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Trump Boat Parade Copies Trump And Sinks Itself

newtboy says...

Peaceful support?

They sank each other's boats and refused to stop doing donuts and whizzing by while others were going down.

Yep, Biden isn't a moron who invites large crowds to a rally while an airborne deadly pandemic is in full effect, Trump is, and he tells you to not wear masks even though you now know for certain even he knew from day one it was airborne, far more deadly than the worst flu, and preventable with simple measures like masks in public and avoiding large gatherings. Fuck. Talking to you is like arguing with a brick that's deep on "the spectrum".

This was Trumpness at it's finest. It's his MO, and yours. If your life is endangered by my enjoyment, you're fucked, because my right to make a huge wake outweighs your life. Total lack of consideration for others, the Trump way.

What morons hold a cheering event about nothing during a pandemic, have unqualified people arrange it so there's no direction or coordination, invite as many braying morons as possible with any boat you like, safety and reason be damned, get them riled up, make sure they're in close contact without any ppe, then send them off wound up and hopping mad to trip over each other racing to take over the lake before heading to the nearest Mexican restaurant to Karen out on people in masks.

I'm still wondering how the liberals caused this. Were Obama and Clinton on personal submarines poking holes in those freedom boats?

Landslides don't happen on the water. Red Tsunami....or is that term too painful after your massive sweeping wins in 2018?

bobknight33 said:

Peaceful support.

Don't see that many people at a Biden rally .

Landslide 2020

Here Lies Donald Trump

newtboy says...

Lol...which fake news, OAN or Trump himself, because national polling has Biden up an average of 7.2%, up to 13% nationwide. You have to go pre Covid to find a national poll with Biden only 2% ahead.

Another red tsunami....yep, can't wait. This one should be bigger than 2018.

Rigged mail in mean like Republicans have been caught doing time and time again in the last two elections, thousands of times, candidates/campaigns illegally collecting ballots from elderly and changing their votes, mail men collecting ballots and applications and changing them or destroying them, even judges voting for their dead husbands.....all Republicans every one.
You know Trump always used mail in voting, and is registered in multiple states.

Now, again, for the umpteenth time, let's hear about these "known instances" of democrats committing vote fraud from the last decade you claimed to know about months ago. You've had two months to come up with one single instance, and failed, because at best you're a feculent liar who makes shit up constantly just to feel better about your indefensible positions and actions....or a feculent liar of a foreign troll who makes shit up to sew dissent in America by making thinking adults believe the Republican party is nothing but lying morons braying to each other while the nation burns.

Bye Don 2020...after 4 years of Trump, we now do need to make America great's going to take decades to undo the damage.

bobknight33 said:

You can dream that Biden will win 2020.

Funny that the fake news has Biden up by 2 digits.

A Biden win will never happen.

Trump landslide, unless Dems get away with rigged mail in votes.

bobknight33 (Member Profile)

Students Support Socialism. Until It's Applied To Their GPA

newtboy says...

1) Because they didn't succeed in a vacuum, they benefit from civilization, so are obligated to support it to at least the same extent if not more because they are able while others aren't.

2) swap dumb with rich and Trump is the bazillionaire he claims to be. You can't just swap dissimilar unrelated concepts and say "see, proved it" without looking like a braying moron.

3) Yes it should without question, our best and brightest don't come from the privileged class as a higher percentage. Actually the opposite because they don't have to do their best to survive, poorer people do, and drive matters immensely. If we want to compete internationally, we must educate the uneducated and undereducated, even those who can't afford $500000 to fake a crew history or SAT score. That education needs to be better than the countries we compete with, and it is all too often simply not.
That is a conservative stance, not a liberal one.

4) equating wealth to gpa, like this moronic video does, means Trump, like everyone else, should start at 0 and not get a bonus from daddy. If that happened, he would be zero. He is not self made, he did not only get a small $14 million unrepaid interest free loan. He did squander the money, failing at venture after venture until only Russian gangsters will loan him money, loans he needs because he squandered the money....then he repeatedly lied about it immorally squandering billions from hundreds of duped investors too...THAT is evil, yes.

