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Mordhaus (Member Profile)

Why Britain Sucks At Product Placement

6 phrases with racist origins you may have been unaware

Shepppard says...

Err...peanut galleries weren't meant for just blacks. They were the cheap seats, and peanuts were the least expensive snacks...

Yes, there WERE segregated theatres, but the term wasn't necessarily racial. It was more.. elitist? against the poor.

And Hip Hip Hooray is credited with being dated back to 19th century Britain.. and there's no actual factual proof that it was used during the German hep hep riots.

I just.. can we stop looking for places to find social justice? please? this is just getting silly. There's NOTHING to be offended about, get a better idea for a show and stop skimping on the research that proves your damn idea wrong.

Stupid People+Simple Questions=Face:Palm

worthwords says...

i think the objection is the implication that not knowing something equates to stupidity. You could pick any subject that is seemly simple or fundamental - such as the flags of the world, currencies - all that crap I was forced to memorise at school rather than understanding WHY we have different currencies etc.

Your strawman of london in britain is not a useful example and I hope I don't have to explain why.

>>all information is useless trivia
where on earth did that come from? I'm just saying that the ocean is one big body of water and memorising the different demarcations them is not actually very useful to most people. If you know it then good on you but if you don't - you are not by definition stupid.

For the record. I was taught Antarctic Ocean not southern so i would have failed according this silly man

Syntaxed said:

Lets say for a minute here that you are right. If someone lives in London, its useless to know that they also live in Britain? Humans have the best developed brains on Earth, and your saying that all information is useless trivia, unless it correlates to someone's little bubble of daily life?

WOW, I am gonna go forget everything I know...

Stupid People+Simple Questions=Face:Palm

Syntaxed jokingly says...

Lets say for a minute here that you are right. If someone lives in London, its useless to know that they also live in Britain? Humans have the best developed brains on Earth, and your saying that all information is useless trivia, unless it correlates to someone's little bubble of daily life?

WOW, I am gonna go forget everything I know...

Jerykk said:

These videos are pretty stupid. Geography is largely irrelevant to most people's lives and therefore qualifies as trivia. It's like asking someone how many bytes are in a kilobyte or how many bits are in a byte except that's actually relevant since knowing those things will help you see past the marketing BS of ISPs and hard drive makers.

Different people know different things and someone isn't automatically "stupid" because they don't know random facts that serve no purpose in their occupations or daily lives.

How to subdue a machete-wielding man without killing him

dannym3141 says...

So you make up out of thin air the most depressing story of what this guy's life might eventually turn out to be, use words of divisiveness (look! he's scrounging off the taxpayer everyone!) and use that to justify pre-emptively killing mentally ill people who fit the definition of "dangerous" by your Dickensian outlook.

You want to talk about people scrounging off the taxpayer then let's talk about corporate welfare and dodgy tax havens, about how starbucks, google and amazon get away with paying no tax when we are taxed on our earnings. You call this ill man a scrounger, when george osbourne's family no less has a dodgy 6 million offshore tax deal to name but one of a million examples.

Or let's talk about this guy's parents, grandparents, brothers and sisters who paid into the social system, earning potentially millions for this country. In return they only ask that their son is cared for with respect and dignity in spite of the nature of his illness, and the social system would still have made a net surplus off their family.

How about we talk about the recovery he made as a counsellor for PTSD sufferers or other mentally ill people? Or how in ten years time he ends up as a lollipop man helping kids cross the street to school. What about all the tax he eventually paid on his subsequent and previous earnings, does that matter?

Your dim, dark prediction and understanding of mental illness AND socialism is fucking archaic. Were you frozen in Victorian Britain and thawed out last week or something? Go back to watching the idiot box, i'm sure the latest episode of benefits street will keep you distracted while cameron and his cronies swindle this country. I don't mean to make this overly political but this is EXACTLY what the politics of divide and rule is all about. The TV programs, the newspapers - with shows and stories about benefits and migrants - they all conspire to convince person A that they should blame person B, meanwhile person Z is laughing their way to the bank. And you lap it up and take it to the extreme of putting PEOPLE to sleep!?

In this country, we all contribute to the social system so that everyone can be looked after. It drives me potty hearing someone complain about taxpayer's money going to ill and unfortunate people when all it would take is one single bad day for that same person to suddenly need all that help and more.

Jerykk said:

And now the guy's in a mental hospital (probably on taxpayer money), receiving treatment that probably won't work. If he is ever released or escapes, there's a fair chance that he'll hurt someone or do something dangerous. If he is never cleared for release, he'll continue to be a drain on resources while contributing nothing to society or the economy.


