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Foo Fighters - White Limo

90 Pregnancies in One High School

Skeeve says...


Reminded me of this Mitchell and Webb skit - his comment at the end about having children is spot on - we need to enable young people to achieve things that are real achievements.
>> ^bareboards2:

Somehow, we need to teach these kids Hope. Pride in something bigger than making a baby (both the boys and girls).
>> ^Skeeve:
The girl does say that there should be classes that teach the girls about protection and about not getting pregnant so I imagine it is a bit of both.

90 Pregnancies in One High School

bareboards2 says...

Yeah, I didn't believe her when she said that, though. It had the ring of rote to me, of passing off blame.

I agree with you that education is the key. I think it is more complicated than a condom on a banana or classes in poopy diapers. Both those things are important, however they are just a piece of it.

Somehow, we need to teach these kids Hope. Pride in something bigger than making a baby (both the boys and girls).

>> ^Skeeve:

The girl does say that there should be classes that teach the girls about protection and about not getting pregnant so I imagine it is a bit of both.

90 Pregnancies in One High School

Reefie says...

>> ^bareboards2:
I'm not sure that this is the reason. You think these kids don't know what a condom is? This isn't a rural isolated school.
There have been anecdotal reports of young women getting pregnant so that they will have someone who will love them. To me, this epidemic of pregnancies is a reflection of low self-esteem and poverty, of young women seeking to feel relevant and empowered.
Teachings about condoms isn't going to fix that.
>> ^Skeeve:
In all seriousness though, I'd be willing to be this has something to do with abstinence-only sexual education and a lack of education about, and availability of, protection.
When are people going to realize that teenagers have sex whether you want them to or not? Providing education and protection is the only real solution.
>> <

Sounds very much like why my youngest sister got herself pregnant. That plus the benefits situation in the UK can help someone generate an income for the next 16 years, longer if the children stay at home while attending uni or other forms of further education. You're right that teaching these teenagers about condoms might not fix the problem, but teaching them what it's like to raise a child might be a good way to put them off - let's have all teenagers (boys and girls) work in old folks homes for a few months so they get first-hand experience of nappy-changing, bathing, feeding, and overall the responsibility of having to look after another person.

Sarah Palin and the prince of eeeeeeh, hmm...

Ryjkyj says...

>> ^TangledThorns:

Name calling is the best you can do? Ladies & gentleman, we have your typical Obama supporter!

Boys and girls! The typical double-standard and feigned innocence of someone ignorant enough to believe that Sarah Palin is anything more than a communications major/mouthpiece who looks good on camera:

“Can’t wait to vote this moron out of office in 2012!”

“Greyson is a fool.”

“The way this fool is running the country into the ground I expect a President Sarah Palin to save us from his huge mistakes.”

“Sarah & Todd Palin should write ten tips to David Letterman on how not to be a cheating douche bag of a husband.”

“Maher needs his notes again. I love it when he has conservatives on his panel, they always show how much of an idiot and his liberal audience is.”

“This guy is an idiot.”

Say what you want about Obama but to attack his speech-giving ability is pretty weak. Everyone makes mistakes but he's easily one of the best of the last few decades. At least his speeches don't come to a screeching halt when he sweats the talking points off of his palms. Besides, he's just trying to put food on his family.

This woman wins WORST PARENT award

Reefie says...

>> ^Pantalones:
That was pretty weak. Hot sauce and a cold shower? Please, I'd have taken that any day. Y'all need to see some real child abuse before you accost this woman as the spawn of hell. She was in control of her actions and the consequences sounded like they were predetermined.
Here's a measure of rationality: you're siding with Dr. Phil.

I mentioned getting mouthfuls of fairy washing up liquid when I lied or swore as a child, but didn't mention the thick leather belt with the huge buckle my mother kept for special occasions (well, mostly when she was drunk or in a bad mood so most of the time really), or the cane that my headmaster used for giving pupils 6 of the best (even the best behaved boys and girls could expect to be caned once a month). Did I mention we were also forced to take cold showers in the morning at school? Yes, it was a boarding school but thankfully a co-ed so it wasn't all bad Must've been worse for the Eton boys! I can take it, and I reckon most people who grew up with such abuse can too. Mind you, our definition of child abuse can be very different to the extremes of abuse in some other countries.

What I find hard to decide in any absolute terms is how much punishment is necessary to make people aware of the consequences for their actions. While I would never go to extremes with leather belts or canes I think there is a balance to be found for each individual child. Having said that, some things are just torturous and really aren't necessary. Finding the right balance of unpleasantness as a consequence is something that has to be decided and warranted for each wrongful act. Premeditated consequences like this only enforce a mental conditioning that prevents the child being able to properly express himself in later life.

Throbbin (Member Profile)

Buster Bluth stalks gay student body president

enoch says...

and this dexter fluffernutter is an AAG?seems they let anybody pass themselves off as a lawyer these days..that was painful to watch but thank god he has jesus on his side to combat that insidious gay agenda.i mean..boys and girls sleeping in the SAME building? might as well be muslim...sheesh...

