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Never Go Full Retard... Tropic Thunder Protests.

Raigen says...


–verb (used with object)
1. to make slow; delay the development or progress of (an action, process, etc.); hinder or impede.

–verb (used without object)
2. to be delayed.

3. a slowing down, diminution, or hindrance, as in a machine.
4. Slang: Disparaging. a. a mentally retarded person.
b. a person who is stupid, obtuse, or ineffective in some way: a hopeless social retard.

5. Automotive, Machinery. an adjustment made in the setting of the distributor of an internal-combustion engine so that the spark for ignition in each cylinder is generated later in the cycle.

Having an opinion is above Obama's pay grade

NetRunner says...

Glad to hear you're staying clear of McCain. I understand why you're thinking both parties are the same, but I think you need to look at the diversity and moderation within the Democratic party (as well as examine the netroots and what they're about) before writing them off as antithetical. It's not like we're a bunch of dirty hippies, or communists or something.

As for economists calling for regulation of the market, here's an article from the economist, and another from the WSJ.

For health care, it's more doctors & some large businesses calling for it, but here's a non-partisan analysis of both healthcare plans. For economics, there's this site, and it's analysis of the universal health care plans around the world.

BTW, Obama's plan isn't to force everyone onto Medicare, it's to make Medicare available to everyone at a competitive price. He isn't even calling for a health insurance mandate for adults, just one for children.

To me, Obama's plan is essentially one I'd expect from the conservative party in the U.S., assuming they were moderates and not extremists.

As for ethanol subsidies, that's pretty darned silly to accuse that of having broken the market, when most of the strife is being caused by inflation, sagging wages, and investment companies overextending themselves in the unregulated mortgage-backed securities market. If you're just talking about food prices, they are high because diesel costs 4x what it used to, and because there were a lot of crop failures this year, not solely because the subsidy has diverted some corn to being used as automotive fuel.

Mostly I'm trying to point out that extremist conservative/libertarian economic philosophy is not one that all economists adopt, and that there's a whole school of thought out there that advocates a mix of free market and government solutions.

Wal-Mart: Political bully

rougy says...

>> ^syncron:
That might be true, union influence does vary greatly throughout different industries. You cannot deny unions have a great deal of responsibility in destroying the American automotive industry though.

Actually, yes, I think that can be denied.

Colossal mismanagement had more to do with that than the assembly line workers demanding a real wage.

Wal-Mart: Political bully

syncron says...

That might be true, union influence does vary greatly throughout different industries. You cannot deny unions have a great deal of responsibility in destroying the American automotive industry though.

danemroberts (Member Profile)

American Addiction to Foreign Oil - Pickens Plan

NetRunner says...

My main problem with this plan is that it just trades dependence on oil for dependence on natural gas, and still requires a massive investment in wind to just break even on our electrical power grid, not to mention a shift in automotive technology, and a refeuling question to answer (though I'm guessing the plan is to make a filling station from your own home's natural gas lines).

He's right to say it's not the permanent fix, and while it doesn't solve all our problems, it sounds like it'd reduce overall carbon emissions, and ease some of our problems with the price of oil.

I question the validity of asking the auto manufacturers to make two shifts, one to natural gas, and then to all-electric later, though my understanding is that a shift to natural gas wouldn't be too difficult.

All in all, it isn't that bad of an idea. The benefits may outweigh the costs, and it might actually alleviate pressure at the pump while we work on a conversion to fully-electric cars.

However, looking at his website, he isn't making public any sort of cost/benefit analysis, nor does he directly state what role he's looking for government to take, he looks like he's just trying to garner grassroots support for his plan, despite the lack of detail, and that seems suspicious to me.

Pinstripers in Actions

The Great VideoSift Coming -Out Thread (Happy Talk Post)

8772 says...

I like to keep my real name a secret on the internet ;-).

I hail from a small town in central Indiana that only exists thanks to the auto industry (In other words, my city is about to go bye-bye). I'm 19, I go to IU, and I'm working towards getting a law degree, though I don't know what kind of law I want to study yet. I just lost my job because they closed one of the 3 Krogers in town and all the people that work there are coming to my store, and thus there is no room for me (Which is ridiculous- my dad is in the automotive industry, my brother is in the airline industry, and I'M the one that lost my job). Anyhoo, I have a little videogame addiction. I play 360 and Wii and I'm also quite addicted to my DS. Like...really addicted to it. I'm also an Apple fanboy.I love to read and learn and make idiotic movies. I really really love cats. I don't remember exactly how I found the sift, but I love it, and I can't tell you how many nights I've been up until dawn because I just keep messing around on here instead of doing homework. Tis a great little place y'all have got here

Channel ideas (Sift Talk Post)

firefly says...

