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Arnouth (Member Profile)

eurabarbieri (Member Profile)

6 Chemical Reactions That Changed History

bareboards (Member Profile)

hardpoorcorn (Member Profile)

Smarter Every Day - How Helicopter Autorotation works

vishnu007 (Member Profile)

SFOGuy (Member Profile)

lucky760 says...

Thanks so much for re-upping your chartership for another year, SFOGuy!

It's a pleasure having you here for all these years and we greatly appreciate your continued support.

kimnana (Member Profile)

gingerruzcos (Member Profile)

newtboy (Member Profile)

lucky760 says...

He did something else to get himself auto-banned by siftbot.

newtboy said:

@lucky760, I think your help is needed here. I saw earlier that @Nellak111 answered @chicchorea that his video post was not his YT video, but siftbot spambanned him anyway for some reason. Unless I'm missing something, I think he shouldn't have been auto banned.

newtboy (Member Profile)

lucky760 says...

Congrats on your big beautiful diamond, you handsome lad.

You've proven yourself quite a big steaming pillar of sift.

Well done!

Gravitational waves - the cosmic chirp

lucky760 says...

Thank goodness for this video's explanation. I kept wondering how they detected the gravitational waves and no stories explained it. The animation here was great.

Now I just wonder how they know so certainly that it was *that* 1-billion-year-old black hole collision that they detected.

Great stuff. *promote

JulianDveye (Member Profile)

lucky760 says...

Your account is active, @JulianDveye. Please just keep in mind that VideoSift is vehemently against self-promotion and if anything like that occurs, @chicchorea (or someone else) will likely slam down the ban-hammer again.


JulianDveye (Member Profile)

lucky760 says...

@chicchorea - Can you please elaborate on the reasons behind this spam-ban? As far as I can tell, @JulianDveye just joined and hasn't submitted a post nor a comment nor done anything else to hint he/she is a spammer.

Until then, I'm unbanning.

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