"Head Like a Hole" (also known as halo three) is the second single by Nine Inch Nails for the 1989 album Pretty Hate Machine. "Head Like a Hole" was Nine Inch Nails' first popular song, enjoying heavy... continue reading
posted by Zifnab 1 decade 7 years 6 months 2 weeks ago • 2,754 viewsPublishedVideotopromote
Created: 1 decade 7 years 4 months ago
Updated: 1 decade 2 years 3 months 3 weeks ago
Views: 8,993
Updated: 1 decade 2 years 3 months 3 weeks ago
Views: 8,993
Here's a sift playlist for all 100-gold star sifters who want a pool of worthy videos that they would like to see promoted to classic status sooner or later.
It was inspired by my UnpublishedVideosToSave* list, not surprisingly.
Suggestions are VERY welcome and very much encouraged - all reasonable suggestions will be added to the playlist; videos stay here until promoted. :)
Playlist names changed since the 3.1 upgrade.