China bankrolling Biden Center at UPenn

Mainland China paid tens of millions of dollars to a Biden Center at a top U.S. university.

Still trying to pass that dumb, debunked "Biden got $1.5 billion from China" crazy bullshit? Odd, the Center for Responsive Politics estimates Hunter Biden's net worth, as of July 2019, at between $2.14 million and $7.92 million. Where did the other $1.498 billion go, @bobknight33?

Now it's a verified fact that Ivanka got a gift valued at >$35 million, between 5 -16 times Hunter's total net worth, directly from China's government in the form of trade patents during Trump's now completely failed trade talks.

This new stupid bullshit you're peddling is OAN trying to create scandal about an alleged, unverified, anonymous donation being called a bribe from China with zero evidence beyond the accusation, reported by a hyper partisan propaganda network that's unbelievably less honest than Fox....and you bought it hook line and sinker.

That the best you got, buddy? You've really got to stop trying the same old totally debunked conspiracy theories and come up with something aren't even keeping it interesting.


Your guy and his cronies literally quote Nazi propaganda, openly support Nazis, openly support and laud dictators while denigrating democracies and democratic process both within the US and in other countries. At the same time a concerted effort has been in effect the past years to stack the courts and public service so heavily with blindly subservient ideologues to the point where laws and the constitution often have no bearing on judicial decisions any more if they impact the president or his allies.

In short, Trump has been engaging in one of the most transparently dictatorial power grabs of the twentieth and twenty-first century.

And you're worried about a report from a news agency known for inaccurate and biased reporting that maybe his opponent might have been involved in something shady (but without any actual evidence to back up their claims)? I mean it's not like Biden personally sees that money. China gives a shitload of money to US universities in general. If you want to connect the dots there, go look at Harvard, they receive a billion dollars a year from China, and yet you'd rather trace a few million because they happened to go to a school with Biden's name on it. Great detective work, Mr. Magoo!

If Trump came out in public tomorrow with a toothbrush mustache and a Nazi armband you'd still support him, wouldn't you?

If it walks like a Nazi, quacks like a Nazi, and supports Nazis, it is a Nazi.

I hope you can fill in the blanks, @bobknight33

I hope it's just that you just don't realize what you've become and you still somehow believe you're doing "the right thing", but honestly your lack of any semblance of integrity strains that perception. The alternatives, that you're intelligent and fully aware of what you're doing, or you're a propagandist for a foreign power who is merely acting in support of his own nation's goals are the less kind (but sadly more likely) interpretations.

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