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Bobo’s Son Arrested On 22 Criminal Charges

newtboy says...

Uh oh…among other crimes, he robbed a cancer patient of the last $75 she had to her name, stole credit cards and IDs and used them to steal thousands, broke into homes and cars, and made and distributed a sex tape of a young underage girl….because of the Boebert’s exceptional family values and a good Christian upbringing.

TINY Honda GIANT Turbo!

Student Car Goes 0-100 In 0.95 seconds

BSR (Member Profile)

siftbot says...

Congratulations! Your video, Police video of semi speeding into cars and auto mall, has reached the #1 spot in the current Top 15 New Videos listing. This is a very difficult thing to accomplish but you managed to pull it off. For your contribution you have been awarded 2 Power Points.

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Police video of semi speeding into cars and auto mall

eric3579 says...

" 11 people injured, including one critically. It also left at least 32 cars and the semi either damaged or destroyed. "

bobknight33 (Member Profile)

newtboy says...

lol…the video of Melania refusing to let Trump ride in the car after her mothers funeral and him walking off dejected and rejected is an absolute instant classic.
Probably pooped em again, or maybe she just doesn’t want his weeping syphilis.

Florida DUI suspect arrested after threatening deputies PT1

newtboy says...

Almost 3 hours in total!?! Not without LOTR level effects, thanks.
He couldn’t be out of control enough to maintain my interest that long, even at double speed.
Edit: OK, part 2 is just the other cop’s body cam, so little new besides the car ride. Still, way too long to watch his brand of crazy…he’s just not inventive or interesting enough….he just wants to fuck everyone in the ass then kill them…try some variety buddy.
There’s no condensed version, or time stamp list of when the action is @BSR? I skipped through at 2x speed and still feel like I watched too much.
I do like that he got a separate charge of harassing a police K9 for threatening to fuck the dog in the ass.
Those cops were amazingly professional all things considered.
Follow-up court videos needed. They’ll be fun.

Side note- the biggest crime was the quality of his weed…now living in the sticky icky capital of the world, Humboldt County, I forget that so many risk so much to smoke the shittiest brick weed. It’s so sad. I was one of them once.

bobknight33 (Member Profile)

newtboy says...

Trump has a new defense….he didn’t declassify the documents he stole but that’s fine, because he still has full top secret clearance and once Mar a Lago was a temporary SCIF (with now removed security measures and personnel), so leaving the top secret classified state secrets in ballrooms and hallways open to the public, photographed by the public, is a nothingburger. The problem, 1) he does NOT still have presidential level clearance, he lost it on Jan 20 and 2) the temporary SCIF designation was dissolved well before 2020. Might work with Cannon, his lackey, but will fall flat on appeal.
His only lawyer is happy to say she’s glad she’s pretty instead of smart because she’s so dumb she thinks she can fake being smart, but she can’t. Not good when your lawyer stands up in court and says “Your Honor, I don’t know how to try this case.” Her objections are nonsensical, not on topic, and have already annoyed the judge, on cross she just started reading tweets that had not been entered as evidence, and when asked what she was doing she answered “I’m trying to get it in.” (but Trump was too small to find under his gut) at which point the judge recessed the case so Trump’s lawyer could remind herself of how to enter evidence in a court, because she has no idea how courts work! After the recess she did the exact same thing, then begged the judge “well, what do I do?” And he had to stop the trial and explain the procedure for presenting evidence in a court to Trump’s legal team…BECAUSE THEY HAD NO IDEA HOW! THEN SHE DID IT AGAIN…JUST STARTED READING A TRANSCRPIT NOT IN EVIDENCE! He is livid at this lack of competence, decorum, knowledge, and intelligence coming from the entire defense side, not smart to make the judge an enemy….and it doesn’t create an automatic appeal just because you made the judge dislike you. Imagine if that was all it takes.
She’s going to be disbarred, but she got the fame she was after and her legal career was non existent before Trump so she won’t care…but will try to make you care enough to send her cash. You probably will. 😂

“We’re going to stop banks and regulators from trying to debank you from your, you know, your your political beliefs is what they do…they want to debank you and we’re going to debank think of this, they want to take away your rights, they want to take away your country the things they’re doing all electric cars, give me a break if you want an electric car good but they don’t go far they’re very expensive.” -Trump

Can you tell me what he said? What was the topic of that run on sentence? What is debanking? Why is it ok for you to debank but not ok for banks to debank? Shouldn’t they be the ones with the most right to debank? Can you convince yourself that is a functioning brain stringing those words together and not one ravaged by the late stage syphilis he obviously has?