5) We make $30000 for two people and don't take a dime, even overpaid my taxes...not everyone has my opportunities, privileges, and abilities. You are just spouting nonsense straw man arguments. In a perfect world, we could all be self sustaining with equal opportunity to succeed, we don't live in that communist/socialist one ever has.
I believe we are better off when the least privileged don't have to resort to violent or immoral crime to survive. I believe we are better off as a nation when our best people have the opportunities to succeed that our worst but most privileged are afforded. I believe we are better off being protected from the irresponsibility of purely profit driven commerce that, by design, must walk the razors edge of acceptability to maximize profit and minimize obligations by any means necessary, usually leaving them for socialist programs to clean up/repair. I believe we do more good ensuring the starving among us are fed food humans would willingly eat before ensuring some unrepentant apocalyptic bankers get their multi million dollar bonuses and a free pass on their crimes, and before those making multi millions a year get to hoard more and pay even less of their share.

6) What you are spouting is bat shit insane, not even AOC advocates pure socialism....not even Russia had pure socialism. Your ilk, however, calls any government program that doesn't directly benefit them or their Trumpian masters "socialist", infrastructure, all regulatory agencies, social security, even the fbi have been labeled socialist by Trumpists in the zeal to discredit the report they assumed would expose criminal conspiracy to defraud the United States (ps, it found exactly that dozens of times over), while military welfare programs for equipment we don't want and won't use, bailouts for banks and agribusiness, public funds for private ventures like golf courses and troll roads, (edit:Freudian slip?) and don't forget the unmentioned elephant, the military itself...all that socialism is fine, you think it's not even socialism. *facepalm

I'll say it again.


bobknight33 said:

1)Why should some one work hard supplement someone who didn't work hard or tried hard and came up short?

2) Swap out "GPA" with "Hard Earned Money" and these people are capitalists 100%!

3) Also higher education shouldn't be funded with tax dollars.

4) What does Trump have to do with this? His dad paid for his schooling and gave him $ to start his life on. He did not squandered the $. And you look at this as evil or such?

5) You want all to be dependent on government cheese or self sustaining?

6) American Government programs are 1 thing. Socialism as the main form of government is another.

Connie Britton's Hair Secret. It's not just for Women!

gorillaman says...


I don't think I'm much in danger of contradiction in suggesting that you yourself have yet to crack a book of feminist theory or engage with a feminist activist making no more extravagant sex/gender claims that the one you quote from that unimpeachable source, (and when did dictionaries move from being an aid to understanding obscure words to the ultimate arbiters of political thought?).

There is no separating the movement from the ideology; this is an ancient truism. Without the movement, the idea dies. Without the idea, the movement doesn't exist. My unfollowable second paragraph comprises only examples of actual, nasty feminist doctrine which I have encountered in the real world, and could probably even document with a few google searches. I can hardly be blamed that this group is so dissolute, so indiscriminately inclusive of maniacs and criminal fanatics that no single representative feminist can be found, no central text can answer for the whole.

But for the sake of increasingly and inexplicably divisive argument, let's attempt to isolate just that 'small-f' feminism in the definition you give: "feminism: noun: the doctrine advocating social, political, and all other rights of women equal to those of men", which I will unconditionally repudiate and abjure, for the following reasons.

i) Let's be boring and start with the name. A name that has rightly attracted much criticism, and which Virginia Woolf - not a feminist, merely a devastatingly intelligent and talented woman - called "a vicious and corrupt word that has done much harm in its day and is now obsolete".* Anyone can see the defect here, an implicitly sexist term that apparently calls for the advancement of one sex at the expense of - whom? Well, whom do you think? A special politics for women only and exclusionary of those other incidental members of the human species, once allies and comrades and now relegated to the other side of what has become a literally unending antagonism.

You may say, "it's only a name", but how little else your dictionary leaves me to examine. No, were there no other social or intellectual harm in feminism, I would reject it on the ground of its name alone.

ii, sailor) Would that there were a known equivalent for the term 'racialism' that could relate to the cultural fiction of gender. The demand for women's rights necessarily requires that such a category 'women' exists, and is in need of special protection. Well what virtue is there in any woman that exists in no man? What mannish fault that finds no womanly echo? Then how is this distinction maintained except through supernatural thinking?

There are no women; and if there are no women, then there is nothing for feminism to accomplish. You may sign me up at any time for the doctrine of 'anti-sexism' or of 'individualism', but I will spit on anyone who advocates for 'women's rights'.

iii) This has been touched on before, and praise satan for that time saving mercy, but I reject the implicit assumption that there is a natural societal opposition to the principle of sex equality and that those who fail to declare for this, again, historically very recent dogma fall by default into that opposing force.

