Vault o' History
Updated: 1 decade 7 years 3 months 3 weeks ago
Views: 3,159

The VTech massacre was horrific. The Kent State School shootings was approved by the Government. Four Dead in Ohio
posted by Fedquip
The history of the C.I.A. bringing in LSD to American culture and the following psychedelic revolution of the '60's.
posted by silvercord
This Burke segment from the Episode "Thunder in the Skies" In this clip Burke explains how the poor survived the Mini ice age of the 16th century in manor houses. The setup is long yet fascinating but... continue reading
posted by Fedquip
An excerpt from The Fog of War, explaining the events. http://www.gwu.edu/~nsarchiv/NSAEBB/NSAEBB132/
posted by chorlton 1 decade 7 years 11 months 2 weeks ago • 1,074 viewsA 'video crash up' covering the political landscape of the 1960's, featuring mlk, jfk, rfk, malcolm x, ronald reagan, and barry goldwater. Very nicely done, great ending.
posted by deputydog
Remember 1989,June 4 - About 100,000 students and workers were protesting for freedom and democracy at beijing, tiananmen square. According to the red cross in China,2500 people died,and 7,000-10,000... continue reading
posted by eric3579
Hitler hoped the Berlin Olympics would help prove the Nazi propoganda of Aryan racial superiority - Jesse Owens won 4 gold medals that year and helped disprove it instead.
posted by redthing
unedited version of an 8mm film transfer of my grandfather's film's from cedar point in 1963.
posted by joedirt
(Audio-only) Riots occurred over multiple days following Dr. King's assassination, in 60 U.S. cities, but not in Indianapolis. "Spurning his advisors' recommendation to forego the speech, Robert Kennedy... continue reading
posted by bamdrew
Classic scene of the Ivy King, largest pure fission nuclear bomb ever tested by the United States, being dropped from a B-36H bomber from 8000 feet in the air to blinding detonation to the misty remnants... continue reading
posted by bizinichi
This 15 minute film shows the civil defense preparations (and instructions) for nuclear war in the US.
posted by chorlton 1 decade 7 years 12 months ago • 1,663 viewsExtract from "The Century of the Self" by Adam Curtis. Story behind the coup d'etat which toppled elected president Jacobo Arbenz in Guatemala in 1954. The film explains how Edward Bernays, recruited by... continue reading
posted by Farhad2000

From Mikheil Chiaureli's Padeniye Berlina / Fall of Berlin (1949) Part of the Stalin Film genre, The Fall of Berlin is regarded as the ultimate glorification of the Soviet dictator on celluloid, pretty... continue reading
posted by Farhad2000
Seabiscuit meets his uncle, the Triple Crown winner War Admiral, in a match race in 1938, and crushes him. [more inside]
posted by maudlin
A slideshow of cars that never made it.
posted by wingnut
The 1936 Olympic Games are also known as the Nazi Olympics or the Hitler Olympics. There was a lot of controversy leading up to these games since they were being held in Berlin. The Night of Broken Glass,... continue reading
posted by HistNerd
The dictatorship was overthrown and a general election was held. The Ten Years of Spring was a period of free speech and political activity, and a perception that great progress could be made in Guatemala.... continue reading
posted by plastiquemonkey
Howard Hunt, Richard Nixon, and Edward Bernays (creator of public relations, controlling the "mass mind") help out the United Fruit Company by convincing America the Guatemalan government is Communist.... continue reading
posted by plastiquemonkey