How Bad is The Cost of Living Squeeze In the US?

newtboy jokingly says...

To my “Dumber than a box of hammers”

So, 2023 is over…
Gas, below $3 nationwide
Food, below last years prices
Cars, dropped all year in price
Interest rates…not up for credit cards that charge the maximum allowable by law to most customers, but true for loans….but for investments like CDs or bonds it’s a good thing so at worst a wash? It’s not slowing the housing market much.
Even inflation is at 3%…well below wage gains.

Also better, under Biden we avoided a recession everyone insisted was a certainty 12 months ago, and his administration has helped with student loans (and would have done more without Republicans blocking him), prescription drug costs, even car maintenance costs are lower thanks to the biggest infrastructure investment in our lifetimes. Unemployment continues to be at record lows for a record long timeframe.
His DOJ has also prosecuted thousands of cases of ppp loan frauds Trump allowed, recouping some of that easily stolen money.
If Republicans would stop blocking funding, he might fix the border too…we will never know because Republicans won’t pass a funding bill for more officers to catch and courts to deal with the influx, and instead are again threatening to shut down the government over the border without a solution themselves.

Wanna try again?

And I’ve said it before but I’ll say it again…I don’t wanna grow up, I’m a toy’s r us kid. How sad that must be for you.

bobknight33 said:

" it’s better by every single measure used to measure any economy."

Gas , food , cars, interest rates all cost more.

Your dumber than a bag of hammers.

Newt, grow up.

Judge Pronounced Trump Guilty Before Trial Began!

newtboy says...

🤦‍♂️No bob, they are not. THE FACTS WERE NOT DISPUTED BY TRUMP OR THE TRUMP ORG AT ALL, not in court…he submitted most of them.
Trump disputes the facts on camera, but not in court under oath. He can’t. The documents are what they are. He was too cowardly and guilty to take the stand…his smartest move yet.
Trump valued Maralago at $18 million for taxes, not the DA. He also valued it at 100 times that value to get good loan terms that saved him hundreds of millions the banks and county were then deprived of because of his fraud. Understand? I’m sure not.
I did the math, if his stated bank values are truthful, he defrauded the government out of well over $700 million in decades of unpaid taxes for one property.

What was presented during the prosecution “side” of the “hearing” bob? Nothing…because there was no prosecution phase, it was summary judgement based on what was presented by both parties during DISCOVERY. There has only been a “damages” phase of trial since the prima facie case made at discovery necessitated a sumary judgement…not a “prosecution side”.

Bob. This is civil court, not a criminal trial. Please stop trying to explain things you are wholly ignorant about.

In your example, a criminal trial with different rules, the defense could be you didn’t see them, or they dove in front of your moving car, or you were having a medical issue….or one of a thousand mitigating factors. Trump presented no mitigating factors explaining the frauds, the differing values that changed 10000% in value on paper with his signature swearing to the truthfulness of the values he presented, values he knew were fantasy, so was found guilty.
(Side note- in your example the victim’s heirs would also get a civil trial where prima facie guilt would be established by the witnesses and your admission you hit them and you would need to have evidence supporting your affirmative defense that it was under duress to evade liability, just as they would need to prove malicious intent or recklessness to get punitive damages, IMO).

