The new administration fired the FAA director, froze hiring of new controllers, disbanded the aviation safety advisory board, fired the head of the Coast Guard, and the head of the TSA (both on air safety boards), threatened the jobs then offered a fake “buyout” of all federal employees (including air traffic controllers) and now that the inevitable disaster struck with the first mid air collision in decades under two weeks later he’s trying to blame Biden (who had no mid air collisions during his administration and strengthened hiring), but is doing absolutely nothing to address the deadly problems he continues to create, in fact he is trying to fire more of the understaffed agencies employees.

Edit: Early indications suggest the helicopter was having communication issues and didn’t hear the warning about the approaching plane.
Also now known, the airport traffic control was understaffed to the point where one controller controlled both planes and helicopters, which is absolutely not normal procedure. There was an official FAA notice sent to the whitehouse of this shortage this week.
There was a press release 12 hours before the crash decrying the national shortage of FAA employees after the administration fired 100 FAA employees and offered the rest a fake “buyout”, and warning there would be an accident due to massive (over 33%) understaffing which was just exacerbated by anti inclusion and loyalty test policies.

In a panic because his dismantling of the air safety boards, firing the FAA head, putting a hiring freeze on air traffic controllers who are already 30%+ understaffed, and erasing any job security for the remaining few the day before (when there was another near miss between helicopters and planes due to understaffing and the added stress he intentionally put them under) only took a day to cause a mid air crash, the moron is blaming Biden for training disabled people to work in the field….

…..obviously forgetting the order to hire more disabled people for air traffic control was made by him in 2019 because there was a shortage back then and that was his “fix” (didn’t fix anything), or hoping his people are too stupid to look it up knowing they are all too dumb to remember what happened yesterday.

Every word is a lie, every action a disaster.

America won’t survive 4 more months of this, forget 4 years.
Remember remember the 5th of November…..Where’s America’s Guy Falks? Can he make it the 5th of March instead please….we don’t have until November.


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