*The quote is worth taking in its fuller context, written in a time when the word 'feminist' was a slur on those heroes whose suffering and idealism has been so ghoulishly plundered for the tawdry use of @bareboards2 and her cohort:

"What more fitting than to destroy an old word, a vicious and corrupt word that has done much harm in its day and is now obsolete? The word ‘feminist’ is the word indicated. That word, according to the dictionary, means ‘one who champions the rights of women’. Since the only right, the right to earn a living, has been won, the word no longer has a meaning. And a word without a meaning is a dead word, a corrupt word. Let us therefore celebrate this occasion by cremating the corpse. Let us write that word in large black letters on a sheet of foolscap; then solemnly apply a match to the paper. Look, how it burns! What a light dances over the world! Now let us bray the ashes in a mortar with a goose-feather pen, and declare in unison singing together that anyone who uses that word in future is a ring-the-bell-and-run-away-man, a mischief maker, a groper among old bones, the proof of whose defilement is written in a smudge of dirty water upon his face. The smoke has died down; the word is destroyed. Observe, Sir, what has happened as the result of our celebration. The word ‘feminist’ is destroyed; the air is cleared; and in that clearer air what do we see? Men and women working together for the same cause. The cloud has lifted from the past too. What were they working for in the nineteenth century — those queer dead women in their poke bonnets and shawls? The very same cause for which we are working now. ‘Our claim was no claim of women’s rights only;’— it is Josephine Butler who speaks —‘it was larger and deeper; it was a claim for the rights of all — all men and women — to the respect in their persons of the great principles of Justice and Equality and Liberty.’"

Best Fails of the Week 2 March 2014

MichaelL says...

Dear morons... let the video speak for itself. You don't have to bray like a jackass to cue us in that it's funny. You are like the most annoying laugh track ever...

Make people despise you: Judge children by their names

robbersdog49 says...

My background: I come from an upper middle class background in the UK. I went to a normal primary school, did very well and ended up passing the exams for the local private school. I was from a pretty well off family but my parents never stopped me being friends with anyone and I had friends from all walks of life. When I was in a normal school with lots of normal kids I got on well with most of them and it was all good.

I was thrown out of the posh private school after a year and a half because it was full of the sort of little fucking shits that bitches like this drag up. Every time one of them started braying all I wanted to do was shut them up. I had a lot of fights and was gotten rid of.

After that I went to the only school in the city that would take people who were expelled from another school. The friends I made there, in the shit hole school, are some of the best people I know. Good, honest, successful people.

This bitch makes my blood boil. I'm sure in her circles she's celebrated for her honesty, because everyone knows you shouldn't let your children play with 'common' people.

I've dipped a toe in both worlds at school, and since then I've been a keen dinghy sailor, which is a scene that attracts people from all backgrounds. I know lawyers, doctors, teachers, directors, lorry drivers, sound engineers, metal workers, mechanics, beach bums and stoners who all sail and I know for a fact that the money in the bank has nothing to do with what you're like as a person.

I certainly wouldn't want my kids hanging around with hers.

Fucking hell I'm angry right now!

Chimps vs. Raccoon WAIT FOR IT

robbersdog49 says...

Ok, I'll bite. I have no issue with the chimpanzees. They are just doing what they do. In the wild they hunt, and they will in captivity given the chance. They also struggle for stimulation in captivity hence the relish with which they approach this situation. It's a game to them, they know no better.

What really irks me about this video is the braying spectators. They way they find it funny that the raccoon is being treated this way. Just because it's natural doesn't mean it's OK to take pleasure in the suffering of another animal. They are laughing at an animal being hurt.

The chimps don't understand the situation, but the laughing idiots should. There are funny things in nature and there are horrific things in nature. The chimps are blameless, but that doesn't stop what they're doing from being horrific.

That's what my issue with this video is. By upvoting a video here people are saying 'yes, I enjoyed watching that'. I can't imagine who would enjoy watching this demonstration of the awfulness of people.

seltar said:

I don't understand why people are getting their panties in a bunch as much as they seem to do over this video. Especially the people chanting for the guy who was laughing to be torn limb by limb!?

How is it different from a cat playing with a mouse before eating it? Or the thousands of other examples of fucking NATURE!

Maybe something to do with them being bipedal? Might hit a bit too close to home for some people..

