Are you a new tampon user? Do you know how to insert a compact applicator tampon correctly? If you're uncertain or scared then let us help you! This video will teach you how.
Watch our animated step-by step demonstration on how to prepare, place and remove Femina compact applicator tampons and other related-videos here: Femina's Official Blog: To learn more about your period and get updated on other menstrual-related topics, please follow us on Facebook & Twitter.
You can also learn more about our Swiss-quality tampons and other upcoming exciting offers by following us through our social media:
FB: Twitter: Alternatively, you can read our detailed step-by-step guide on how to insert a NON-applicator tampon here:
Just so it is clear for you.
How it works in general and alll.
Maybe get yourself acquainted with your woman's absorbancy and such. surprise her with a set of absorbancy pads for a gift.
@Lann I had no part in whatever gift received.
Are we clear ?
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