😂 “Property values can’t be fraud in any way”. 😂 hilarious since submitting fraudulent values is exactly what he was found guilty of! 😂

The banks indicated massive fraud, who told you they didn’t? Trump? The banks lost over $180 million in interest they should have received if the collateral values had been correct. Yes, they made some money, but lost out on $180 million plus.
When you get a loan based on fraud like this, even if you pay it back you still comitted a crime and any penny you made from that crime can be recovered from you, exactly what’s happening.
It’s as if Trump submitted documents “proving” his credit rating was 800 but in fact it was below 400, then saying it’s no crime because he paid his low interest credit card bills, pay no attention to the lower rates and perks he received because of his fraud, they’re nothingburgers…$180 million nothing burgers.

This is a BS showman disgraced ex president caught red handed. You know it, he knows it. No one is blinded, you are simply dishonest.

What of me statement are bullshit or not in this hearing/case?
The disclaimers don’t mean Trump can just make up the numbers, like he did. I know he claims that, he already lost that point in court. He gave fraudulent numbers, values, square footage, claimed unpermitted unbuilt rentals were filled and collecting rent, claims he didn’t add “brand value” but it’s there listed on the documents.

lol. You get your “information” from crack heads, failed comedians turned pundits, and con men like rapist Trump. I get mine directly from the courts, then verify, then look at what nonsense MAGA is saying about it, then debunk your nonsense. Stop projecting. I’m not stupid. I’m no dick. I have almost no ego. I simply hate stupid lies and the stupid lying liars who lie them stupidly and I have the testicular fortitude and perspicacity to factually contradict them with facts, figures, and references.

You don’t ever look for shit, you liar. You take what the MAGA machine hands you and you say what they said to say. You haven’t had an individual thought since you’ve been posting here, not one. Every word you post can be found in the MAGAsphere written by someone else who makes money by telling you lies to repeat.

Yes, Trump was found guilty during discovery before the courtroom trial began, which is perfectly normal and reasonable in cases where the evidence is incontrovertible like this one. That’s the United States legal system, no surprise you don’t understand it….you don’t understand thing about my country.

Now whine that he couldn’t have a jury trial just because he didn’t ask for one until after his trial had started. So unfair! 😂

bobknight33 said:

But the facts are disputed , which mitigates the ability of the judge to make such decision. This was presented during the 11 weeks of the prosecution side of this hearing.

It only work is such cases as for example 5 people see me run over and kill someone. That is not is dispute.
What is or could be to mitigate my conviction is to show just cause -- IE being robed at gunpoint or such.

This "trial" is about property value. This cant be fraud in any way. Trump places a value and banks do the same and an agreement is made. No bank or lender indicated fraud -- Every bank got paid back, with interest and some made other deals on other projects.

This is a BS show trial. prejudged before it even started.

Only the ignorant are blinded.

All you statement below are bullshit -- none of that in this hearing. Every proposal for loans clearly had disclaimers for banks to do their own due diligence in their evaluation. Some thought higher some though lower-- but all made loans and got paid back.

Sadly stupid dicks with big egos, like you push false information.

I look for actual facts like presented -- Her own words - Trump Guilty before the trial began-- Thats BS

"Hunter Biden Spent $872K on Hookers" - Facing 9 Indictment

newtboy says...

Hunter Hunter Hunter. He lives rent free in your head, Bob.
You do know he’s not running for office, right? You do know he’s never held public office, right? You do know he’s a different person from his father, right? It appears not.

ALLEGEDLY spent on drugs and escorts…. and gifts for girlfriends, luxury hotels and rental properties, exotic cars, clothing, food, sundries, and other items of a personal nature, in short, everything but his taxes….but the right just baselessly says that it was all spent on hookers because the truth is poison to MAGA.

Remember, Trump famously and repeatedly paid 6 figures for single sexual encounters, since you’re john shaming. Trump had to pay far more for far less, and many many times. Trump has never had sex with someone he didn’t pay in one way or another, including his multiple wives.

Why can’t @bobknight33 ever be even close to honest? Bob? *debunked on its face…the claim is utter nonsense.

bobknight33 (Member Profile)

newtboy says...

And another MAGA “bombshell” turns out to be another rehashing of another two year old nothing burger. You guys sure grasp at old straws a lot.