Parents charged with sexual abuse for bathing kids

Notapsycho says...

I thought Child Protective Services were supposed to PROTECT kids, not harm them by unnecessarily removing them from loving caring parents!

I'm glad I don't live in the U.S., as clearly there is NOBODY I could call if a child was ACTUALLY being abused, since Child Protective Services must be run by a bunch of child molesters if they think innocent photos of kids are harmful. Conversely, in the unlikely event that that is not the case and that rather Child Protective Services are justs paranoid morons, I'd be worried about reporting suspected abuse in case I was wrong and Child Protective Services wrecked someone else's life.

And although I'm not going to read all the comments, did some complete idiot actually suggest teaching a kid how to clean a penis is abusive? Most kids in most countries get taught that because unlike the USa, most of the world doesn't routinely mutilate their little boys, so most boys are intact. Boys and girls don't just figure out how to clean themselves on their own - parents teach them. It's part of their job. They're not going to be traumatised. Kids don't just figure out everything on their own.

In your country parents even get vile spouted at them for giving their kids a peck on the lips. I'm so glad I live in the land of hope and glory (England). The REAL land of the free (our current government ripped up some of the last government's attacks on freedoms).

Naked MILF playing Rock Band

BoneRemake says...

Via Wiki knowit all

Because SOMEONE wanted to be Obtuse about it...

" The Oedipus complex, in psychoanalytic theory, is a group of largely unconscious (dynamically repressed) ideas and feelings which concentrate on the desire to possess the parent of the opposite sex and eliminate the parent of the same sex.[1][2] According to classical psychoanalytic theory, the complex appears during the so-called "oedipal phase" of libidinal and ego development; i.e. between the ages of three and five years, though oedipal manifestation may be detected earlier.[3][4]

The complex is named after Greek mythical character Oedipus, who (albeit unknowingly) kills his father, Laius and marries his mother, Jocasta. According to Sigmund Freud, the Oedipus complex is a common phenomenon, built in phylogenetically, and is responsible for much unconscious guilt. The Oedipus complex, as Freud put it:
“ His destiny moves us only because it might have been ours – because the oracle laid the same curse upon us before our birth as upon him. It is the fate of all of us, perhaps, to direct our first sexual impulse towards our mother and our first hatred and our first murderous wish against our father. Our dreams convince us that this is so.[5] ”

Classical theory considers the successful resolution of the Oedipus complex to be developmentally desirable, the key to the development of sexual roles and identity. Freud posited that boys and girls resolved the conflicts differently as a result of the male's castration anxiety (caused by oedipal rivalry with the father) and the female's penis envy. He also held that the unsuccessful resolution of the Oedipus complex could result in neurosis, paedophilia, and homosexuality.

Classical theory holds that "resolution" of the Oedipus complex takes place through identification with the parent of the same sex and (partial) temporary renunciation of the parent of the opposite sex; the opposite-sex parent is then "rediscovered" as the growing person's adult sexual object.

In classical theory, people who are fixated at the oedipal level are "mother-fixated" or "father-fixated", and reveal this by choosing sexual partners who are discernible surrogates for their parent(s)."

Hearts of Darkness: A Filmmaker's Apocalypse

Triple Human Botfly removal

The Burning Times: Misogyny of the Patriarchy

enoch says...

nice post.
look up the true story of st patrick and the pagan women of ireland.
thomas aquinas was a FUCK.
st augustine wrote beautifully and poetically but was ultimately a hypocrite.he liked little boys and girls and whores..lots and lots of whores.
teihard de chardin is one of my favorites but he got in to a boat load of trouble with the church and near the end of his life started to back pedal.cant be having woman be as equal spiritually as men now can we?thats a big no-no in the church,original sin and all that jazz.
conclusion:men are pansies in the face of a strong woman.
it is like boobies have a mystical power.

VW PunchDub Commercial

xxovercastxx says...

My first new car was a 2000 VW Beetle. There were two punchbug stories that I always like to recall.

The first was on Main St here in town. Traffic was just getting rolling from a red light so I was only doing like 5-10mph. There were some thugs sitting on the stairs in front of one of the stores to my right. One of them punches the other in the arm. The punchee then proceeds to jump up and shove the puncher into the wall. I couldn't really hear him, but I'm pretty sure I lipread "Yo, what the fuck, nigga!?" I didn't get to see how that played out but I got the impression he wasn't familiar with the game.

The other one was down the street from my job. I was returning to work at the end of lunch and there were two little kids riding bikes on the sidewalk, heading the same direction as me; a boy and girl. The boy was smaller and looked particularly shaky on his bike. As I passed them I looked in the mirror just in time to see the boy punch the girl who tipped over almost immediately. The boy, not being very stable to begin with, lost control of his bike, drove off the curb, and wiped out in the road. I like to picture the two of them going home to mommy and trying to explain why they're both scraped up, bruised and crying, and mommy trying to understand wtf they're saying.

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