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calvados says...

Cool, thanks for that, Rembar.

In reply to this comment by rembar:
Sorry for the late response, I've been terribly busy warring on a sift about "remote viewing", of all things. What I wrote to Jonny:

"By the by, I took a bit to go look for my notes I took while watching that video of the cat on LSD, but I can't find the right binder. The info I've found is this: the experiments were performed at Wright-Patterson Air Force Base by Dayton, OH as part of the MKULTRA project. I'll check around a bit more and tell you if I find my notes.

*edit* The video uploader says: I took this clip from 'Thomas Pynchon: A Journey Into the Mind of TP', a movie-documentary by Donatello & Fosco Dubini (2001). Hope that helps."

In reply to this comment by calvados:
Can you provide some exposition on the full version and/or point us to a video link?

In reply to this comment by rembar:
LadyBug, I understand where you're coming from, but I can't say I agree. I don't have time to do an informative writeup, but I had to watch the full version of the USAF LSD experiments and then comment on the process and results. I certainly wasn't sifting this video for giggles, I was hoping to add some info, but I got distracted trolling drforeverclear. *sigh*. I had been hoping to make this more of an informative post, rather than something "for posterity" or "you need to see this" or whatnot.

To this end, I am posting a documentary about the Milgram experiment and others.

rembar (Member Profile)

calvados says...

Can you provide some exposition on the full version and/or point us to a video link?

In reply to this comment by rembar:
LadyBug, I understand where you're coming from, but I can't say I agree. I don't have time to do an informative writeup, but I had to watch the full version of the USAF LSD experiments and then comment on the process and results. I certainly wasn't sifting this video for giggles, I was hoping to add some info, but I got distracted trolling drforeverclear. *sigh*. I had been hoping to make this more of an informative post, rather than something "for posterity" or "you need to see this" or whatnot.

To this end, I am posting a documentary about the Milgram experiment and others.

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