Updated: 1 decade 5 years 7 months 2 weeks ago
Views: 1,477
For all things psychological

In 1971, 24 college students were selected to participate in an experiment that continues to shake the foundations not only of psychology, but also of experimental ethics. Twelve boys were arbitrarily... continue reading
posted by RhesusMonk
Based on numerous psychological studies, here are some good tips on how to detect lies. 91% of Americans report lying on a regular basis. No lie.
posted by kronosposeidon
A classical social psychology experiment carried out by S. Asch. The power of conformity
posted by eric3579
In stark contrast to Skinner's approach Rogers believed we shape ourselves through our own free will, as we are the centers of our won experience. So rather than Skinner's approach that we are passive... continue reading
posted by Crosswords
B.F. Skinner is probably one of the most, if not the most influential figure in American psychology, and to this day carries a large portion of adherents to his theories. Skinner was one of the earliest... continue reading
posted by Crosswords
Source: Google Tech Talks, February, 28 2008 Mindfulness meditation, one type of meditation technique, has been shown to enhance emotional awareness and psychological flexibility as well as induce well-being... continue reading
posted by Kulpims T'dna
Steven Pinker is Johnstone Family Professor of Psychology in the Department of Psychology at Harvard University.
posted by bluecliff
Most of us have heard of some of the studies Zimbardo mentions, but this full collection, in context, is pretty neat. And get a load of the groovy sideburns on the guy in the first frame... This talks... continue reading
posted by oxdottir
Saw that Derren Brown's recreation of this classic experiment was up, but that this wasn't. I guess I'm starting my own series of psych experiment videos. In 1961, on the heels of certain Nazi war crimes... continue reading
posted by RhesusMonk