YouTube description:
The battle of Til Tuba reliefs are among some of the great masterpieces of ancient Assyrian art. The movement and details are truly stunning. That said, the scenes actually being depicted are anything but easy on the eye.
Join curator Gareth Brereton as he walks you through the reliefs that once decorated the last great king of Assyria's royal palace.
WARNING: includes scenes of drowning, flaying and wearing your deceased leader's head as a necklace.
DOUBLE WARNING: includes scenes of extreme royal hat misplacement.
Want to find out more about Ashurbanipal and the Assyrians? We've made you a master list of links all about Assyria's last great king :
Intro to Ashurbanipal: Learn to write "I am Ashurbanipal" in cuneiform with Irving Finkel: For more gruesome scenes of Ashurbanipal hunting lions, Gareth has written a blogpost: For Ashurbanipal's less gruesome hobbies, see this blog post on Ashurbanipal's gardens (which included pet lions that were not being hunted):
AshenkaseWhat't with the links in the description? They look suspect.
oritteropoThey are just links to articles/videos on the great Assyrian king Ashurbanipal.
Intro to Ashurbanipal: links to which is an article on the British Museum's blog.
The second link goes to a youtube video featuring Irving Finkel explaining how to write cuneiform
The third link goes to which is another article on the Museum's blog, on lion hunting in ancient Asyrria.
The final link is also on their blog, and is an article on King Ashurbanipal’s botanical gardens
What't with the links in the description? They look suspect.
MordhausI remember how the voices carried at the battle of ’til tuesday.
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