"Now what other animal can you think of that makes its habitat more livable, drops everything to keep its neighborhood safe and has a bum that smells like dessert?"

So basically any time I have vanilla ice cream with 'natural flavouring' there's a good chance I'm eating beaver arse milk?!


My family's ranch has had beavers living on it for many decades, and more than once have we had to deal with them in order to maintain the landscape.
Obviously as "humans" wanted it.
I was a kid when all this went on, so I didn't know any better, but even still this video was interesting.
Usually these science and 'did you know' videos give me a couple pieces of information I didn't know about, along with 20+ I was already aware of. This was a good one though, despite having specific memories of beavers with *white* teeth, (maybe young? different species?) this was a good learning experience.


"Its been under construction since the 70s with subsequent generations adding to it and its getting bigger every year..." I didn't know that beavers also have a medicare/medicaid program


Trust me, Castoreum is a hell of a lot better than if they tried the alternate, Santorum


So basically any time I have vanilla ice cream with 'natural flavouring' there's a good chance I'm eating beaver arse milk?!

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