Also, there are no rules in the animal kingdom, so there are no "cheap shots".
Humans invented rules to all sorts of things in society, including fighting, and I'm pretty sure other animals don't really have that. At least not towards other species.

I'm not saying I enjoyed what the monkeys were doing to the little fella, but I can understand somebody laughing at the entire scenario unfolding before their eyes. To chant for his head on a stake seems worse than what the chimps were doing.

Oh! The Places You'll Go at Burning Man!

eric3579 says...

Today is your day.
You're off to Great Places!
You're off and away!

You have brains in your head.
You have feet in your shoes
You can steer yourself
any direction you choose.
You're on your own. And you know what you know.
And YOU are the guy who'll decide where to go.

You'll look up and down streets. Look 'em over with care.
About some you will say, "I don't choose to go there."
With your head full of brains and your shoes full of feet,
you're too smart to go down any not-so-good street.

And you may not find any
you'll want to go down.
In that case, of course,
you'll head straight out of town.

It's opener there
in the wide open air.

Out there things can happen
and frequently do
to people as brainy
and footsy as you.

And when things start to happen,
don't worry. Don't stew.
Just go right along.
You'll start happening too.


You'll be on your way up!
You'll be seeing great sights!
You'll join the high fliers
who soar to high heights.

You won't lag behind, because you'll have the speed.
You'll pass the whole gang and you'll soon take the lead.
Wherever you fly, you'll be the best of the best.
Wherever you go, you will top all the rest.

Except when you don't
Because, sometimes, you won't.

I'm sorry to say so
but, sadly, it's true
and Hang-ups
can happen to you.

You can get all hung up
in a prickle-ly perch.
And your gang will fly on.
You'll be left in a Lurch.

You'll come down from the Lurch
with an unpleasant bump.
And the chances are, then,
that you'll be in a Slump.

And when you're in a Slump,
you're not in for much fun.
Un-slumping yourself
is not easily done.

You will come to a place where the streets are not marked.
Some windows are lighted. But mostly they're darked.
A place you could sprain both your elbow and chin!
Do you dare to stay out? Do you dare to go in?
How much can you lose? How much can you win?

And IF you go in, should you turn left or right...
or right-and-three-quarters? Or, maybe, not quite?
Or go around back and sneak in from behind?
Simple it's not, I'm afraid you will find,
for a mind-maker-upper to make up his mind.

You can get so confused
that you'll start in to race
down long wiggled roads at a break-necking pace
and grind on for miles across weirdish wild space,
headed, I fear, toward a most useless place.
The Waiting Place...

...for people just waiting.
Waiting for a train to go
or a bus to come, or a plane to go
or the mail to come, or the rain to go
or the phone to ring, or the snow to snow
or waiting around for a Yes or a No
or waiting for their hair to grow.
Everyone is just waiting.

Waiting for the fish to bite
or waiting for wind to fly a kite
or waiting around for Friday night
or waiting, perhaps, for their Uncle Jake
or a pot to boil, or a Better Break
or a string of pearls, or a pair of pants
or a wig with curls, or Another Chance.
Everyone is just waiting.

That's not for you!

Somehow you'll escape
all that waiting and staying.
You'll find the bright places
where Boom Bands are playing.

With banner flip-flapping,
once more you'll ride high!
Ready for anything under the sky.
Ready because you're that kind of a guy!

Oh, the places you'll go! There is fun to be done!
There are points to be scored. there are games to be won.
And the magical things you can do with that ball
will make you the winning-est winner of all.
Fame! You'll be famous as famous can be,
with the whole wide world watching you win on TV.

Except when they don't.
Because, sometimes, they won't.

I'm afraid that some times
you'll play lonely games too.
Games you can't win
'cause you'll play against you.

All Alone!
Whether you like it or not,
Alone will be something
you'll be quite a lot.

And when you're alone, there's a very good chance
you'll meet things that scare you right out of your pants.
There are some, down the road between hither and yon,
that can scare you so much you won't want to go on.

But on you will go
though the weather be foul
On you will go
though your enemies prowl
On you will go
though the Hakken-Kraks howl
Onward up many
a frightening creek,
though your arms may get sore
and your sneakers may leak.

On and on you will hike
and I know you'll hike far
and face up to your problems
whatever they are.

You'll get mixed up, of course,
as you already know.
You'll get mixed up
with many strange birds as you go.
So be sure when you step.
Step with care and great tact
and remember that Life's
a Great Balancing Act.
Just never forget to be dexterous and deft.
And never mix up your right foot with your left.

