Coup D'etat Video Adventure

 There are many history coups i'd like to add to this collection, I got these two up for now, but it's dinner time. If you have know of any clips for other coups please send them my way.

Country: Chile 
Overthown: Salvador Allende - Elected in 1970
Date:  September 11th 1973
Put in Charge: Augusto Pinochet -  1973 - 1990

On the Web.
Wikipedia -Project FUBELT - Machinations in Chile in 1970 - CIA reveals covert acts in Chile 
Guardian UK - Chile Coup Special Report
Wikipedia - Chile Coup

Video from War on Democracy - /w John Pilger



Country: Guatemala
Overthrown: Jacobo Arbenz Guzmá - Elected in 1951
Date: June 27th 1954
Put in Charge: Often changing members of the Military Juntas. 

On the Web - Documents related to the 1954 Coup.
Wikipedia - Guatemala Coup 
The Consortium

Video - Journey to Banana Land - Engineering Consent /w Adam Curtis 

kulpims says...

Iran (from History Channel, found on yt):
part 1
part 2

Iran (Democracy Now, found on yt):
part 1
part 2
part 3
part 4

History Channel account of Iraq-Iran war (1980-1988)

Country: Democratic Republic of Congo (Zaire 1971-1997)
Overthown: Patrice Lumumba
What happend to him: kidnapped and killed January 17, 1961
Who was put in charge: eventualy Joseph Mobutu aka Mobutu Sese Seko
For how long: November 24, 1965 – May 16, 1997
And what happend to him: overthrown, fled to Togo, died in exile in Morroco same year
And the man who took over: Laurent-Désiré Kabila

Some other historical events CIA had its dirty hands in:

Laos 1962

Indonesia 1965

Bolivia 1967

Afghanistan 1979

Nicaragua 1981

Panama 1989, part 1

Panama 1989, part 2

kulpims says...

jonny: i'm sorry, but it seems usa was involved in most of the dirty international politics this past century and the bush/cheney administration's actions last 8 years certainly don't disprove that point

farhad2000: We could also add Romania, Pakistan, Nepal...

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