its a double-W00T! day

finally got to make the diaper I've been designing (mostly in my head) and wtf actually finished it on the same day! (well okay I haven't sewn the velcro on yet but that is so freakin trivial that I actually got another design idea before I did it!)

The thing looks freakin awesome, if I do say so myself. I made all the seams where I wanted them to be (only had to seam-rip twice), remembered to tuck in the ends, got the elastic exactly where it needed to be and actually had the hems straight HOLY FUCKING MOSES!

 This diaper is the culmination of several months of blood sweat and tears and a lot of screaming in frustration.

Why? Because up until attempting this gargantuan task, I was a sewing snob: I eschewed using a machine. Because I am a perfectionist and I insist on perfect seams that are invisible. That's just fine, of course, for when you're hemming up pants or redoing a crotch seam but it ain't gonna work when it's time to sew something from scratch.

The trials and tribulations.... but now I have a fantastic machine, professional thread and material and everything is coming together smoothly, like I knew it would when I started this. "Ya gotta hve the right tools for the job Beavis" - ain't that the ever-lovin truth?!

In other news of the happy; Lil Miss seems to have settled on a feeding schedule of about every two hours now. Well, before 8pm anyway. So now I can actually get a few things DONE around here without having to stop every 20-30 minutes to be Lil Miss' food supply. (Mooo!)

Damn but she's cute though... I am greedy and eat her up with my eyes at every opportunity.

ANd now I am definitely cut down on the cigs and look to be quitting (yes again) within a month. Hard, when "gonna get a smoke" is only impetus to take a break from Lil Miss (and the boys or family in general) but I think perhaps coupled with my renewed interest in getting to a healthy weight will help: I plan to use candy. Tried and true from what I understand. Needing to gain about 15 pounds I suppose the candy plan will work wonders. And I can eat candy since I'm working out every day. Hell I NEED to eat candy.... well we won't get into all that.... fight enough with the mister as it is about my (non)eating habits. But seems like everything is dovetailing nicely.


Ain't it grand when life gives you cookies?

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