Now you idiots are trying to twist a car payment into some China China China nonsense, claiming this well documented under $5k repayment of 3 car payments Joe made for Hunter when Biden was not in office or running for office is somehow proof that China bought Joe and he changed policy for them (for under $5000)…but the $35000000 given to Ivanka while Daddy was in active trade negotiations, *nothing to see…the hundreds of millions directly from the Chinese government hidden by Trump in secret unreported Chinese bank accounts, *shrug…how about the $2000000000 handed to Jared in direct exchange for classified information (that they used to target and murder spies, political rivals, and enemies we outed) despite having zero investment experience and being 100% denied by their vetting process, *la-la-la-la-la.

You people are such hypocrites it’s unbelievable. You are completely covered in 5 different kinds of horrific animal shits head to toe while actively having explosive diarrhea in the middle of dinner and screaming to high heaven incessantly that the person at the other end of the table has bad breath despite every woman there mentioning his minty freshness.

I swear I’m shocked you haven’t started insisting the oceans are red, or tried to poison them because they’re blue. The just plain insane stupidity your cult spouts daily would have you committed if America had a mental health care system anymore, but thanks to Republicans in the 80’s we don’t and you’re all out there screaming on the corner.

bobknight33 (Member Profile)

CycberTruck Beats a Porsche 911

newtboy says...

Is that what your damaged brain came up with? Get it checked out, something’s wrong. Leave it to you to take a full written explanation of my motives for distrusting this exagerated salesmanship and not understand a word.

If Road and Track did the test and you posted it, it would be all good.

When Elon in private creates this video to show fanboys (notice no audience at the test track), it’s blatantly obvious he has not just his thumb, but his entire body weight on the scales. He’s been caught faking it time and time and time again, then failing to live up in real life with no apologies when his customers complain he didn’t provide what he promised for the exorbitant fees he charges.

Again, just look and listen…Tesla in launch mode, chirping but not spinning the tires…old unspecified Porsche at <1000rpm taking off soft, no noise at all, no tire spin, never a high rev, the 911 is not trying to win. Hardly a real test. No audience, no clock, no speed, where are the track numbers for the test (he lists the factory claims for an empty truck at the end, not actual test numbers, not the track results for this race).

I upvoted and promoted your bumper car video. It has nothing to do with you posting it, dummy, that only raises suspicions that it’s dishonest. It’s horrible because it’s clearly being dishonest to over hype and sell a questionable product….it’s a commercial….a bad dishonest commercial.

bobknight33 said:

So if you had posted -- then all good.

bobknight33 (Member Profile)

newtboy says...

You’re really deepthroating Elon’s Nazi loving cock lately.
You claimed you sold all your “all in on one” stock before the crash (you said that after the crash to pretend you didn’t lose your shirt, not before or during)…it’s pretty obvious that was another lie or you wouldn’t be such a fan boy still pushing everything Tesla.

Wait for actual customer reviews of the cybertruck, not Tesla propaganda. They never come close to their own hype. Customers of their cars complain about build quality constantly…that’s going to be a killer in a pickup that needs great construction to take the abuse a pickup is designed to take…especially at over $100k.

This truck is years behind promised delivery, with 2/3 the towing capacity, less range, and double the price promised. No bullet proof windows (what a failure that was), and there are MULTIPLE better options available. This idiotic looking truck won’t sell 1/2 what Ford does of the lightning, which costs 1/2 the price and looks great, not like an origami project.
Also, Fords aren’t publicly tied to Naziism, fascism, or extremist far right lies like Elon is…and electric vehicles are clearly marketed towards people who believe in issues like climate science, so liberals. Liberals are less likely to buy a car from a company who constantly and nastily uses their money to advance politics they abhor, which explains the poor Tesla sales since Elon came out as a far right extremist, racist, abusive boss with a 4 year old’s temperament.
Driving a Tesla today is literally funding racist fascism, and the customer base doesn’t support fascism, and you fascists don’t buy EVs.

Ohhhh….Trump was just caught illicitly moving $40 million out of his NY businesses for personal use without reporting it to the court appointed monitor he has been ordered to report any transfers to. Expect a huge fine or remand. 😂

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