I hate myself for loving you videosift

Okay so I spend an inordinate amount of time at my laptop since Lil Miss born because when you get down to it, sitting every 1-2 hours in order to nurse gets boring quickly. Sure, I read, but there's times when you just wanna veg and then there's times when you want to connect somehow with the outside world. Thus, we have, roling both those desires into one - the IntarWebby!

I'm a wordy person. Everyone who knows me IRL knows this. Was remarking to my youngest son today that I often wonder what compells my two bestest friends to associate with my babbling self when in reality I know quite well that my pervasive locquaciousness is in fact what holds me dear to them. They are both quiet types who appreciate my ability to speak out impassioned on their behalf and yet still turn the mood to one of lightness when depth becomes awkward. Or something like that. I of course have no wish to actually detail the ministrations of our friendships because I wouldn't want to give away the secrets ofmy heart online - heavens no I am not that foolish!


In any case... gorram videosift makes life infinitely more pleasant nowadays and I wonder how i ever stood the tedium of breastfeeding before the internet came along. Oh that's right, having worked in a bookstore scant weeks before givign birth the first time, I had amassed a compendium of tomes to work through. And I keenly remember utilizing my legs far more often in order to bring variety to my life. But that was back when I lived a ten minute walk from a library, art museum and alternative-oriented video store (Theatre of the Living Arts, it was caled)  as well. Ah how I miss PHiladelphia but I know it wouldn't be the same if I didn't live in the same neighborhood as I did.

Thank gahd for the intarwebby! Thank gahd for videosift!

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