And will you succeed?
Yes! You will, indeed!
(98 and 3/4 percent guaranteed.)


be your name Buxbaum or Bixby or Bray
or Mordecai Ali Van Allen O'Shea,
you're off to Great Places!
Today is your day!
Your mountain is waiting.
So...get on your way!

Bill Maher and Eliot Spitzer school ignorant Teabagger

Winstonfield_Pennypacker says...

Video is standard BM BS. A bunch of communists tossing out ad-hominems as a means to deflect genuine criticism of failed socialist systems in front of clapping sheep. Spitzer in particular is a complete idiot. When asked about "what do you do with the unfunded liabilities" he says a bunch of complete nonsense and then accuses the other guy of being biased. He 'changed New York'? Oh yeah - NY's medicare/medicaid is TOTALLY solvent thanks to Eliot Spitzer.

Sigh - whatever. I could go on, but on the issue of socialism far too many neolibs just don't get it. It's their religion, and trying to talk sense to them is like trying to talk sense into some whacked out fundamentalist. To them black is white, up is down, and crazy is sane. There's just no rational like of thinking they can accept.

Case in point...

Tea Partiers are obviously just angry racist Republicans

And liberals are obviously just angry, racist Democrats.

The neolib meme that people who belong to the Tea Party are racists has long ago been debunked. The Tea Party is not motivated by race. They are motivated by a desire to reduce government size, scope, and influence. To see neolibs still clinging to this race lie is pathetic. Those who continue to persist in this obvious fabrication are clearly blinkered by personal bias. Clearly a bunch of neolibs have been spoonfed their leftist talking points and had no intellectual honesty left in them sufficient to research the matter, or indeed enough to even use their brains in any way except as a trash bin in which to store the bigotry - to be parroted back ad nauseum. But that's what leftists do, isn't it? Use bigotry, race, and hate to demonize any opposing idea and then reflexively bray like a bunch of asses when some douche like BM repeats the hate.

Good Burger- bloobity bloobity bloobity bloobity

Parasailing donkey shocks beachgoers in Russia

maximillian says...

Maybe the donkey liked it?

Seriously, how do you know? Do you speak donkey? I just think we need to stop and think about this before we jump to conclusions. Maybe it was braying in giddy, childish laughter.

Clip Art Makes Everything Shit

Shepppard says...

>> ^ulysses1904:

Thanks for clarifying the source of her accent in such a smug condescending way.
(cue donkey braying noises)
Maybe some day it will be VERY VERY CLEAR to "us guys" (????) how to distinguish the source of any foreign accent.

Get out more then, there's no reason that you shouldn't be able to tell accents apart unless you've made a point not to now that the internet has arrived.

And even then, go out, rent a monty python flick and crocodile dundee. you'll tell which accent is which in 4 hours.

The only ones you may get confused are Australian and New Zealand (and even then, they're not that similar)

Unfortunately, I agree with being condescending in this instance. This isn't a hard concept to grasp, it's just ignorance. You've been a member for almost a year, and a possible lurker for god knows how long before that. In that time.. have you never watched any videos featuring a British accent? Hell, top 15 right now, Dave Mitchell, QI, #1 and 2 videos. None of the people in them sound remotely like she does.

If you're an American (Which, I assume you are, as they make up most of the community of this site) then you'd probably be able to tell the differences between certain southern accents, and even west and east coast accents. If you're Canadian, then you'll definately be able to pick someone out from the east coast. And those are generally minute difference is comparison to Australian and British.

Who knows. Maybe the fact that I'm Canadian just gives a +5 to my foreign accent detection, but it's retardedly simple for even me.

Clip Art Makes Everything Shit

ulysses1904 says...

Thanks for clarifying the source of her accent in such a smug condescending way.
(cue donkey braying noises)
Maybe some day it will be VERY VERY CLEAR to "us guys" (????) how to distinguish the source of any foreign accent.

Courtroom brawl - Son attacks his mom's killer/rapist

spoco2 says...

I'm glad all they did was give the man a slap on the wrist for doing that, as everyone can fully understand the utter rage and hate he must have for the criminal.

However. All you people braying for prolonged deaths and mutilations and beatings are truly savages. Shall we just go back to the days of public hangings shall we? Fucking hell.

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