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Skeeve (Member Profile)

kymbos says...

Yeah, I found the link and have started watching. Given that it goes for over an hour, i'll have to find time to get through it. It's amazing enough that the experiment has been undertaken by the Portuguese, but it's even more incredible that it's not all over the news across the world. doesn't fit with the storyline, so let's just ignore the facts...

In reply to this comment by Skeeve:
Anytime. If you are still interested in the topic check out for a video of a talk given by Glenn Greenwald about the same subject.

In reply to this comment by kymbos:
Scratch that - it didn't like firefox, but it works in IE. Fascinating post, and very interesting findings. Thanks!

Skeeve (Member Profile)

Skeeve (Member Profile)

kymbos says...

I'm getting a blank screen when I click on your link. Is it me or you? Help me out? I'd love to read the article.

In reply to this comment by Skeeve:
I invite all of you arguing about the harms of drug decriminalization to take a look at Portugal. In 2001 Portugal decriminalized all drugs and it "has been an unquestionable success, leading to improvements in virtually every relevant category and enabling Portugal to manage drug-related problems (and drug usage rates) far better than most Western nations that continue to treat adult drug consumption as a criminal offense," (

All of the statistics show impressive declines in drug use, HIV infection and show a marked increase in people seeking therapy for drug abuse. A lot can be learned from their example.

Farhad2000 (Member Profile)

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