Right now we have 65 channels, and it's getting more difficult to find something separate or unique without a lot of overlap. For example: Trailers would be covered under Cinema; Classic Animation would be Vintage, History and Animation; Chimps could fit under Dogs&Cats&Others, or Nature.
That said, JoeDirt posted a list of categories from other video sites about a year ago (look in the comments too). There are lots of repeats, but perhaps you can get inspired from one of those. (Automotive? News? Health? Weird?)
p.s. from your list, I like "Short" and "Short Film" the best.

Obama on Gas Prices

Raigen says...

>> ^MarineGunrock:
You make me laugh. Honestly, not trying to slam you or anything, but it's funny how you used the metric system for weights and the English system for distance.
Just odd, is all.

I blame the fact that I was educated in Canadian Schools, but have spent a good portion of my last decade working through the Automotive Industry and dealing with American Manufacturers.

*shakes fist*

Speed Racer Movie Extended Trailer #4

djsunkid says...

Hum! I was reading the stats for the Mach 5 in an article in some random automotive magazine at the 7/11 the other day. Top speed of 270mph (434 km/h), and 1700bhp. WTF?!

I think they said that it was like 0-60 in 2.7 seconds or something, and the quarter mile at just over 4 seconds. Holy hell.

kronosposeidon (Member Profile)

oxdottir says...

Nah. No lab coat. I'm book-ridden. I'm trying to pull a lecture out of my ... er thin air.. right now...It's the end of the quarter and my motivation is low.

In reply to this comment by kronosposeidon:
Oh...I see. Well, do you get to wear one of those cool lab coats, or is it only German automotive engineers who wear those?

In reply to this comment by oxdottir:
Yeah, I am an engineer, but not the kind with the cool hat.

In reply to this comment by kronosposeidon:
Engineering sounds cool. Are you an engineer? Sweet! I always wanted to drive one of those big locomotives.

In reply to this comment by oxdottir:
I was probably going to go for something boring like Engineering. Yeah. Just 18 more. But at this rate, I'm going to have to beg every one...

In reply to this comment by kronosposeidon:
Whoa, you're almost diamond! Have any channel ideas in mind? Don't even bother trying for a 2 Girls 1 Cup channel. Dag already shot that one down. Damn him.

185MPH Autobahn Time-lapse... that's fast.

800hp Toyota In Action

jubuttib (Member Profile)

qruel says...

I'm not gonna waste my time dispelling many of the inaccurate statements in your post. instead I will refer you to and ask that you do some reading and inform yourself as to why your statments are inaccurate.

In reply to this comment by jubuttib:
There are SO many things wrong about this that I can't even be bothered to write them all down. When the gas engine is running (and it will be, 40 miles is nothing) it's just a hybrid without the benefit of a gas engine also doing some of the work.

They already have working li-ion battery packs, even in automotive use, eg. the Tesla Roadster. And that (if you believe them) has a range of over 200 miles, not to even mention the performance difference. Sure, it's a light little thing, but still.

It looks like a Chrysler Crossfire with some beautifications made with a large sledgehammer (and the Crossfire already looked like a dog taking a dump).

It has a long bonnet, even though it supposedly has only a small gas engine and electric motors are also known to be quite small. So it doesn't have any room at the back. This would be acceptable in a city car, but by the looks of it, it ain't. And why would you need a car that can only do 40 miles if you're not using it in a city?

So it's a slow, ugly car with no place to put your stuff in, is completely useless on a longer trip compared to a normal hybrid, or even a normal car, is too big to be a proper city car, the batteries are going to blow out at some point, most likely in under 100k miles, and then you have to buy a new car.

Also the 50 mpg mentioned is pathetic, since many many many diesel cars nowadays can get more than 60 mpg, and the VW Golf TSI (gas) can get even more than that when you're going at about 40mph. If you drive less than 40 miles every day, chances are you're not going anywhere fast. "Studies suggest that 78% of drivers drive less than 40 miles per day" isn't really a good argument, since lots of people drive zero miles one day and 80 miles the next.

This car pollutes about as much as other cars in it's class while using gas, and the more people use electric cars, the more electricity is consumed, and the more pollution is created to provide that electricity.

Even better, they have a few systems in Germany that add water to diesel, which makes it more powerful, gives better mpg, and reduces the particle output (the only thing that's worse in diesels compared to best gas engines) to non-existant levels. It works for the same reason slighty moist wood burns better than bone dry wood. The systems are already working and require minimal modifications to work in existing cars.

Of course gas and diesel are going to run out at some point, and we'll have to use electric or hydrogen cars. But at this moment, and even in the future, the Chevy Volt is just rubbish.

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