As for the possible positive outcomes... what, he recovers and leads a mediocre life working as a janitor because nobody wants to hire someone with a history of violent psychosis? How many years would it take to reach that point? How much taxpayer money would be spent? Is a single lost cause worth all that time, money and risk? If humanity were on the verge of extinction and every life really mattered then sure, he might be worth it. However, there's no shortage of perfectly sane and productive members of society that don't run around swinging machetes and howling like animals. Society already puts down animals that pose a threat to humans. Why not extend that policy to the most dangerous animal of all?

robert reich debunks republican deficit hawks-austerity 101

dannym3141 says...

There are far better qualified and knowledgeable people on here (@radx) who could explain that, but i'll try and explain why the video isn't bullshit.

Let's say the government spends a certain amount of money to build a road. That money goes a lot further than you think it does.
- whoever you pay to build it pays taxes on what they earn
- same for whoever you buy the materials/machinery from
- the road will probably be used by individuals and businesses spending money, so you've made that easier for them
- businesses stay afloat and keep trading, people's skills/training are not lost as they become unemployed
- saved yourself a whole bunch of money you would have had to spend in unemployment welfare

Because governments are not like people, they CAN spend money they don't have, to buy things that save them money! It's a simplistic analysis of a road and i'm no road building expert, but the term is "fiscal multiplication" and is used by governments to evaluate an investment. Governments are not like households, they can borrow £1.00 and get £2.00 back from it or more. For example over here in Britain there is a significant housing shortage, and one way of resolving that is by borrowing to invest in affordable & social housing. I think it was suggested that for every £1 spent on house building generates £2.50 back into the economy.

America is a sovereign nation that issues its own floating currency. Greece was not. There is no chance whatsoever of America, UK, Japan etc. becoming like Greece. Anyone saying that's possible is either scaremongering or heard it from someone who was.

I'm not saying the money has been spent or invested correctly, corruption and cronyism is rife in western politics. But that's an argument against government corruption rather than one against investment and debt. This isn't the first time we've tried austerity, it also isn't the highest debt-GDP ratio has been either for the US or the UK. The lessons of history have been you can't cut your way to prosperity, you have to invest towards it. That's the weight of economic thought right now afaik.

bobknight33 said:

What utter Bullshit - just a Republican hit piece. Over spending year to year is one thing , especially in this poor economy. What is more importantly mentioned is our federal debt. Over the last 7 years we went from 9 Trillion to 18 Trillion and nothing to show for it. Its off the Fucking rails.

Instead of government spending on their buddies, union favors it would have been better to loosen government regulations to stimulate jobs.

Roads and bridges -- Fuck, Obama been using that line for last 7 years and with 9 trillion spend every fucking road should be paved in gold.

I'm not solely blaming Obama/Democrats. The Republicans are just as guilty for allowing this to happen.

Since 2000
Our GDP is up 87%
Our total US Debt is up 147%
Every taxpayer owes $154K
How much more debt can we take on?
How many more years of this before we turn into a GREECE?


British "Reporter" Loses His Shit And Reports The NEWS!

How the UK handles 1,500,000 Kettles of Tea Simultaneously

radx (Member Profile)

oritteropo says...

There is some skepticism from the economics writers, and more so in the Grauniad than the BBC or our local rags, but even there they're more vocal about Greece and close to silent on Britain.

I think the IMF deserves much more scrutiny from the press than it's had

Actually the whole thing reminds me of the 80s and Reaganomics, with the whole group think from the political classes and surprisingly little argument from anyone else.

Maybe they realised how pointless it was to point out the inevitable?

It is a long time ago, and I was quite young, but I don't even remember any Cassandras at the time... certainly our local newspapers all drank the kool-aid.

radx said:

There are depressingly few journalists who call Osbourne out on his permanent-surplus horseshit....

While we're on the subject, the rhetoric from the left flank of Syriza against austerity seems to be shifting from failed policy to tool of class warfare. Or maybe it's just getting reported more prominently.

The IMF, and Lagarde especially, is also receiving more heat by the day for letting themselves get dragged into this troika business by Strauss-Kahn.

Yet in all this, there still isn't anyone willing to pull the trigger.

They all try to appease the mighty gods of the economy, with austerity chosen as their way of showing penance.

Brits watch Documentary About An Americans Giant Ball Sack

Chicken Lady: Homecoming - Kids in the Hall

poolcleaner says...

