia. One bit of info used for one warrant application against someone who later became employed by the campaign was exaggerated, not even materially…and fortunately because it eventually uncovered the dozens of Russian agents working at the top levels of the Trump administration like Flynn and Manafort and got them convicted. Not to mention all the illegal campaign contributions from Russia the convicts laundered like Giuliani’s Russian/Ukrainian donors. Another failed attempt to white wash history. Try again loser.

No smoking gun, no convictions, no crimes found, no recommendations made to change policies.

The only thing fake is the right’s fervent patriotism, which is 100% fake and discarded at the first change in the wind.

More whining and sour grapes and rehashing the last 6 years by treasonous traitors that actually called for the repeal of the constitution and tried a violent coup because they lost an election. Dark Brandon make Twumpy cwy hurt? 😂

Loving those MAGA tears, keep ‘em coming snowflake. I thought you no longer watched cable news or Fox. I guess you forgot?

Cops Attack Another Man For Walking While Black

newtboy says...

Every single person who’s read your posts knows for a 100% certainty that is a pure lie.

You only see black and white or Blue and Red. Always. You see nothing BUT color.

In your mind everything is “us vs them”, never “WE”. You think Black and White are the same thing as Wrong and Right. If a white woman in a red hat was leaving the hospital in this video and nothing else changed you would be outraged at the “abusive liberal police attacking innocent people”, you know it’s true as much as we do. Ashley Babbitt is proof of your undeniable racism, that’s why you absolutely refuse to discuss your blatantly racist and hypocritical stance on her vs black men peacefully walking (which is she’s an innocent victim of police brutality despite being the tip of a violent destructive murderous mob trying to overthrow the elected government by force, but unarmed unthreatening black men peacefully and legally walking should immediately submit/comply and let their rights be violated daily and violence is justified if they don’t).

Maybe you can twist your own mind enough to convince yourself you aren’t racist, but that just goes perfectly with all the other reality denying theories you believe like….
The 2020 election was stolen
Covid isn’t dangerous
There’s no racism in America
Banning travel by Chinese, but not banning travel from China isn’t a racist policy and will stop Covid
Trump is fighting election fraud
Lockdowns don’t work
Russia didn’t help Trump get elected
The Trump economy was great
H Clinton is going to prison
Police aren’t racist
Forest fires are getting worse because the forests aren’t raked, not because of climate change
Climate change isn’t real
Jan 6 was BLM
Pelosi wasn’t attacked by a MAGgot terrorist, but had a lovers spat
Dominion stole the election
Soros stole the election
Cesar Chaves stole the election
Smartmatic stole the election
Italian space lasers stole the election
Hunter Biden stole the election
It’s not a crime to steal top secret classified documents, keep them unsecured, refuse to return them, lie about returning them, copy them, try to trade them, and to lie about it all to the FBI on sworn documents
Jewish space lasers are responsible for forest fires
Pizza gate is real, democrats are really pedophilic cannibalistic Illuminati lizard people that gain magic power from murdering children
Joe Biden raped a woman in the open halls of congress
Trump never raped a woman
Hunter Biden has well over $3 BILLION dollars from China
Jared personally EARNED $3 billion from the Saudi prince by selling them a classified enemies list our national intelligence community developed, nothing wrong with that
Trump didn’t abuse the office for personal/familial gains in excess of $3 billion
BLM murdered police, not the Boogaloo boys who were caught in the act

You never say the “should have complied with police, totally justified” bullshit when the victim is white (a rarity but it happens) and you nearly always excuse abusive police when they attack black people for “not complying”. You never care that “complying” means waiving their constitutional rights…unless it’s a MAGgot that’s “not complying”, which you always see as heroic patriotic bravery even when it’s paired with anti government terrorism and violence.

bobknight33 said:

Your statement is pure bull shit.

I don't see color. Just right and wrong

Cops Attack Another Man For Walking While Black

newtboy says...

Funny you only say that when it’s a black man or woman beaten for not waiving their rights, but absolutely never against white murderous pedophilic terrorists like Ashley Babbitt. When MAGgots are being violent, destructive, and murderous you defend them to the bitter end, call any prosecution a political witch hunt, and simply refuse to discuss facts.

Non compliance with illegal orders.…because they had zero reason to ask him a thing, no reasonable suspicion of any crime but released the dog anyway.

Why is it you don’t think these non white citizens have CONSTITUTIONAL CIVIL RIGHTS? Why do you believe this one group should always cheerfully waive those RIGHTS and comply or it invites a violent attack from police, but you NEVER say that about white people (unless they’re obviously far left whites)? Never mind….it’s obvious why.

Maybe you should carefully examine your own true motives, because what you claim are your motives don’t match what you say and do.

Babbitt was an active violent destructive terrorist trying to murder US representatives with a murderous mob that had killed or tried to kill hundreds of police…like every MAGgot there. They all deserved at a minimum a good tooth breaking beating and assault and battery on a police officer and resisting arrest and interfering with police duties charges, right? They didn’t comply…have some consistency.

The law and courts ALL disagree that this is in any way acceptable, that’s why these victims get multi million dollar settlements. I say bankrupt Galveston so bad they change their police policies to match the law. Give this man $250 million. You say arrest him and put him in prison for resisting arrest (but not anyone white who did the same on Jan 6, they were exorcising their rights).

Clearly you think this is fine…but only against non MAGA. That destroys your pretend stance that you want financial responsibility, because you know every time this happens it costs taxpayers millions.

Eat a bag of baby dicks Gary.

bobknight33 said:

Yet another video of what happens due to non compliance.

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