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marinara (Member Profile)

RedSky says...

Not really that worried about it, just found the video interesting

But yeah, I agree especially since overpopulation and high birth rates are related to economic prosperity, as more countries grow themselves out of poverty, global populations will grow at a slower rate and the problem will go away by itself. Hell, it's even already projected.

Issues that appear to be less important though, which require actual action rather than happening automatically and contradict the interests of corporations, like the ones you mentioned well yeah might as well give up hope on those, so you don't let yourself down

In reply to this comment by marinara:
ahh i know you're smart real smart but dont' worry about overpopulation. worry about aquifer loss in the midwest, loss of habitat resulting in species loss... even industrial chemicals causing buildups and knocking down the ecosystem.

the big things will take care of themselves so don't worry.

Fusionaut (Member Profile)

Deano (Member Profile)

campionidelmondo (Member Profile)

RedSky says...

It's no longer ever super tiny but for youtube videos in particular and maybe some other embeds as well: when I open them as a new window from the queue, they initially are smaller sized than if I refresh that same page after - in which case they stretch out all the way to the right sidebar. Not a problem for me per-se but just thought I'd let you know about it.

In reply to this comment by campionidelmondo:
This isssue should be resolved. Can you confirm that, please?

In reply to this comment by RedSky:
>> ^RedSky:
Some videos come up in very small embeds. Not all the time though, I refresh and it's fine.

I'm still getting this issue a lot, odd that nobody else seems to have brought it up. I use Iron, which is a no spyware version of Google Chrome if that helps.

marinara (Member Profile)

arvana (Member Profile)

RedSky says...

Hehe fair enough, I really wasn't expecting you to reveal your sources of bountiful star giving goodness anyway, just giving credit where credit's due

In reply to this comment by arvana:
Hey thanks for this nice comment!

I can't claim any credit really, I just follow a bunch of blogs, they post great videos and I pass them along. That and I spend quite a bit of time in front of the computer!

In reply to this comment by RedSky:
arvana where do you find all this awesomeness?

ponceleon (Member Profile)

RedSky says...

Ah alrightey cool, yeah I think I might have seen Porco Rosso at some point that's why it struck a bell

In reply to this comment by ponceleon:
Originally it was an image from Porco Rosso, but when I got my gold star a sifter drew an actual picture of it and I was so flattered, I decided to adopt it as my avatar!

In reply to this comment by RedSky:

Where's your avy from by the way? Always came off as strangely familiar ...

marinara (Member Profile)

13409 (Member Profile)

RedSky says...

Oh well I didn't know for certain but I was just basing it on what the source vid said.

In reply to this comment by lorax2000:
Not sure how you are establishing that he is gay. Seems like an assumption, but I don't know him and don't live in his area.

I'd be more comfortable if this was labeled "Sissy-man girly-puss poncy squeek-boy sees a roach." It's important to be sensitive...

lucky760 (Member Profile)

10722 (Member Profile)

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