Cryptocurrency Explained

Cryptocurrency explained so anyone can understand it in under one minute

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Shocker….in under 30 minutes the felon lost his investors tens of billions in his cryptocurrency pump and dump scheme. (And he suggested investing a large portion of the treasury into cryptocurrency because it would be great if American just lost half its monetary value in a single day in an unregulated market…as long as the felon makes money).

At the same time, republicans are holding California disaster aid hostage until they get a $4 TRILLION raise in the debt ceiling for this year, which they will need to do again by summer because we all know the debt is about to skyrocket by >30% a year….because fiscal conservancy means spend as much as humanly possible all on credit.

The Trump depression begins. Maybe red-book isn’t a bad idea, Americans need to learn Mandarin so they can communicate with their new bosses and landlords (unless they’re Alaskan, they need to learn Russian).


….And the Trump shit coin has dropped another 35% in one day, taking tens of billions more out of his supporters pockets and transferring it to himself (he owns 90% with no cash investment, and is the only winner).
$melania (yes, her shit coin is Smelania) also dropped over 60% since it’s inception days ago.

The crypto market as a whole is tanking largely because of this. The idiots believed Trump planned to regulate and solidify the cryptocurrency market but now see it was another grift only meant to trick them into investing in his garbage, and are suddenly realizing it’s all a huge scam controlled by billionaires to make themselves more money. Thousands of Trumptards have lost everything already just days in, right after voting to get rid of social safety nets and medical cost savings. Whodathunkit?!

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