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The Man Behind the Most Grueling Footrace on Earth

Why Do Americans Smile So Much?

ulysses1904 says...

When I worked at Pfizer there was an interview with a Russian scientist on the internal website, after she had been working at our site for a few years. And that was one thing she commented on that took her by surprise, how strangers in the hallway would smile at her. She said it took some getting used to.

Your Brain on LSD and Acid

ulysses1904 says...

Good video. It's been 30 years since I last took it and I can't imagine taking it again anytime soon. But I never hallucinated, just felt a warm pulsing pleasant droning sensation coming off of everything. About the only way I can describe it.

Ten Tiny Mistakes That Caused Disasters

ulysses1904 says...

I take these kinds of videos with a grain of salt. Maybe after some fact-checking all 10 of these events would indeed turn out to be that cartoony and easily explained, as if Michael Moore was the producer. But I have my doubts.

And Son of Sam didn't chop anybody up.

Your Brain On Edible Marijuana

ulysses1904 says...

I ate a space-cake on arrival in Amsterdam after being up all night on the flight from Boston. And did exactly what I was warned not to do, kept eating more of it because I wasn't feeling any effects. After curling up in the fetal position for 4 hours in my hotel bed feeling like I had the flu I finally felt normal after a few beers in the hotel bar. The rest of my vacation got better after that.

What happens when you put 20,000 volts into a Watermelon?

ulysses1904 says...

Good video. And it was nice not to hear people speaking Food-Court English, what country are these guys from?

Every vehicle in the President's motorcade, explained

ulysses1904 says...

Interesting video. Reminds me of something I saw when I lived in Nashville in 2014. I left work at 5 and found that my usual route to I-40 was gridlocked. I figured I would flank whatever was causing it by turning around and taking the perimeter road around Nashville airport. A million other people had that same idea so we are inching along that road and then I noticed that Interstate 40 next to me was completely deserted, not a single car in either direction. I'm thinking some chemical or nuclear spill closed the interstate, that's all I could think of.

Then out of nowhere this massive motorcade like you see in the video comes flying down the interstate, sirens and blue lights flashing off of every vehicle. It was so surreal to see that appear on this dark empty interstate. Then the light bulb went off, I had no idea President Obama was in town, much less giving a speech at a high school 3 miles from my office.

oritteropo (Member Profile)

The Making of "Saving Private Ryan"

ulysses1904 says...

Good post. I've always been interested in the history of WWII, I'm re-reading Ken Burns' "The War" these days. The best book I have read is David Webster's "Parachute Infantry", he was a good writer who was there at the Normandy and Market Garden airdrops and also did Germany occupation duty. They did him a real disservice in the "Band of Brothers" episode "The Last Patrol", they made him out to be a weasel when he was anything but.

Things You Might Not Know: Glaciers Don't Go Backwards

How Oldschool ROM Cartridge Games Worked

ulysses1904 says...

Blast from the past, I miss my VIC-20. I learned to program in BASIC on it, that 3.5K of RAM was painful. So you gave variables one or two-letter names and borrowed the screen memory when you didn't have to display anything.

My teacher at the time despised BASIC and told me to learn Pascal. I finally understood his contempt when my first computer job involved reverse-engineering somebody's BASIC spaghetti code on a Kaypro computer.

What is the Stream of Consciousness?

Debunking Hydration/Dehydration - Adam Ruins Everything

ulysses1904 says...

This type of video is just as smarmy and over simplified as any marketing campaign. If you base your behavior on easily quotable "life hacks" then you will always be an idiot who is easily manipulated and exploited.

Is Most Published Research Wrong?

How to never have a serious poison ivy rash again.

ulysses1904 says...

Poison ivy has always been my kryptonite, although luckily I haven't had an episode in years. The worst ever was when I ran a weed whacker while wearing shorts, didn't realize I was hitting poison ivy. Both legs were a crusty, oozing mess for 2 weeks. My coworkers took pity and went out and got my lunch for me every day, knowing that walking was an ordeal. Good times.

Good video.

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