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Nuclear energy is awesome

jmd says...

I havn't dived enough into it. I saw the "if we covered only this blip of the us, we could power the entire nation" argument a while ago and this is what I got from a quick google search. Not in a position to explore solar power myself as a means so I haven't been paying that much attention to it.

Nuclear energy is awesome

Nuclear energy is awesome

jmd says...

Bullshit. If we actually put our foot down and put up enough solar panels we would be golden. But there is no one who wants to finance that now. No one in the big sector wants to because they have their money elsewhere like oil, so that leaves us consumers to figure it out and so we need to tech to become cheap enough for consumers to pick it up. There is zero reason why solar energy would not solve everything on a technical level. It just requires a hefty investment.

ChaosEngine said:

3: Invest heavily into other energy sources. And, like it or not, that's got to include some form of nuclear. Renewable (solar, wind, tide) etc, will help, but they won't cover all of our energy needs and they have their own problems. So ideally, it's fusion, but practically, thorium seems the next best bet.

Why Do Paper Cuts Hurt So Much?

jmd says...

You also gotta consider that paper burns the surface with friction before breaking the surface of the skin. However I think the culprit is still location, location, location. I can get scrapes around all areas of my skin, but finger tips where most sensory nerves are clustered are generally cut by something blunt that I have pressed into hard enough.

Transforming Formula One: 2014 Rules Explained by Red Bull

jmd says...

I like the hybrid system, imagine if it could be used as a sort of electronic NOS system? That would add a HUGE strategy element to the race. I could be interested in watching a few of this years races now.

Statism Is Dead ~ The Matrix As A Metaphor

Quantum Computing Explained

jmd says...

The day we do get quantum computing, encryption will be a thing of the past. There really will be no such thing as an uncrackable code (where is said code is recallable and usable again).

Everything You Need To Know About Digital Audio Signals

jmd says...

charliem, my guess is that was not the intent. The issues you bring up seem to be a non issue when dealing with digital audio editing and playback in terms of music/movies and the pc in either a consumer or professional environment. His first video touched with a number of subjects dealing with video formats, audio formats, containers, and how their streams are packed.

Everything You Need To Know About Digital Audio Signals

Everything You Need To Know About Digital Audio Signals

jmd says...

I am still going through his last video which I think he takes on compression, but I can tell you right now as for mp3, it is cd-quality, but it is not cd. Even at high bitrates, the high frequencies get hit hard. It is pretty sad we continue to let our music suffer with a lot of people still compressing to mp3. If you look hard enough though you will find people using FLAC, and apples high bitrate AAC files are great. Anime fansubs which are probably more fickle about quality and standards then the Hollywood movie pirate scene are now all using AAC in their mp4 file instead of bad old mp3. Although in its defense, MOST movie rips are AC3/DTS, or at least offer it aside long its MP3 stereo track.

MilkmanDan said:

Thanks for the reply and sharing your expertise -- sounds like you'd confirm everything that the video said.

This probably just displays my ignorance more, but specifically with regards to the MP3 format, do you think it adds any noticeable compression artifacts even at high-quality settings? Part of my problem was that I was thinking of MP3 *bit*rate as sampling rate (128 kbit/s = 128 kHz, which is not at all correct). But still, MP3 is a lossy format (obviously since one can turn a 650M CD into ~60M of 128k MP3s, or still a large filesize savings even for 320k) and even my relatively untrained ear can sometimes hear the difference at low (say, 128k or lower) bitrates.

I guess that a music producer wouldn't record/master anything in a compressed format like MP3, so that is sort of entirely separate from the point of this video and your comment. But just out of curiosity, do you think that people can detect differences between a 16 bit 44 kHz uncompressed digital recording (flac maybe?) and a very high quality MP3 (say, 320 kbit)?

YOU have been opening packets of spaghetti wrong

Wormholes & Portal 2 - Sixty Symbols

Wormholes & Portal 2 - Sixty Symbols

jmd says...

charlie, nah, its a bad fps. The videos FPS is pretty good...atleast 20+ if not very close to 30. There is smooth hand shake without tearing. If we had any synch issues with the lcd monitor then we would be seeing torn frames on the monitor. For the most part however LCD camera captures have very little frame defects, only poor image quality overall.

What sucks is this probably made it impossible for him to spot the question SS viewers probably wanted answered. That is, the physics of the player as they translate through portals. Speedy thing goes in, speedy thing comes out. Most people would agree that a hand held gun that can paste wormholes onto walls is pure scifi, and couldn't happen to us in a thousand years. But instead lets imagine that portal wormholes exhist, how accurate is portal 2's experience to how they would react in real life.

The whole feedback thing was really interesting though, the reason we can see through the portals is because light radiation is streaming through the portal to our eyes. If you stuck a portal infront of you and then a portal behind you, light radiation would stream in and out of the portals into an infinite feedback loop causing catastrophic energy output.

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