I think improv and sketch comedy groups are all springboards from stage to radio, radio to stage, stage yo television, radio to television, television to radio, to other television and ultimately the big screen. Any good YouTube sketch comedy? I've yet to really explore that, I guess Vine is funny sketch comedy. A bit too fast, over and done for me though. Cyanide and Happiness count? Web comics? Cracked? Anyway, on to television, which remains the fascination:

The first years of SNL are phenomenal with Chevy Chase, Dan Akroyd, Bill Murray, and Gilda Radner. And before that a lot of those guys were together on the National Lampoon Radio. (Speaking of radio, Dr. Demento?)

And there's also SCTV, jesus -- John Candy, Martin Short, Harold Ramis, Eugene Levy, Rick Moranis, and Joe Flaherty. Flaherty's vampire killed me as a kid. So funny, but really I haven't watched it since I was a youngster.

When I was growing up PBS played a lot of BBC television. Benny Hill amongst them, such a naughty show. I think I was barely allowed watch. But I enjoy the show as much as its mostly about old horny men and women with big tits.

What do I think about Upright Citizen Brigade? I would choose to be an Agent of U.C.B. before S.H.I.E.L.D. Great as both an improv group and sketch comedy for television. Amy Poehler and Horatio Sanz are awesome, and I love them on SNL as well. Assssscat

Cast transfers, right? Sketch comedy groups are like sports teams. Mark McKinney on SNL, etc. Daily Show anchors from Upright Citizens Brigade. SCTV to SNL, etc. Every sketch comedy floods into SNL. Did you watch Nickelodeon's All That? Kenan and Kell.

Mr Show is on my to watch list. I love David Cross in his stand up, as Tobias Funke on Arrested Dev, and as Todd Margaret, which is fucking RIDICULOUS if you haven't seen it. It's not sketch comedy but it might as well be. It's like a British comedy with brash Americans thrown into the mix. Chaos ensues and many, many, many laws are broken, including the usage of weapons of mass destruction and murder. Dark comedy.

Oh, I know a good dark sort of sketch comedy: The League of Gentlemen? It's sort of like if Simon Pegg produced Monty Python. They say things like "Rape our dead mouths". Psychopaths, murderers and crossdressers.

Now that we've ventured off the beaten path, what are your thoughts about the short run comedy central show Stella? Michael Ian Black, Michael Showalter, and David Wain. All three from a funny sketch comedy series called the State. I think I've sifted or promoted some sketches from that series.

And I can't not mention MadTV, you know what? Uh uh, a list about sketch comed without MadTV, ridiculous. I'm running out of steam though, because I'm typing too much, but MO Collins, Orlando Jones, Bobby Lee, Phil LaMar (who does DC comics cartoon voice over work), Aries Spears, and Will Sasso. Damn.

And lest we forget (Thanks, Rudyard), Little Britain -- Britain, Britain, Britain, if it weren't for Little Britain I would scarcely know of the country.

I'm sure I've left off some other great sketch (In Living Color!!), but these came to mind and as I started to think of my favorite cast members and comedians, I began to realize how they all fit in the grand scheme of things. I'm going to watch some Fire Marshall Bill clips now.

Fairbs said:

Excellent points. If you look back over the entire SNL catalog there is a lot of great stuff. It's also been on for 40 years or so so yeah there should be. I think SNL is used as a springboard for a lot of comedians and writers. For example, Larry David was a writer.

What do you think of Upright Citizens Brigade or Mr. Show? I looked up a list of sketch comedy shows and it reminded me that the Chapelle show was pretty great. I never thought of Benny Hill as a sketch comedy show (it is), but I loved it as a kid. Probably too slapstick for me now.

Don't Mess With Karate Kid Jesse

siftbot says...

Tags for this video have been changed from 'Britains Got Talent, Karate Kid' to 'Britains Got Talent, kata, katana, kenjutsu, jesse jane mcparland' - edited by xxovercastxx

Deray McKesson: Eloquent, Focused Smackdown of Wolf Blitzer

GenjiKilpatrick says...

Also, @lantern53 I don't answer you or any other illogical, irrational person cause you've already made up your mind.

I can't change your mind.

I'm not going to try.

I'm just calling you out on your racist, jingoist bullshit.

Because there is literally nothing I can say that would make you stop and think..
"Oh wow, maybe I DO have a bunch of privileges and advantages based purely on my skin color."

If you sincerely want an answer, message me when you feel like acknowledging facts.

Facts like the American Caste System.

And the fact that white people are at the top of that system.

India has one. Britain has one. America has one. The globe has one.

Acknowledging things like that would be a great first step to help fix problems in the global community.. let alone the black community.

Grimm (Member Profile)

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