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Daylight Saving Time 101

jimnms says...

Instead of changing the clocks, just change "normal" business hours back 1 hour and keep it there, so instead of 9-5, it's 8-4. One place I worked I had the hours of 7-3 and I loved it. I got off work and had plenty of daylight to get things done.

The Real Reason Jaywalking Is A Crime

Who Is Stephen Colbert?

jimnms says...

I liked the old show better, but some of it still has a little vibe of the old Colbert Report. I watched it for the first week and quit. I never cared much for late night talk shows. I used to occasionally watch Letterman and a few others, but I only like the opening bits. I don't care to watch interviews of celebrities, so I quit watching when the interviews started. Even with the Daily Show and the old Colbert Report I rarely watched the interview portion.

MonkeySpank said:

I never thought I'd say this, but I am not sure I like these new Colbert segments :'(

Nuclear energy is awesome

jimnms says...

Burning coal releases more radioactive material in the environment than nuclear power. [1] [2]

cryptoz said:

This is absurd. Current pollution could wipe out our speices and maybe all the animals... but the planet would survive and could replenish. Cover the place in radiation for 500 million years and its screwed.

I'm not against new forms like the end of the video talks about but sticking the nuke drug into the problem with the hopes that maybe someday we will have a treatment is a stupid crack pipe dream.

To Scale: The Solar System

The Science of Six Degrees of Separation

Smarter Every Day - The Archer's Paradox

jimnms says...

I don't see fist bumps much, but when I do, it's like @eric3579 said, they're usually between friends, after accomplishing something to express how awesome it was and a high-five just won't cut it. I've never personally seen anyone substitute a fist bump for a hand shake, but I have heard that people that have a fear of hand shakes and/or germs do substitute fist bumps for hand shakes.

As for your story, if the guy had been changing oil on cars all day, he may have offered the fist bump as an alternative to a high-five or hand shake out of courtesy because his hands were dirty.

lucky760 said:

I don't tend to see anyone fist-bumping anyone in real life.

Funny story (that my wife and I often chuckle about): I was fist-bumped exactly once that I can remember, but it's the why that's so funny. Employee at an oil change shop was talking to me and asked about my kids. I told him I have two boys. He then told me he had two boys. Then he, with all of his Hispanic machismo glory, nodded with a knowing grin and said these exact words: "That's right. Real men know how to make boys." Then he reached his fist out to me and as I guffawed with laughter inside and was perplexed by his infant-like nonsensical logic hesitantly reached up to allow the fist-bump to happen so as not to leave him hanging.

Now every time we discuss the fact that we have two boys either I or my wife will say with a straight face "That's right. Real men know how to make boys." and we'll give one another a deadpan fist-bump before we simultaneously bust up with laughter.

How Good Is Your Eyesight?

Why Does Toothpaste Make Everything Taste Bad?

jimnms says...

Or you could just eat first then brush your teeth. Didn't your dentist tell you to brush your teeth after eating?

GE Advanced Materials Commercial - Destroying Everyday Stuff

Fat Shaming Vs. Fat Acceptance

Does the Theory of Evolution Really Matter

This is what it looks like to learn a language in one year

Chris Hadfield Talks About the Effects of Weightlessness

Is it the Higgs Boson? - Sixty Symbols

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